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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. You can look back in the notes and see posts by Evernote employees; example below The current version has been "beta" for a long time, and a new improved version is long overdue The new standard for UI looks to be the same. I see it on the IOS and Mac platforms My hope is for extended features on a parity of the win/mac platforms
  2. My understanding is the Windows platform allows view options to be specified per notebook
  3. I use command-shift-D on my external keyboard More shortcuts at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/216788038-Keyboard-Shortcuts-for-iPad-iPhone-and-iPod-touch These keystrokes are not currently supported with the current IOS on-screen keyboard
  4. We saw basic markdown (lowercase m) implemented with this Mac version Finally, many people have asked for ways to speed formatting via the keyboard and we've added this in 6.2 by allowing you to use markdown-inspired shortcuts. We’ve posted a blog post about our new common editor and this is one of the first major new features from this team. Expect more in the coming months. This basically means that you can type characters into your note that will automatically apply formatting or a style to the text. Here’s the list of formatting options supported. Inline Formatting *Text* = Italics **Text** = Bold ~~Text~~ = Strikethrough !!Text!! = Highlight `Text`= Code Block Lists and Tables Typing “1. “ will start a numbered list Typing “* “ will start a bulleted list Typing [] or [ ] will create an unchecked checkbox Typing [x] will create a checked checkbox Typing a line of at least three * or - will add a horizontal rule Typing a [][][] on it’s own line will add a table with 3 columns Typing [][][][]x2 on it’s own line will add a table with 4 columns and 2 rows
  5. This is an old discussion relating to a bug when Mac Sierra was first implemented afaik, the issue has been resolved. Make sure your software versions are up to date
  6. I’m not seeing any “it’s old” argument. The point being expressed was that implementing styles is a do-able project; it's existing technology and doesn’t have to be invented >>Heading styles are a great idea for note taking and organizing text in a note taking program. We need to convince Evernote this project should be a priority for the development team You can indicate your support for this request (styles) using the voting buttons in the top left corner. The vote count is currently
  7. I think Evernote excels at "to easily retrieve" There is extensive search features; notes are listed in a simple title index, with snippet and card options Content is ocr'd and indexed for searching. Notes can be tagged for easy acess I archive notes by assigning an "Archive" tag Notes are linkable; There is a merge function on the Mac/Win platforms You should create a free account and try out the features Evernote includes an editor that's adequate for basic notes but I don't consider it a replacement for a dedicated word processor app I use Word/Pages and attach the documents to a note Evernote allows any format file to be added as an attachment. Office/iWork/pdf/image documents are included in the search index
  8. You’re posting in best place; you can also use the regular support chanels Contact Evernote Support Twitter @evernotehelps I’m not seeing the offset problem on my iPad Is the issue specific to Apple Pencil and Penultimate? Do you dee it with other apps and stylus?
  9. Can you give a link to the videos afaik Evernote never implemented a re-occurring reminder feature The reminders feature was implemented in 2013 with a single date/time added to a note
  10. I basically have a single Filing Cabinet notebook The following is a sample tag structure. You can also have shortcuts for quick access Adult Education Personal Classes Corpus Linguistics Tips Notes Manuals I acutally prefer applying two tags to the notes tag:Corpus Linusitics tag:Tips This way, the Tips tag can be used for other subjects
  11. Complex Notes seems like an oxymoron, but it might be based on your definition of a note; example a brief record of something written down I'd recommend a dedicated word processor for serious writing
  12. What level of simulation are you looking for? Its simple enough to create a tag called NB-Parent Then create a child tags NB-Child On Mac/Windows, you can organize the tags in a hierarchy as illustrated There's no limit to the child levels
  13. I'm using an iPad with IOS 11 I take a screenshot by holding down the top button and click the home button The screenshot appears as a small square in the buttom corner. I click this, crop, and share to Evernote
  14. https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/in-assam-women-shave-their-heads-in-protest-against-government-1745069 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-immolation_protests_by_Tibetans_in_China Serious issues require a serious response
  15. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a web page over 200 mb You can have control if you clip screenshots instead of the entire page
  16. For notes, outlining is a feature not currently offered by Evernote For big documents, you might want to stick with Word, and attach the file to the note In addition to outlining, Word offers many additional editing features
  17. This started as an export pdf discussion. Share/Email is a different discussion Which platform are you using? Its a fairly simple process on the Mac/IOS platforms; it’s built into the OS
  18. I would think this is to be expected after running a merge process. Just delete the merged note if you don’t need it
  19. Enhanced support is available for paid accounts. You can subscribe for a single month
  20. Restoring notes from the Trash moves them back into the original notebook After that, it’s a simple exercise in finding notes. Evernote gives you various search options. My notes are in date sequence so mergered and originals are at the top of the list
  21. I moved this to the general forum - I don't think the request is specific to the Windows platform If you search the forums, you'll se there are other requests for Pinning Notes; we didn't need a new discussion What work-arounds are you using? My work-around is adjusting the title or dates so the note is sorted to the top of the list. For example, - Prefixing the title with "-" - Setting the date to 2099/01/01
  22. These are the forums set up by Evernote to solicit feedback. I’d say this is the best place If you wish to indicate support for this request there are voting buttons in the top left corner of the discussion
  23. I'm not a big web user, but have not noticed any problems with either the new version or old version A note count is displayed at the bottom of the note list When you noted "fewer and fewer note" is this number changing?
  24. Your app and database were at v6.12 If you’re downgrading you should address both the app and database. The app AppCleaner is recommended to completely remove Evernote from your Mac Then reinstall the app and the database is rebuilt from the servers. Warning - the rebuild does not include Local Notebooks or unsync’d notes
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