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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I'll +1 for mind-mapping; would be nice to be able to use a mind-map layout on notes to show the hierarchy and connections between them. That would tie in though with a general revision of the way in which new notes and new links are created - how would I show that one note heading is a child link from another, and a 'tag' style connection to several others?
  2. Sorry - I forgot that it's limited; I only use the date in titles anyway. Any chance you could start a new note for each task and link them by a common title or tag? You wouldn't need a date stamp at all then - the created date would be all you require. If you title your note XTask:... etc. (Phrase Express again) you could just search for intitle:xtask to get a complete list.
  3. Like I posted above - http://www.phraseexpress.com/text-expander-android.htm works for me...
  4. Not as far as I know - although you could always create some lines in a new note and then merge the two....
  5. As I said - the way to add lines after a table or a code block is to add them before you format the space above. Press ENTER in the note a few times, then move back up a few lines and insert the block there. The blank lines you created earlier will still exist and be pushed down by the formatting that is inserted into the note.
  6. Hi. Are you able to move individual notes easily? In Android we have a notebook icon in the note header which can be tapped to show a list of notebooks so the note can be 'moved' by changing it's assigned notebook. There's no way (that I can see) however to multi-select in the same way as on desktop, or to delete / move / merge by bulk-selecting. (If you have access to the 'old' version of Evernote Web I believe it is possible there.) If you feel that moving notes one-by-one is not sufficient, then this may be the first request Evernote have had for that feature in iOS. The more votes you can acquire the better. I'll add one on the basis that any iOS development will eventually find its way to Android!
  7. Hi. What's your OS? The easy trick to typing after a code block is to hit ENTER a couple of times, then go back up a line or two to start the code block. Then you'll have space afterward to add more lines.
  8. Hi. It's not ideal to use Evernote on a mobile device with offline access only available to part of your overall database, but lots of folks (including me) make it work by having one or more specific notebooks for the mobile and rotating files in and out as necessary. I'd still like Evernote to let me store stuff on my 64GB SD card because I would then have all my notes in one place, and some spare capacity in the device. Just to be clear, Evernote haven't said categorically that they won't do this - they do have lots of other requests for new and improved features that may be a touch ahead of this one...
  9. Hi. If you set up your account more than a couple of months ago, you'll be able to go back to the 'old' web client via Settings. Ctrl-click more than one note and you'll see the pop-up to merge (amongst other things). Evernote haven't gotten around to implementing that in the new version yet...
  10. Please note that despite the fancy title I'm a user like anyone else, and my opinions are not those of Evernote or anyone on its development teams. Please also note that I was responding to another user and wanted to get their perspective on why a password is an idea that needs some priority attention. Since I also log out of Evernote when my laptops get shut down, anyone is welcome to try to reboot the device - that won't get them access to my notes without going through the Evernote login process too. Exactly the same shut-down process applies to my copy of Office 2013, including Outlook, but that loads up with all my email on full display. No log-ins required there. No options that I'm aware of for passwords. Same for any office document or spreadsheet. I can (and do) encrypt / password-protect some files from opening with third-party software. I'd far rather Evernote concentrate on bug fixes and planned works than expend resources - even on 'easy' feature upgrades - particularly since there are thousands of other requests for competing improvements.
  11. Hi. What's the problem with using the standard security built into the desktop? Why reinvent the wheel specifically for Evernote when no other Office product has a similar protection?
  12. Hi. Unless I'm hallucinating (again) the last post was a month ago, and this is an ongoing issue for anyone using the web client / multiple EN clients on a poor/ intermittent connection. Can you give us some more details? Your OS, which client and (if it applies) browser you're using, and what exactly the problem is..?
  13. Hi. I have exactly the same problem when scanning several documents in my ScanSnap/ Windows setup. In my case I could edit the creation date of each note, but my process is to batch scan to folder, manually OCR the scans, then move the files into Evernote. I don't want to go back and edit each note individually. So I have a keypress macro set up to deliver the date in one press (well, Ctrl+key) as 20161020 which I can add to the filename while the document is saved in my folder. I can quickly edit that backwards (or forwards) if the important date for this document is not today, and searches for 'intitle:201610..' can find a day / week / month's worth of documents without any problem. Not saying that's better than your system, but it is an option...
  14. Hi. Have you tried clearing the history and cache in Chrome? (Beware that this means you'll lose any saved logins / browsing history and have to enter them all over again when necessary.) - Can't think of any reason why this odd scrolling issue should affect only one panel of the display. Alternatively, if you're on the 'new' version of Evernote Web and have the option in Settings to roll back to the old display, do you have the same problem there? Otherwise I can only suggest you contact support directly if you can, or message them on Twitter
  15. I think you're actually pulling whichever image from the set happens to be visible when you first click. Saving to file preserves the whole set of images, then all of it goes into the note. It doesn't work that well in desktop Evernote, haven't tried it on the website, or as a shared public link.
  16. Hi. There's not that many ways to copy / d&d / clip an image into a note, so you could always check for yourself. I tried in Windows (W10, EN6.3.3) and drag n drop from a web page gave me a static image, where saving the file to my desktop and then d&d into a note produced movement - of a sort. It wasn't exactly smooth or quick.
  17. It's amazing how many comments and queries start out 'while I'm willing to pay if only you added <quote preferred tweak here>'... While all this impassioned debate is fascinating, the fact remains that Evernote is not a democracy. The company alone will decide to develop what features it chooses, and fix those bugs it can address, at its own speed. The only powers that customers have to show their approval - or otherwise - is to pay and support the company, downgrade to a lower subscription, or vote with their metaphorical feet and use some other software. The company will see the effect in its figures, and if there's enough movement to cause concern, it will either do something about it - or their competition will swoop on more customers, and maybe the entire company. All the gleeful speculation about how soon the crash will come may be entertaining but it's not helpful. It's simply evidence of a perennial business problem that all companies wrestle with. Like Samsung forinstance...
  18. .. I may have mentioned before that some things are easy to fix, and have been; other things require major rewrites and need a long time - years in some cases - of careful work to change. However I see you're happy to believe the worst no matter what, so I won't try to disturb your world view any further..
  19. Not what you;re asking for, but have a look at https://www.eatags.com/ Include the tag 'eat.latex' to your note. (Site comes up with a certificate query though)
  20. Hi. If you're saying that someone else is sharing notes to you, and you're sharing them on to others, you may not have permission to 'edit and invite'. You may only have permissions to view or to edit. If you create your own notes in your own account and share those on, you'll be able to allocate those permissions.
  21. Hi. Best practice for standard usage is to avoid long notes where you can. You may find that if you paste an image into one of your notes, the pic will paste where you put it, but the selection point will jump to the start of the note. Not an issue - if your note is only one screen long. You found the work-around already. Good suggestion though...
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