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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. There's a request posted at the link below To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  2. Reinstalling the app doesn't fix a corrupted database; you need to delete the database folder The database will be rebuilt from the servers (except for Local Notebooks and unsync'd notes) My database folder is located at /Users/DTLow/Library/Group Containers/Q79WDW8YH9.com.evernote.Evernote
  3. Thank you for the youtube link, it explained the "bi-directional links" The Evernote equivalent is Tags however Evernote lacks hyperlinks to a tag filter and tags only function at the note level, not the note content sentence/block level
  4. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005547-How-to-encrypt-content-inside-Evernote
  5. I moved your post to a more appropriate discussion You're welcome to indicate support for the request by using the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion The request currently has 1 user vote
  6. There is a roadblock to your @Mentions and #Hashtags Evernote text search indexing drops special characters (except for _) i.e. the @ and # symbols are dropped >>Evernote automatically pulled these @Mentions and #Hashtags into the already-existing tags manager. I use scripting on my Mac (Applescript) to insert keywords into note titles and note bodies The keyword list is retrieved from the Tags feature;
  7. It's not an account thing - it's a notebook specification You're posting in the Android forum With a Windows or Mac device, you can create Local Notebooks in your account This data in these notebooks is not sync'd to the servers, and remains on the specific device Make sure you back up your data
  8. I've merged your post with ongoing discussions of scanner use with Evernote >>I assume the scanner will need to scan directly to PDF? PDF format is a requirement for my use, and a standard feature on most scanners With your indicated volume, I'd also want a sheet feeder
  9. The current IpadOS version does support web access to Evernote >>I don’t get why these features can’t be brought over in a single development sprint because they are so basic. Currently in progress
  10. This would be Evernote's table feature which can be useful for formatting a note >>"when is the last time something like this has happened" fwiw I have a general tracking note that includes an embedded spreadsheet This is about 1 page long and 50 years wide It includes a health section with notes I would have an "unusual pain" entry The entries can be simple text, or links to more detailed notes
  11. There doesn't seem to be much interest in implementing external storage Not from Evernote, and not from the userbase To indicate support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion There's currently 15 user votes
  12. Evernote "is" for many of us (millions?) I use the Evernote service to keep my notes stored/organized and sync'd to my devices and the web I have over 13k notes. >>Evernote is becoming a task/note app I see Evernote as a note storage/organization service Not sure where you see Evernote as a "task" app >Which is why I stopped paying for premium service. I pay to get access to the premium features which includes note size and upload limit The device limit will be important if/when I get additional devices >>there are more features that you don't use in Evernote vs the features that you do I can live with that, as long as Evernote delivers the features I need >>All the while knowing they really dont want them as customers but as business ethics goes, would never say state that out right. Like non-paying users 🙂 >>Side Note: The ability to remove all hyperlinks ... Focussing on a demographic
  13. As per the archived articles, the Evernote editor provides basic features, with no support for line spacing As a Mac user, I can switch to a text editor and edit the underlying html code in the content.enml file
  14. Not a function I need, but the notebook/tag trees should be useful >>I hate tags. They don't work and they are a pain to try and use. They don't work for me. I've tried. It isn't logical and doesn't make sense. Notebooks and Tags are two fields in a note's metadata I successfully make use of both fields Tags are Evernote's primary tool for organization I see advantages - multiple assignments to notes - hierarchy for unlimited levels - 100,000 limit I merged your post with the primary discussion for this feature To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  15. No, local data is not a must have feature; this internet thing seems to be working 🙂 However, a data export feature is a top requirement I need to maintain my own data backup; and have an exit option
  16. For Evernote/IOS, inline display is only supported for images I moved this discussion to the IOS forum
  17. I use the Evernote Scannable app (IOS) to scan invoices, waranties, manuals, etc - it generates a pdf file attachment I use a general notebook (Filing) for notes, with appropriate tags (Type-Receipt, Budget-aaaaa, ...) My note title standard is: yyyy-mm-dd Receipt [description] keywords $n.nn
  18. My understanding of the Zettelkasten methodology is Individual Notes each having a unique note-id identify note source identify note hierarchy; optional for note sets Tags to identify the note topic(s) Links between notes Tag Index to find notes related to a topic Notes are the basic element of Evernote I'm easy on the note content, however true Zettelkasten restricts the note to a single thought A template can be used I use the generated Evernote note-id; (it's integral to the note link feature) It's hidden metadata, but I append a copy to the note contents example: 70b889b9-63fc-479f-ab98-5dd75e6bc2ed There is a metadata field to identify the note source For note hierarchy, I include a table-of-contents section in the note I use the Evernote tag feature True Zettelkasten is restrictive on tags as described here (I still don't understand good/bad tags) I avoid "orphan tags"; my tag-naming reflects tag hierarchy example: Budget, Budget-Food, Budget-Housing, ... I use the Evernote note link feature It's actually a url like evernote:///view/1156250/s10/70b889b9-63fc-479f-ab98-5dd7... To find Notes, Evernote has an extensive search feature In addition to the tags assigned to the note we can also use text search, dates, .... More information at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  19. I use scripting on a Mac (Applescript) and can access the Evernote database to select random notes >>automatically emails me a note every day I think access to an email facility would be more complicated to set up For myself, scripting gives access to my personal Mac email I actually have scripts emailing status/warning notes Evernote has an email feature that possibly you could tap into
  20. All Notes Is a list of every note, regardless of notebook You are not moving a note from All Notes >organise and clean up my 'inbox' For me, my 'inbox' is my default notebook (named @Inbox) I list the notes in this notebook, then process them
  21. Export is a feature on the Windows and Mac platforms I run a weekly full export as backup (html format) Information at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-How-to-export-content-from-Evernote Warning; notebook information is not included in the exported data Some users do separate exports for each notebook
  22. I share "notes and records" using Evernote's shared notebooks Evernote's public URL links to network files in Evernote notes >>Webpages are confusing to many people when used as documents. I don't use web pages as documents, but find it useful when web pages contain embedded links to document files
  23. fwiw I have a permanent shortcut to tag !HotNotes For quick access to notes, I assign this tag
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