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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Please add more details - which table?
  2. Warning; a restore of local notebooks from .enex files destroys all note links The only way to prevent this is to restore from a raw database backup I have incremental database backups via Mac TimeMachine
  3. Technically, format style is not supported for Notebook/Tag/Note names I know there's a Windows feature, but it's a hack, only stored on the local machine - not part of the database specs - display not supported by any other platform You're missing a colour option fwiw I add emoji to my names to make them stand out I moved your post to the General Request forum I see it as a cross-platform feature
  4. Why are you not entering note titles? They're important In IOS, we have the option to start in the body and use the first body line as the title however this means we end up with the text doubled
  5. I merged your post with an existing discussion for this feature To indicate your support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion
  6. They would need to log into your account with your userid/password
  7. The database file(s) are stored in your user home directory; generally not available to other users of the computer No, they are not encrypted. I've turned on file vault encryption for my computer (Mac); the entire disk is protected
  8. I merged your post with other discussions on this topic See the above solution to rebuild the search index
  9. Thanks for the details (typing markdown code in Evernote notes) Presentation is important to me - do you follow through with rendering your code? I like the UI in the Typora app which presents both the code and presentation in one panel
  10. I merged your post with the ongoing Markdown discussion This is not a Markdown implementation This is a shortcut for heading styles when editing note contents I can confirm this shortcut syntax is not preserved when the coding is converted to enml/html >>I submit that the Editor (which I believe will be replicated into the desktop / mobile apps) should at least provide users with an option to enable / disable this supposed Markdown support. Like this (screenshot from my Mac) >>I have grown accustomed to write my notes using Markdown syntax... and I do that quite consistently in Evernote for Windows Can you provide more details on how you're using Markdown syntax in Evernote for Windows
  11. I merged similar posts for this feature To indicate support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion This request has 11 votes
  12. Would shared notebooks be an alternative? Fun fact - the note-ids are preserved for shared notebooks; internal links survive
  13. I merged your post with an existing discussion To indicate your support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion The request has 3 votes
  14. It's just the way it works; and internal links are broken on export/import An integral component of internal links is the note-id The note-id is not included in the export data The import creates new notes; i.e. a new note-id Note Id Note Id repeated evernote:///view/nnnnnnn/s10/426ffa40-8613-440b-8706-317c3e6d36f0/426ffa40-8613-440b-8706-317c3e6d36f0/ fwiw I append the note-id (internal link) to the note contents This allows me to switch to text search to resolve broken links
  15. Which device/platform are you using? Keyboard shortcut (text substitution) is available on my Mac and iPad Also scripting on my Mac (Applescript) The screenshot from my Mac shows an intitle: shortcut I merged posts requesting this feature
  16. Yes, shared notebooks appear on the web and desktop As you posted, the only notebook not appearing on the web would be "Local Notebooks" Still not clear on the "Read Only" notebooks
  17. There's shared notebooks with view access
  18. Make sure you're using the correct userid/ password Check the master version of your data on the servers at www.evernote.com
  19. Just a small metadata database Why do you think "It LOOKS like it's syncing everything"?
  20. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005557-How-to-export-content-from-Evernote
  21. Also stuck at version 5.33 (Canada) ☹️ Maybe @Shane D. can get us some help get us unstuck
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