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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Before the view disappeared, we did have the option switch. It's good compromise
  2. On Macs, the tabs do not hold "the specific note you're working on". If you need this, open the note in its own window If you open a tab, you will see a list of notes. The tab title reflects the list criteria; All Notes, Notebook Name, Tag Name
  3. Personally, my purpose in using Evernote is as a filing cabinet, and not so much for "Creative" There's a review at https://www.pcmag.com/review/351632/milanote
  4. I have the same problem at home; a shared computer My solution is separate accounts, or at least a guest account. It's not just Evernote; I can't allow open access to my stuff >>I was hoping those of us who feel that we should have this feature on desktop can really band together for a unified request (unless there's already a request and I just couldn't find it?). This discussion is a "unified request" (for Windows users). You can add your vote using the voting buttons at the top left corner of the discussion
  5. Only available for long-time users Account > Settings > Account Summary > Evernote Web > Go back to old version
  6. Search might be a problem; I practice encryption for my sensitive data. My experience is that encryption prevents the data from being indexed for searching. Also, encryption interferes with the OCR process
  7. Evernote has not indicated an interest in this feature (password protected notebooks) Our data is encrypted-at-rest on the servers, but if you're concerned about a breach, you can encrypt your data Evernote has a text encryption feature, and I encrypt my sensitive data using encrypted file attachments; pdfs, office/iworks, ...
  8. This is an example from my Mac, viewing my Art notes Using the structure in the sidebar, I go to CommonPlace > NoteTypes > Reference > Art If these were notebooks/sub-notebooks, I would have the exact same structure (Ignore the name prefixes; Just something I use for grouping and sorting) >>putting a note in a notebook in the right place I can use the example structure, but usually I don't worry about the "right place". I simply tag the note with !Ref-Art
  9. Your traditional example had three levels; drawer > folder > document Evernote has Stacks > Notebooks > Notes As an alternative, there is a Tags feature. On my Mac, I can organize the tags in an unlimited hierarchy; Parent Tag > Child Tag > Child Tag > Child Tag > Child Tag > ....
  10. You can find your database location with Option Key and Help > Troubleshooting > Open Database Folder With my direct-download version, the location is /Users/<user>/Library/Application Support/com.evernote.Evernote/accounts/www.evernote.com
  11. This request has been posted before, with no interest expressed Evernote My process is to use the Evernote editor for basic notes, and to use dedicated apps for extended features For outlines, I would be using a word processing app like Wore/Pages I add the document as an attachment to the note; Evernote works well with Office/iWork documents
  12. The Win/Mac platforms store a copy of the data locally, including attached files Evernote/Windows has an interesting feature called Demand Sync. Only active notes are maintained in the local database; inactive notes are not included I understand this is working well, but it would seem to complicate the search and backup process
  13. Good point, on Macs we have FileVault built into the OS https://support.apple.com/en-ca/HT204837. This also has a remote-wipe feature
  14. I have password on my computer to control access to the device; also a screensaver password I also have a password on my evernote account to control access to my notes I also have an encryption password on sensitive data in my notes I do like the PIN feature on my iPad; I use Touch ID (fingerprint)
  15. Search syntax is documented at Evernote Search Grammar Note: Special characters are dropped from the search index. You can’t search specifically for “AT&T”, it becomes a search for “AT T”
  16. Not sure what documentation you’re looking at. I see https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2015/01/30/merge-notes-together-evernote/ and it only describes merging on the Mac and Windows platforms
  17. A hierarchy is do-able; Evernote demonstrated this by implementing a hierarchy with Tags (Win/Mac/Web) >>Also, I don't understand why workarounds such as tags are considered a good solution. Tag, Folder, Notebook; they’re just names. You could just as easily say Evernote must implement Folders, I don’t understand why Notebooks are a good solution I like Tags as an organization solution because more than one tag can be assigned to a note >>I don't understand why after almost 10 years this has not been implemented yet. Evernote has never considered Notebook hierarchy a priority. I seriously doubt users would be willing to pay the cost of this development.
  18. When using an external keyboard, you have access to a tab key When using the IOS onscreen keyboard
  19. Just wondering where this number came from? Maybe it’s the % of users willing to pay for the service?
  20. Here's an example from my Mac Starting with the picture in a note open the picture in the Preview app select Preview > Tools > Show Inspector open Exif tab On my iPad, I use the ViewEXIF app
  21. Evernote imports the photo file as an attachment to the note So, the metadata is available for display Currently, I have to use an external program to display this information I'm not sure I'd want Evernote to display the info for each photo; only on demand
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