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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The master copy of your notes is maintained on the Evernote servers. You do not have to use a PC app to transfer notes between mobile devices. Copies of notes are not maintained on mobile devices (exception for Offline Notebooks) You should just be able to log in and access your account's notes
  2. There is no device limit on paid subscriptions The limit is on simultaneous devices.
  3. Does OneNote allow table creation in IOS? I was under the impression it was a limitation of the operating environment - Apple hasn't released the feature for use by apps Sure, Evernote could implement their own code for this and other things (Mouse support) but generally they make use of the operating system resources
  4. All I can say is that I disabled auto-formatting on my Mac, both in the OS and Evernote
  5. If you really want to use Evernote for recurring reminders, I would use a script tool to 1. Mark the reminder as done 2. If recurring - reset the reminder date to the next occurence On my Mac, I could do this using Applescript Also, I don't rely on the Reminder email. I use a saved search to show open reminders
  6. Can you provide more details on this. Annotation is not usually the term applied with spreadsheets
  7. If my note is static information (not being updated), I always convert to PDF format. This protects it from accidental updates, and I prefer the view-as-attachment On my Mac, I right-click on the note and select convert-to-pdf. It's do-able on other platforms, but more complicated
  8. So the "It's a shame that Evernote do not care about us." becomes "It's a shame that Evernote do not care about us developers" Really, it should be "It's a shame that Evernote doesn't consider this request a high priority" Please add your vote; voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion
  9. That's a new topic, and it's not cool to highjack Saferoom's discussion I use encrypted pdfs. It's actually two steps; Convert to pdf then Encrypt PDF
  10. Currently, I have to address this on two sides As you said, a button on the note for Archive I'd also need a button to indicate when Archived notes are hidden or displayed for example searches
  11. Moved to the General Discussions Forum On my Mac, the use counts are listed for each tag There is no automatic deletion Every so often I do a review and correct entries manually I use a hirarchy so all my tags are under parent tags. This makes new tags stand out, for review - valid entries get assigned a parent - mispellings are corrected - empty tags are deleted
  12. >>exclude a notebook from a search Moved to the feedback forum to be better addressed as a feature request. Please use the voting buttons in the upper left corner to show your support
  13. Yes - its a pain to have to include this in every search With saved searches, its a one time thing but fwiw I use a keyboard shortcut so I don't have to type the entire search term
  14. I need to identify a note to be archived. This is what I meant by "tagging system" In the current system; alternatives are an actual tag, or move to a Notebook. I don't know how this can be done "by default" I don't understand the separate "archive" space I need to specify if a search should include/exclude archived items In the current system; the only alternative is a search parameter
  15. "Selective Sync" is a differnt topic from Archiving You can go the discussion below and add your vote
  16. Got it, I wasn't aware there's a new EULA, but there's plenty of FUD being posted. This relates to the discussion here
  17. Could you provide more details - from what I can see Evernote was never in the "Linux Business" or is this a different topic than "Evernote for Linux"
  18. This is a posted feature request - please indicate your support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. Currently there are 3 votes There are work-arounds; for example the bullet list feature Personally, if I have serious word processing to do I switch to a dedicated app The Evernote editor / format works well for me with basic notes
  19. Did you indicate your support by adding your vote? Voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. Currently, this request only shows 18 votes. Personally, I'm satisfied using a tag to indicate archived notes and resolve the "non-searchable" request
  20. Are you looking for assistance in restoring your notes contents? When I lose data, I restore from my personal backups, or from Evernote's Note History archives. Note History is a paid feature, but you can subscribe for a single month.
  21. My request would have been for Evernote to stop monkeying around with search terms If I search for "to $29.34 **?" This is exactly what should be searched
  22. I can share single notes as public links On my Mac, I right click on the note and get this menu
  23. My experience with public notebook links is that the user is given two options Install Evernote and log in as a user View notebook in a browser
  24. I don't know what your exact issue is On my Mac, I can publish a notebook (create a public link) and share it My preference is to share a table-of-contents note, so the linking is done at the note level
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