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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The last response I read was We appreciate the feedback, and we'll consider both of these for future releases. No update so far, although datestamp keyboard (eternal) shortcuts were implemented for the IOS platform In addition to the keyboard shortcut, I use the FastEver app which includes a datestamp >>I'm about to move everything to OneNote Good Bye, Good Luck
  2. I can't control the opening screen, but I have a shortcut item for quick access to my Daily Task list. Are shortcuts an Android feature?
  3. I would rename the note titles, so they are easily identified Then change the Notebook to your usual notebook The note should then sync to the web/server and be visible on your phone
  4. In addition to syncing to the Evernote servers, my backup process includes an HTML export of Evernote data This is a nightly export of changed notes, so versions of a note are backed up For one-of fixes, I rely on these backups If Evernote fails for whatever reason, I can access my notes using these backups If I'm missing data in a note, I can go to these backups and copy/paste the data If the entire note is missing, I can drag the note from these backups to Evernote For the most part, my data is restored but it will need some cleanup - The title is maintained, but no other metadata - This will be a new note, any previous links will be invalid To augment this backup: Each week, I redo my single full backup in enex format. I would use this if somehow mass #s of notes got dropped from my Mac, then dropped from the servers in the sync process My Mac has time-machine backups of the database folder(s) >>How can this serve as a backup if you can't import the HTML files back into Evernote? If Evernote fails to run for whatever reason, this is my backup for access to my notes
  5. Apple Notes? I'm an Apple fanboy - been using Notes from the beginning There's been great improvements lately Still, I don't consider it an Evernote replacement for me - I like Evernote's tag/search organization - Its important for me to have an exit strategy
  6. For multi-tag notes, sorting by tags gives you something like a a a,b a,x a,x,z b b,x c c x z It works for the first tag; all the a's are together Falls apart for the second tag - you can see the b's and x's are spaced apart Then when you create a new tag like !Now, the a's are no longer together
  7. My favourite app for note taking on my iPad is Notability. While Editing, I store the file in its native format as an attachment; when finished, the app exports to pdf >>The encrypted pdf output can then be shared via email to evernote as an attachment. Thats why I like the pdf format - it's so portable Also in my backups
  8. Sorry, my process is to wait and do this on my Mac - it's built into the Mac OS Others will better advise you on a mobile process. There's actually two challenges: convert to PDF, then encrypyt PDF
  9. The best way is to try it out and see how it works for you There are two export formats The .enex format has a single purpose, as an import file All notes are consolidated into a single file If used in an import; new notes are created in a new Import Notebook - the new notes are duplicates of the previous notes; except for Notebook and links The .html format creates an separate export file for each note It can't be used as a direct import, but the information and compatibility is very close to the note in Evernote edit: the export can be used as a single note import
  10. It depends on the platform, but on my Mac I can list all my notes and then Edit > Select All Warning: Notebook info is not maintained on the export. Some users do separate exports for each notebook
  11. An interesting feature I use on my Mac is to simply drag a note title into another note. It creates the link. I understand it also works in Windows
  12. I've seen no indication Evernote is interested in implementing encryption beyond text within notes I'd recommend looking to alternate methods I use encrypted pdfs
  13. That is correct. My comment related to sorting notes into tag sequence The note order only applies to the first tag
  14. I have the same problem with the tag list.This leads to another request - implement tag hierarchy in IOS
  15. On other platforms (Mac), I can display a tag column and actually sort by it It's not too useful with notes having multiple tags: the sort is only applied to the first tag
  16. I understand collaboration is in the works, but this need to shut down the app is an error to be addressed
  17. Just switching to another note doesn't work? I'd open a support ticket for this Contact Evernote Support
  18. Doesn't seem to be any response - Are you having an issue?
  19. Evernote has given no indication of an intention to add reverse alphabetical order to the sort options One alternative I use is to add a prefix to the title to control the sequence If you add a "-" to the title, that note will show at the top of the list
  20. The reminder icon is just a filter on your note list and has no sequence associated Click on the actual text R e m i n d e r s to see your notes in reminder date sequence
  21. Easy if you have a Mac, not so great for those with just an iPad/iPhone I direct much content to my Inbox Notebook, and follow up on my Mac. This seems a better process than email I also do tag management on my Mac. IOS v8 doesn't allow editing tagnames
  22. A concept to pare your task list to a manageable level, is Next Action from GTD (Getting Things Done) Yes, your project has 200 tasks, but you don't need to obsess on 199 of them. Identify the Next Action, and focus on that task When you complete that task, identify the new Next Action and focus on that
  23. As previously discussed, this is not a feature in Evernote IOS, even with hope or bad press If encryption is important to you, you will have to look at third party products
  24. Reboot your device Delete and reinstall the app Warning - the current version (v8) is having some issues. You might want to wait until things get stable
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