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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Personally, I'm waiting for the development to be completed on v8 before I upgrade my work device The release notes say What's coming soon: Context and related notes 3D Touch Peek and Pop for note lists Note list scrubber - ability to quickly move through long note lists Enhanced (native) business card notes <<<<<<<< View tags in note list - formerly on iPad only - we plan to bring the option to iPhone and iPad Reminders enhancements
  2. My need for offline acess is actually at the Note level Currently; I have to create a offline notebook and move the notes (IOS offline feature) Actually a Tag would work best. I could just flag the notes I need offline access
  3. Not selective sync, but the latest release offers "Demand Sync"
  4. There are be other factors in determining work priority than "hard to implement". Users can add their support to this request using the voting buttons in the upper left corner of the discussion. The count is currently 5
  5. Discussions do go off topic and could be of interest - there's no problem with that As to being relevent; again its just my opinion - I don't believe the data server move is relevent to the the front end encryption request
  6. As @Gazumped said, historically there was independent development, so your analysis may be right Also, the development makes use of the different platforms and screen sizes An extreme example is that Evernote doe not develop its own mouse drivers, it uses the features available in the OS and we can use a mouse in the Mac/Window platforms A less extreme example is the table features of the Mac/Windows OS, but not IOS
  7. I'm not "on your case" and I'm sorry if my comments indicated that Its only my opinion, but I just didn't see the data server move as having any impact on front end encryption
  8. Macs have some options for the notes list under the view menu Hide notelist isn't an option, but you can reduce the size
  9. Not a solution I'd use (Terminal ...) If the manual process really bothered me, I'd look at an Automator solution. I see the steps as Save the current folder of the PDF Move the PDF to a workable folder (Desktop?) Launch Preview Move the edited PDF back to the original folder
  10. Confirmed; that's the process I use To date, this is still an issue
  11. Evernote currently offers "robust back-end" encryption via the text encryption and I'm sure its feasible to extend this. There are a various reasons for Evernote not implementing the feature. For now, you're going to have to use your own encryption resources, or switch to another product
  12. Text encryption is an Evernote feature on the Windows/Mac platforms. The text can be decrypted for viewing on all platforms. As per @Howdoogie, just select the text, right-click and select Encrypt For more extensive encryption, you have to look to third party software. Saferoom works at the note level. I use encrypted PDFs
  13. The encryption at rest is a good feature but not related to this discussion's request for Notebook encryption
  14. I suspect we're no longer talking about encrypted PDFs
  15. I see the point of the encryption is to prevent you from viewing or updating the pdf You do have access to the note Any reason you can't make your notes in the Evernote Note itself and not try to modify the pdf
  16. You've posted the request, and it's available for voting. I'm interested in the format you're using for your old papers, and their "intended form" I use Word/Pages for my serious documents, which allows for footnotes. These are attachment to Notes, with the note being a brief summary of the contents
  17. I don't see reminder notifications either; just the email in the morning I'll open a support ticket and let post their response #2009189 fwiw I sync my reminders to my Calendar app. It has much better notification features than Evernote. I use Cronofy Calendar Connector to do this automatically. There was a post about Evernote missing in the Notification Settings. They resolved this by reinstalling Evernote
  18. Well thanks for that. I'll look into it for my iPad. I don't think I'll be exporting all my Evernote notes I do use the PDF format extensively, and make use of encrypted PDFs for confidential data.
  19. Can you tell us about the storage/organization features if XODO?
  20. There has been no indication from Evernote that they intend to implement this feature
  21. This might be more of a Windows thing My iPad has a "passcode" setting; when turned on, a passcode (or fingerprint) is required to relaunch Evernote On my Mac, I rely on the OS timeout security. Anyone using my Mac/userid doesn't even need Evernote to view my notes. They are sitting in plain text in my home folder
  22. Sorry, I missed the point that it was the IOS home screen. This would be similar to the Mac/Windows desktops, where we can past shortcuts to notes
  23. There isn't actually a home screen edit: I missed the point about IOS home screen I use the shortcut feature Too many notes would clutter up my shortcut section - my solution was a tag (!HotNotes) with a shortcut at the top of the section I apply this to notes I want quick access to
  24. The last response I read was We appreciate the feedback, and we'll consider both of these for future releases. No update so far, although datestamp keyboard (eternal) shortcuts were implemented for the IOS platform In addition to the keyboard shortcut, I use the FastEver app which includes a datestamp >>I'm about to move everything to OneNote Good Bye, Good Luck
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