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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. By the way - Legacy Desktop (from memory) has optional settings for syncs - ranging from 5 minutes up to hours. Not sure if there was a 'never' option or what happens if there's a connection failure... but again I'd strongly recommend either using v10 or choosing another service. Continuing with Legacy is very risky and there's no safety net.
  2. I had that a couple of times and I know it's correct - retrying without my VPN active fixed the issue. If it happens again, take some screenshots and notify Support
  3. Hi. All attachments should be included - you could check by exporting one note containing an audio file and re-importing it temporarily. Do check export options though to make sure that you have everything selected. 'Attachments' is not one of the options, but something else relevant might be...
  4. How are you reporting the bugs? Normal feedback doesn't get responses: you need to contact Support to have an interaction - eventually... I mentioned elsewhere that a query I raised about 10 days before got a response recently, so things do seem to be improving... ...And for whoever asked somewhere above - I used to manage an ISP tech support team, and of course long delays and mistakes are not acceptable: but techs are -mostly- human too and can't work miracles. If they suddenly get dumped on by thousands of hysterical users, they fall behind. They'll work their way out of it, but while most of the complainers here seem to expect perfection all the time (I'd bet they don't actually deliver it) reality says that even throwing money at the problem won't work. You need to recruit and train people and manage the extra admin that thoughtful users with low-priority issues create with their multiple reminders. It takes time, and it's pointless adding "are we there yet?" queries and complaints during the process. I was in support during the "2000 bug" so I knows of what I talk...
  5. Still works for me - what's your device and OS / EN version numbers?
  6. Hi. The user is presumably on the free Evernote service which was intended to 'encourage' active users to subscribe. Since some users seemed immune to nagverts, Evernote recently took the step of limiting free users to 50 notes and one notebook (they also only have access through two devices). Existing users with a note history still have their access to notes preserved, but will be unable to add more. Your user could leave their existing notes in place as a reference archive, and simply create new notes in OneNote; or export all notebooks and notes to HTML, PDF or ENEX files for import to another service. I'd suggest the export option, because at some time (IMHO) Evernote is going to give remaining free users notice that their free cloud storage will end and accounts will be closed. (That's almost certainly going to happen for dormant accounts soon...) More detail on export here - Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML Just to be clear we're mostly other users here - employees are clearly shown as such; so my opinion is just from an informed user.
  7. Be interesting to see how it actually works, but I'd guess a max of two taps or keystrokes for / + attachments
  8. AFAIK Ctrl+F to search in a note (when you have selected the note) is available at all levels.
  9. Hmmn. AFAIK Evernote never had a connection with Spellcheck - like Grammarly or your system spellcheck, if set up properly add-ins should work within notes. Evernote has its own spellcheck too... Presentations are still possible from images in one note, any web browser on any device or shared notes or notebooks. Copies of your notes are hosted on a remote server and can be accessed via any device including a browser, and almost any file can be attached to a note so I don't understand the lack of 'connectivity' (see image) And exports are possible from a desktop one notebook at a time* However enjoy your use of 365. * Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML
  10. Hi. I promise never to ask you to upgrade - because like most folks here I'm just another user. The free app has been downgraded to make it clear that it is (and always has been) the equivalent of the 'free trial' that comes with a lot of other software. Like most of that software, nagverts come with the territory. For long term access, users are expected to pay.
  11. Hi. Don't think we've seen any similar complaints here before... Have you tried restarting your PC or downloading the latest version from Evernote.com and updating your current install?
  12. And it's still completely optional - use it, or don't. Your choice.
  13. While I'm impressed by the ingenuity that's being applied here - are we really talking about trying to use a disconnected app for purposes that it was never designed for, and entrusting anything other than shopping lists to it? Experiment all you like, but if anything goes wrong you will lose access to your data. Far easier just to accept reality and either embrace v10 or find an alternative.
  14. Hi. I'm not sure what sort of a response you're hoping for - the existing app will stop working in a month. You can then either only access your notes through a browser (difficult on a phone) or the v10 app. Why not just download it and see what the experience is like? You'll either be reluctantly prepared to accept is for the time being, or totally unsatisfied and look for something else. (Your 'phone needs Android 9 or 10 to be able to run the app...) You do have access to your account by email, and I tend to send everything from my (Android 8 ) phone that way now. Just create a new email to your Evernote address - it's even possible to add @Notebook #Tag and !Reminder details too... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347-Save-emails-into-Evernote
  15. Yup. I find WF very useful alongside Evernote. They also do '/' commands...
  16. No one is 'locked out' but I hate hypothetical questions - let's take each case as it comes. If you really can't install v10, then export what you have to one or more of HTML ENEX or PDF. You then have your local human-readable copy, plus the access to use a different provider.
  17. Yup - had my email this morning too. Uninstalled Legacy from my phone - which was only there while I trialled sending images by email rather than using the Evernote camera. (I don't upgrade phones often - it's mainly there for texts, calls and photographs; mine still runs Android 8 and the Play Store doesn't offer any options to upgrade from Legacy.) I do run v10 on my Android tablet, which sucks slightly less now than it used to - at least I'm not prone to random crashes, which has happened before. Most of my active work is on desktop or laptop for which v10 is fine and totally workable. The (android) tablet is for lookups and browsing... and (mostly) works... I'm happy to have Legacy sunsetting now - there are no excuses left for continuing to use it because "v10 is not as good" or whatever. No user will lose any data (yet) because it's still on the servers which you can access through the web or by installing the new app. I would expect Evernote to follow up with a house-clear for anyone not making regular use of an account - on the lines of "there's been no access to this account for 6 months; it will be deleted soon..." "Use it or lose it" seems like a sensible policy that's used by most cloud storage providers. Having worked in a customer service team I can testify that keeping everything working normally for users is like that old circus trick of spinning 12 plates on sticks around a table. In Evernote's recent case they upped the game to 24 plates because they were keeping that backwards compatibility going for two levels of application. Now they can concentrate on making one modern delivery channel more reliable with current methods and code, I very much look forward to the rest of this year! For everyone else - if you're: clinging to your leaking Legacy life-preserver, now's the time to let it go. Upgrade to v10 so you continue to have access to your content. If that experience is terrible for you, please ask us - politely - for help (don't forget to include your device / OS & Evernote version numbers). A restart, or at worst a clean re-install is often all it needs to make things much better. ranting, please do it to feedback@Evernote.com - you can do it here, but we're manly mainly* users representing the 'other' 75% of users who are at least willing to see what the next year brings. We also reserve the right to rant back. celebrating the change because it will give Evernote a chance to get onto those other features you've been demanding for ages - please don't bother to share here. Start another thread by all means, but comments about anything other than Legacy ending soon are (IMHO) off topic. moving on to a much better third party app and wish to compare its virtues over Evernote in detail - that's also off-topic (and increasingly boring) and we have a couple of other threads for that anyway. * Edit: no puns intended...
  18. Device / OS and Evernote version numbers please. And if you're on desktop and don't use 10.77.3 please download the update from Evernote.com and try again...
  19. Hmmn. Currently on Win 11 - 10.77.3 desktop, and I do get the same behaviours; searching for just "cettire" fails, but "www.cettire" is found. I think maybe "." and "_" are considered characters in a string, so Evernote can't find the middle terms. However... It's possible to filter for notes containing URLs - which includes the note with that test phrase. And if I then search for "cettire", that note is highlighted in the list. This is one of those "feature not a bug" things that - if it's important to your workflow - you need to find a way to work around.
  20. Hmmn. Don't know what (if any) extra layer of complexity that involves for syncing, but it's a Support question for sure; Linux not covered, but Evernote in a browser should be OK regardless... As an incentive to speak to them - my last Support request was just answered after 7 days, so things may be getting better!
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