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Everything posted by EdH

  1. Yup. I am not even sure if they plan to roll it out to all apps. The way Win32 apps work with displays is a mess. They still haven't figured out a graceful transition from regular to HDPI displays without the developer having to rework the app.
  2. Understand first of all I am not an employee nor do I speak for Evernote. I am just speculating as to why there is no Dark Mode yet on Windows. I think it is a bit overblown to say they are putting users at a health risk. That is a bit like me complaining that Evernote doesn't change the "Changed Date" for a note when I change tags, so when I sort by recent changes to see which notes I tagged with "Birthday Gifts" I didn't see a note for my nephew's gift because it had an older "changed date" - ergo Evernote hates children. Dark mode has nothing to do with blue light. You want to use the "Night Light" settings in Windows. You can control the time, or let it go along with sunrise/sunset times in your location, and you can adjust the color temperature to your preferences. This is OS wide, so Evernote is affected.
  3. Windows just got real DarkMode support with 1809, which is still not out for the vast majority of the people, and what I've seen, isn't nearly up to par with what macOS did with Mojave. I'm sure it is in the pipeline, but they may be waiting until Dark Mode on WIndows 10 is up to snuff, or at least available to a lot of people via 1809.
  4. I’d give anything to go back to Evernote for iOS circa 2014 or so. It was insanely fast and reliable. This newer version has so much c r a p going on in the editor it slows it down. Why can’t I just get a blank note and not this embedded template stuff. Make a button for that if I want it. But it got slow long before templates. I think the common editor across platforms may be what has ruined it. I swore I wouldn’t subscribe to Drafts because for me it is too expensive, but I am rethinking that. I’d pay good money, above the $80/yr I already give to Evernote, to be able to open a new note and start typing.
  5. Same. It takes forever to even get a blank note to pop up and be usable and sometimes it fails to save what I type.
  6. Not sure why. No one is using 32bit Windows that you support anyway. These stats indicate less than 2% are on a 32bit platform, and most of that is Windows 7, which is EOL'd in about a year.
  7. I do find it odd that the Windows client is the only 32bit client you have now. All the rest are 64 bit.
  8. I wish they would. They converted to 64bit on the Mac I think last year.
  9. Prepare for it. There are already features in iCloud not supported by iOS 9, and anything earlier than iOS 5 cannot connect at all. At some point those versions will crank up and iOS 9 won't be supported either. Will that be in 2020, 2023, 2025? only apple knows. https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204230
  10. Part of that may be security, which is a big part of Evernote. They recently rendered all but 2 versions of EN for Windows obsolete a few months ago. I suspect they routinely remove old versions from all platforms so they don't have to go back and figure out if the thing they just updated on their cloud server has any adverse effects on old versions, especially security issues. Again, 8 year old device running an OS 4 versions old communicating with a cloud server that is updated daily. At some point, you cannot expect it to work. It isn't like Minesweeper on Windows. If you get one to run from Windows 95 on Windows 10, no real harm can come from it. That can be very different with something that is supposed to keep your data secure. Heck, in 2011 (when iPad 2 was released) everyone was still using TLS 1.0 or 1.1 for online encrypted communications. Now that is has been blocked by just about every reputable service in the last 18 months. I saw my old Windows Phone devices get blocked a few years ago when they could no longer authenticate certificates with SHA1, and SHA256 or better became mandatatory. That is just how stuff works today, which is good actually. You could try Evernote on the browser at www.evernote.com, but I suspect Safari in iOS 9 may not be secure enough to connect or smart enough to read the site HTML, or a combination of both.
  11. This didn't change when Job's died. They haven't violated the EULA. The policy has remained the same. So you can still trust it. But you have to know what is in it, and not assume your expectations are in it.
  12. if you have the old Evernote app in your iTunes library on your PC/Mac, you can install it. You can try the instructions here. As far as the right to run it, I don't think, in the thousands of words in it, that is not included in the iOS EULA you agreed to. Tends to be one sided - i.e. what Apple wants.
  13. Yes. At some point developers stop supporting older iOS platforms as it both requires more resources to update for multiple iOS versions. As it is, Evernote is supporting 3 iOS versions (10, 11, 12). Plus, you have increasingly fewer and fewer users using it making supporting it via updates even more expensive per user to do. That iPad was released in early 2011, so it is now over 7 years old, and Apple themselves stopped supporting it in 2016 with iOS 10. The biggest thing is Apple has moved 100% to 64 bit apps for iOS, and Evernote has followed. The iPad 2 (and 3 for that matter) are 32bit only. I know it sucks, but apps cannot be updated forever for older devices. And Apple has chosen not to allow older apps to remain in the store. This is not a thing Evernote or any other developer has any control over.
  14. Thanks Rich. I have blocked the cookie. I don't even have a facebook account, and am bothered by how much Facebook still tracks me. I don't want Facebook OR ANY social network to know what I am doing on Evernote. It is one thing to have it on the general evernote.com site for likes or whatever, but quite another IMHO when I am logged into my account. That should be bare bones to allow Evernote's service to function, not to retarget users on social media sites, or provide Facebook any data for EN users that don't have Facebook accounts.
  15. Come on.... why are you letting Facebook place cookies into our Evernote account when we log in? Really? Facebook? You are letting facebook place cookies into our Evernote web sessions. Unbelievable.
  16. Uninstalling/reinstalling and logging off/on doesn't change your local database, which is likely where the corruption is. See if this will help you figure out the issue: Click the sync button. It will fail, but put fresh data in the log. Click Help|Activity log. Can you scroll through that and see if you see any errors? You might want to copy it to Notepad or something where you can more easily search. If that doesn't help, go to ALL of your notes - click ALL NOTES in upper left. Make sure you are in List View - press the little dropdown next to the Search Notes box and make it Top List. Right-click on the columns and ensure that "Sync" is checked. It will be very near the bottom. Sort your notes by Updated - click the Updated column. Now scroll through and look for recent notes that have a black dot. Those have NOT sync'd changes and may be holding up the sync process. If you can find them, you can fix them by Creating a new note copying and pasting all data to the new note delete the old note delete the old note from the trash can. Corrupt notes in the trash can will still prevent syncing. Wash, rinse, repeat. If that doesn't help, you may need to contact support. There can be other issues in your database that can cause problems. If you don't care about anything on your PC and are sure that your Evernote cloud has all of the data, you can: log off of Evernote Rename your Evernote.exb file - this is your local database. Or move it somewhere else, like your desktop. Log in. Evernote will redownload everything and create a new database. BUT YOU WILL LOSE ANY CHANGE NOT SYNC'D, and you will lose any notebooks you have designated as Offline only. So this is a last resort. If you have any offline only notebooks, you need to export those first, then import after you have let Evernote recreate the database. Once you are up and running, and have confirmed you have all of your notes again, you can safely delete the Evernote.exb file you renamed or moved in step 2 above.
  17. I've seen too often Evernote will create a conflict early in note creation as it is setting it up in the cloud and during that, you are typing and it thinks there is a problem. Just look at the others. Delete them if they are not needed. If you do see info in them not in the one Evernote decided to keep, either keep those, or copy|paste the data out of them into the one you are keeping.
  18. I have OneDrive for Business on this machine, and it is blue. OneDrive (consumer) itself is a black/white icon, so while that is techincally monochrome, that is the product's branding and is consistent with the app, folder icons, and the system tray app. At least on my machine, Evernote is the only app that has a system icon tray icon that isn't a mini-me version of the taskbar icon.
  19. Agreed. Monochrome to me is the default windows stuff like battery level and wifi. All of my other apps, including MS apps (Outlook, Teams, OneNote, OneDrive) are not monochrome and are easily identifiable and associated with their parent app.
  20. Yup. Every version in that old repository is now dead except for a select few that are supported. No more going back to 5x or anything...
  21. From https://evernote.com/blog/ceo-notebook-evernote-brand/ I hope so. Because it hasn't worked out that way so far in the last 2+ years. Product reliability is not near what it should be. I don't even know where to start with this one. My cursor continues to jump around, the the cursor at the bottom of the note is below my screen, general releases get published with sync errors that were clearly identified in the beta builds, merging notes can still cause data loss - which can be corrected if you notice and retrieve from the trash can, and the UI still freezes way too often. And that just touches the surface of the issues identified in the forums. This is just frustrating. The wrong thing is being focused on. This feels like something that was done to garner some positive press on a snazzy new icon and font, not something that would actually improve the reliability of the product.
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