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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. The latest release (6.11 Beta 1) allows you to right-click on a stack - it has to be on the Notebook Page though
  2. This works much better as a request if you modify the subject to "Reinstatement of Card View"
  3. The badge is showing a count of your outstanding reminders You can clean up your reminders, or turn off the notification in settings
  4. I switch to title sequence, and I control my note sequence using a prefix on the title For example "-project aaaa" causes my project master note to be at the top "+task bbbb" causes my task notes to be next "++next action cccc" causes my next action tasks to be at the top of my tasks
  5. Voting buttons are in the upper left corner of the discussion Evernote is aware of the request, but so far has decided to not implement password protected/encrypted notebooks
  6. My comment related to the difference between text editing and word processing. While I aggree with adding styles. I don't agree with instead of bold/italic/underline Regardless; you've posted the request Users can indicate their support using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion
  7. These posts are now in the request forum. You can use the voting button in the top left corner of the discussion
  8. Sounds more of a word processsing function than text editing You didn't indicate a platform. The Windows/Mac platforms have more features, but no styles yet. There's still hope for heading styles - they're part of the html format standard
  9. You can subscribe for a single month and get access to the backups
  10. Card view is still an option on Macs Not Card View but you have some options in IOS; size, text and images
  11. I've not seen any indication either way. My solution is to highlight text and use the keyboard shortcut The official shortcut is control-command-K but I changed this to something easier to remember
  12. Is this specific to any platform? I have card view option on my Mac
  13. Thanks; turns out that was more of a Create New Note on Recurring basis I don't mind taking the Recurring part outside of Evernote; I would include a link back to a single note in Evernote
  14. I'd be interested in the details I don't think this will be a feature in Evernote and we must look at alternatives
  15. That's the spirit. If you need features not offered by the Evernote editor there are lots of editors out there. Not sure TextEdit would be my choice, but if it works for you
  16. I don't believe I'm being ignored I believe that Evernote hasn't implemented this request (and others) for whatever reasons I can live with that ------------------------------------------------------------- There's a story about a man who prayed because his wife was dying After his wife passed away, someone said they were sorry God hadn't answered his prayers. The man replied that God had answered but had said No
  17. Wow, can you say close minded I was actually responding to the "Hard to understand" post I'm able to understand things As to "indefensible" everything has pro's and con's. We could discuss this but ultimately it's Evernote's choice of which features to implement And my choice to use Evernote for my filing, and to use the editors that provide the features I need Good luck on your Support ticket - it seems a foolish exercise but I'm interested in seeing the results. There are hundreds of feature requests, and these forums are the method Evernote has set up to process them
  18. You need to understand that Evernote isn't "The App To Replace All Apps" It will not contain every feature available in other apps There is a priority to development being done with the app I don't know any of the priority details but I accept that not all features are consided cue for response - But my feature is more important than all the others
  19. Currently, by design, only the owner can add new tags to a notebook You and the other users now know this, it's not a surprise The sharees can add and use a keyword like tag_xxxxxx in the title This is workable for all uses as a search term and works as well as a tag The owner can use it to identify new tags to be added
  20. I'm not sure your exact use case, but I wouldn't think adding tags on the fly would be done that often I have a standard tag list that I've set up and organized into hierarchies. Its not that often that I add new tags
  21. Are you sure about that sort sequence? I'm only seeing the standard set of sorts; tittle, update date, create date Edited: As you pointed out, click on Reminders to get the sort correct I've been clicking on the clock icon
  22. Evernote's editor definitely has a limited featureset If you need more extensive features, I'd also recommend using a different editor, storing in Evernote. Any document file can be attached to a note
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