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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Perhaps Evernote could be better at this. It does recognize some conflicts Of course, if people are updating notes with no internet connection, there is no way for Evernote to know there are alternate versions out there The best way to prevent conflicts is to sync your devices before you start and after edits
  2. On my Mac, I right click on the table, then Tables > Delete >>Is this app still maintained? Yes, Evernote is still maintained on most platforms Definitely on Mac and IOS, and there was a recent upgrade for the Windows platform
  3. It sounds like you're using the TSW process that suggests sorting by tags. As you found out, that only works on the Win/Mac platforms and only in certain views My suggestion is to find a different process that doesn't rely on sorting by tags For example; as @gazumped suggested shortcuts to saved searches; you can have Now, Soon, Next .... shortcuts without any fudging
  4. On my iPhone/iPad, if I log out after using Evernote, I have to log in with my password If I close the Evernote window, I have to use a PIN/Fingerprint to access Evernote Evernote has given no indication of planning to password protect Notebooks I'm sure there are reasons why Evernote will not implement this feature
  5. Evernote allows you to attach files to a note. They can be any type, PDF, doc, xls... or .one However, you need the native application to open the files. I'm guessing .one is a format used by One Note Evernote opens .enex files, but no other formats
  6. Just curious as to where you're going? I like to keep an eye on alternative services So far, Evernote is the only service I've found that does the job for me When price becomes an issue for me, my intention is to downgrade to Plus or Basic
  7. I was wondering about the need for the exporting/importing I simply want flag my notes as archived - I don't want to change the organization setup - I don't want to move the notes anywhere I like having them in EN; easily accessible So I simply apply a tag !Archive to the notes I also prefix obsolete tags with an x so they sort to the bottom of the list and are out of the way I'm currently at 10K notes using 8Gb. No issues with this volume
  8. No argument - V8 was a major update >>that made no significant productivity improvements. I don't see this whining as relevent to the hierarchy request >> they probably should have had this feature as part of their last release. I have no idea as the the reason behind prioritizing requests and changes I add my vote to requests I like I don't believe its our place to tell EN what/when changes they are to implement
  9. The fact is, this feature is not available in iOS Until this is implemented, I will continue with my work-around Also, do you have the qualifications to label this a "simple tweak"
  10. For me, EN is the best tool for storing my data and I'm willing to adjust my workflow The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Shaw I added my vote to the request Therefore all progress depends on the unreasonable man. Shaw
  11. No changes I'm aware of, but my saved searches contain multiple tag arguments. I'm not a big notebook user, but the search can also contain a notenook or stack argument For example: notebook:xxxx tag:yyyy tag:zzzz -tag:aaaaa
  12. Got it. You achieved archiving both the note and the notebook
  13. Given that you tagged the note, why the move to a different Notebook? I'm more of a tagger than a notebooker, but I don't want to change anything I set up for the note organization. I just want to flag the note as archived
  14. It turns out there's not colour setting in Evernote/Windows A work-around would be to edit the underlying html To save time, I'd create templates and have them available Here's my template Template-Blank Yellow 1x2.enex and the code is <td style="border: 1px solid rgb(219, 219, 219); padding: 10px; margin: 0px; background-color: rgb(255, 239, 185); width: 71.08721624850656%;">
  15. As a work-around, you might adjust your naming convention to facilitate your tag retrieval For example, use the same prefix on a group of tags - I use Ref-...... on all my reference tags I find this facilitates my Mac use as well
  16. I doubt an increase in the vote count will have any impact on Evernote's priorities. This request is on EN's radar and it's up to them if they implement it. My suggestion is to use a workaround until we see this implemented in the EN editor
  17. In my opinion Evernote shows they care about customers by fixing serious software bugs and continuing to process our data (syncing etc) For me, caring about your customers doesn't require the implementation of feature <insert your feature> It's sort of like a child telling his mother "If you really loved me, you'd buy me this candy"
  18. There's an entire set of limits (notebooks, notes, size etc) No disappointment because I never even get close to the limits (premium account) Are you close to 100k notes? I suppose when I get there, I could open another account; developing my own EN clone is beyond my skills In the meantime, I'm a happy user at 8GB and 10K notes, and consider EN good value
  19. I'm keeping it on my list posted in the release discussion The official word is Evernote is looking into restoring this feature
  20. And the discussion starts again I have no objection to nested folders being ubiquous to computer organization. It's true now, and true when Evernote started From the very beginning Evernote has presented themselves as delivering an alternative organization method (Tags) I understand completely that this alternative does not appeal to everyone and consequently, they don't use Evernote
  21. You're welcome to create a request for nested folders or add your vote to the the request for nested notebooks However if you're going to post a comment and make claims like "most ubiquitous idea", don't be surprised if you get a discussion
  22. I'm playing with this software https://www.beedocs.com/timeline3D/mac/ I can script an integration with my Evernote data; up to now, I just copy/pasted and maintained a duplicate set of entries
  23. I'm using Creation Date in EN for the event date. I had to work-around specifying the date for historical events Dates in the current time frame are handled ok - no problem with events like 2001/9/11 Terrorist Attacks in New York The earliest date that can be stored is 1000/01/06 (it's a database thing) - a problem with events like: 406 * Romans are expelled from Britain And I have other events like - 2200BC * Completion of Stonehenge - 4600 millions of years ago * The planet Earth forms from the accretion disc... My solution was to have the date in the note title, and monkey with the time value so the events are sorted correctly
  24. Not sure what your syncing problem is You can also maintain personal backups and use them to restore data
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