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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. You can look in your app shortcuts to see what you have allocated and whether you have Alt+Shift+D available for anything else. As for suggesting a Duplicate Note shortcut, you should open a support ticket to make your suggestion.
  2. I think you are talking about the web browser interface with Evernote rather than the Windows Desktop application which is the forum you've posted in. If I'm mistaken, please say. You need to be a subscriber AND logged in to connect with support for technical issues. If you are being kicked out then I wonder if you have some cookie blocking issues. Do you run an ad-blocker of any sort or reject cookies for everything? Lots of folk use Chrome as their preferred browser and we don't see the issue you describe being reported. I think I would try an alternative browser and see if that fixes things for you. You could also try a good, old fashioned, reboot of your computer to see if that helps.
  3. No. There is, currently, no integration with iOS Calendar and Evernote. But, also, tasks are an Evernote function that doesn't integrate with Google calendar which is the only calendar that currently links with Evernote. Plans are in hand to add Apple and Outlook calendars but I understand the APIs are challenging to work with and no progress is expected until much later in the year. Even then that will not include a tasks connection to the calendars.
  4. Thanks for the explanation. This feels like a Penultimate issue rather than Evernote itself.
  5. This is very much like the issue I had. The support team did something at the back end with my account sync. I uninstalled and reinstalled the Android app and the errant task was gone.
  6. The OP was raising a question about exporting multiple notes to PDF and getting a single PDF with all the note content (I concur with this experience) whereas you seem to be saying that exporting a single note creates a single page document. Evernote notes aren't paginated. To test, I exported a longish note that I have as a PDF using the Export PDF function in Evernote for desktop. It appeared in the PDF as six consecutive pages. I then tried printing to the PDF printer and that created a four page document as the margins were different. But four separate pages. So perhaps you can describe how you are creating the PDF and we might be able to suggest a solution. I don't have the Professional level subscription which has more sophistication in exporting PDFs but handles exporting a notebook to PDF. I'm not sure what that looks like in practice.
  7. I had this issue. I opened a ticket and was told that an adjustment was made to sync on my account. The stuborn tasks disappeared after reinstalling as instructed by support.
  8. As @PinkElephant says, you should contact Evernote support. How this works is secret to the users in these forums
  9. I use AutoHotKey to drop the date and time in my preferred format with a keyboard shortcut. Of course there are the standard keyboard shortcuts in Evernote for time and date. Personally I find a keyboard shortcut far quicker than a menu click with a mouse. I'm not sure that this suggestion will have any traction but you can suggest it direct to Everybody via a support ticket.
  10. I think your suggestion is something you could recommend to the developers via a support ticket. I very much doubt it will get much attention but go ahead and make the suggestion. Since we're mostly other users in these forums all we'll do is discuss the merits of your idea or suggest ways around the issue. If you would like attention in the development, open a ticket.
  11. Exporting to PDF isn't a great option when you have content in the note inside a container which is what you have with HTML content. You could duplicate the original note and then simplify the HTML content. That will remove the container and you should be able to export to a PDF but, of course, the HTML layout is likely to be lost.
  12. Are you running Windows 11? Microsoft broke the Evernote screen clipper on Win 11. It still works as expected with Win 10. For now, use the Windows screen clip and paste into a new note.
  13. I had a recurring task that I could not get rid of in Android. I reported it in a ticket. Some magic was performed at the back end. I was advised then to uninstall the app. When reinstalled the errant task was gone.
  14. This is a hangover from older ways of doing things. For most it isn't a serious issue and moving the note out of sight is a passable solution. In your case, this is a more critical matter. Under the circumstances I would contact Evernote support and ask for assistance. Support Ticket – Evernote Help & Learning
  15. In your account settings I think you can turn off Google Sign In - https://www.evernote.com/ConnectedServices.action I'd suggest that you first double check that your friend has a password set so that you can still connect once the Google stuff if disconnected... https://www.evernote.com/secure/SecuritySettings.action
  16. Because the desktop app is continuously synchronising you are not likely to see much activity with the Ctrl+R option unless you have an issue which means nothing is sync-ing. So my question might be to ask what is the issue you face that means you feel the need to trigger a manual sync? If you want to be sure that your data has sync-ed to the server because things are not appearing on your mobile device or stuff from mobile doesn't seem to be reaching the desktop then you might do well to try a couple of things which will tell where, if at all, you have an issue. However, this will only work if you are paying for an Evernote subscription. Free accounts are limited to only two devices which you already have connected. You will not be able to use the web version of Evernote as well. So, assuming you have a paid account, access https://www.evernote.com and login to your account. Can you see the notes that you expect to see in the web browser? If not what is missing? Are you missing items created on the mobile device or on the desktop? This will tell you which part of the sync is faling for you... This information will assist in the advice we might offer next. If you are on the Free account with Evernote then you might choose to subscribe for one month. Once you are a subscriber you have access to the ability to check that you only have two devices connected to your account and sync-ing is likely to start at the same time allowing you to disconnect any additional devices listed apart from your desktop and mobile. Then you can cancel your account and drop back to Free. Subscribers can also raise a ticket with Evernote support so if you are currently on a Free account your one month will give you access to support as well.
  17. You have a problem between your Android app and desktop. You say that you are running EN v10 on Desktop and you have Android 9 which means you will be running EN v6 on Android. Checklists don't play happily of you switch between v6 and V10. So your options are force v10 to use check boxes as @Mike P has suggested, revert to Evernote Legacy on your desktop but that loses some of the new features, or upgrade your mobile to run at least Android 10 which will give you ENv10.
  18. With Windows 11, EN v10.40 I don't notice. This is the sort of issue that might be resolved with a clean uninstall removing all data and program directories and then reinstall. Can't promise a fix but that's what I'd try.
  19. How did the uninstall/reinstall go? Have you had response to your support ticket?
  20. If that's the case then the easiest solution may well be sign out, delete the whole data directory and sign back in. That will force a complete rebuild of all your data from the servers and provide a clean start. You will also see whether that directory returns and, therefore, whether it is needed.
  21. That you've used Evernote for nine years is probably immaterial. That the issue started a month or so ago probably indicates it came with an update. Have you followed @gazumped's advice? I'd that doesn't fix things then contact support and open a ticket. I had an unrelated issue following the recent v10.35 update. I contacted support who were able to work out what was wrong and weave some magic. But it still required an uninstall/reinstall.
  22. I don't recommend removing a folder. It is part of the standard installation so presumably exists for a purpose. This Evernote folder and the sub folders are the local data required for the desktop application to operate so why would you want to delete it?
  23. Only if you registered for the Linux beta. Otherwise you don't have access to these beta threads
  24. You can switch the view for a PDF to continuous scroll. This is a note by note change. PDF editing (not annotation or viewing) is done in an external editor.
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