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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Are you using the Version 10 product? - Applescript isn't supported Use the Evernote Legacy product
  2. Something like that, except .* should be :*
  3. reminderTime:day -reminderTime:day+1 -reminderDoneTime:* to exclude completed reminders Your search (reminderTime:day) ignores past-due reminders and undated reminders I like to use all reminders (reminderOrder:*) then exclude future dated, exclude completed
  4. No news on implementing Applescript integration Applescript is critical for my workflow and this prevents me from switching to Evernote Version 10 Also looking at Devonthink; Apple only, no cloud/web access I'm liking it - got all my scripts converted
  5. Twitter @evernotehelps Changing email address is a diy function in your user settings
  6. I'm looking at Devonthink. There's no notebooks, just "groups". Tags are a "special group" Groups can be nested
  7. The reminder feature is only supported at the note level I also use single task notes My task lists (matrixes) are table-of-contents notes created from the task notes
  8. Users are constantly posting about organization problems caused by notebooks and the lack of hierarchy I point them to Evernote's primary organization tool (tags) >>The people want nested notebooks and this thread is their place to express that desire to EN. To indicate support use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  9. Using the Notebook page, I create a shared notebook The screenshot is a sample for the Development Team At the bottom, I add team members We have various project underway (identified by tag:Project-aaaaaa) A simple search lists all the notes for the project For notes to be shared, I assign them to this notebook The tags get shared along with the notes; hierarchy does is not shared
  10. I use tags for note organization I use notebooks to identify notes as - online/local - private/shared - offline - inbox (default)
  11. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion of this feature We know the Version 10 product is a work-in-progress and were told we should use the Legacy Product if the missing features are important to our workflow
  12. I'm wondering about the "import" Are you actually trying to import data?
  13. For myself, we are all still using the Evernote Legacy product There's some testing going on but the opinion is that the Version 10 product isn't ready for general use
  14. Your "print to PDF" plan fails on preserving attachments I'm using the Evernote Legacy product and my data backups include a weekly full export in HTML format The Evernote legacy product can be installed from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. Windows C:/users/<youraccount>/appdata/roaming /evernote Mac /Users/<youraccount>/Library/Application Support/Evernote
  16. Be advised the local database is only used for offline access Evernote is a cloud service, accessing data on the servers I'm not sure this causes slowness by definition
  17. Confirmed - the local offline database is no longer a single .exb file Data is distributed over various folders, with attachments stored in separate folders for each note The single .exb file (SQLite database) was a Windows feature. Macs always used distributed folders
  18. The master version of your data is stored on the Evernote servers Verify your data is ok using a web browser and login at www.evernote.com
  19. All-notes export is not currently supported in the Version 10 product Personally, I use the export feature in the Evernote Legacy product on a Mac It supports export of all notes; also automatic export of each notebook via a script
  20. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  21. After storing in Evernote, I delete the OS file copy btw I'm using an import folder with Evernote Legacy on a Mac The import and delete are automatic The word document is saved in native format as a note attachment file
  22. Currently, the Version 10 product only supports export in .enex format Please add the option for .html format; a separate file for each note edit: .html export option has been implemented Also maintain Notebook and Tag data by using the OS folder/tags Also maintain creation/modification dates using the OS fields Currently, selection is restricted to 50 notes or a notebook We should be able to select any number of notes, or the entire database
  23. Disabling auto update is a good practice For Mac/Widows, Evernote provided an opt-out solution with Evernote Legacy
  24. Yes, offline notebooks are an optional feature for Plus and Premium subscriptions (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157-Compare-Evernote-subscription-plans) Note, the feature is disabled by default. We have to enable offline download for specific notebooks
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