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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Not sure whether to hide that as borderline spam or just note that Evernote has moved on a little in the intervening 5 years too...
  2. Filterize reacted on Facebook today to say they're looking into backlogs in processing...
  3. So now its about a day later - did things eventually work? If not, there seems to be an issue here...
  4. ...what everyone else said so far. Plus: I also have a large collection of ebooks, which I keep in Calibre https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Calibre_(software) - despite being an avid Evernote user, the only thing in my Evernote about ebooks is a link to open Calibre. All my books are exclusively in MOBI format, which cuts down on storage space and allows me to upload them to a Kindle / Kindle app for reading. (Calibre also produces 'catalogues' which I think might allow me to link to individual book files should I wish to. Haven't looked into that yet...) I'd support the 'add it all to Evernote [except ebooks] and see what happens' approach. Some moons ago I worked for a time as an insurance underwriter which led to my acquiring a literal library of random documents, books and tables about every subject under the sun. It occupied a couple of large book cases and a filing cabinet - and several tall miscellaneous piles on the floor. For reasons of filing and finding and pure physical storage space I scanned all of it (apart from a few quality reference books I couldn't find online and didn't want to dismember and scan) into Evernote where it now resides on my hard drive (and a couple of backup external drives). It took a while... Keeping all that material did mean my searches turned up lots of false positives for the first year or so - but that led to me refining titles and tags (and searches) to avoid those hits, and gave me an opportunity to weed out lots of really old material and many duplications alongside normal operations. It's also led to my finding some serendipitous connections back to old university notes and useful references. There are probably some notes that haven't been opened in 10 years - but they're doing no harm where they are. I do recommend that you allocate all your 'stuff' to one notebook and also tag it with that notebook name. That way you'll always see when that content is being displayed, and can exclude it by being selective in which notebook you're searching, or by adding -tag:<stuff> to searches. You'll be aware there's a monthly upload limit of 10GB, plus a single note size limit of 200MB, and (currently) there are no available extensions to either. Your project would take 2-5 years (depending on how many books!) to complete if it's all synced to the servers. Can't remember if anyone so far mentioned Local Notebooks (which are exempt from the upload limit) but I'd suggest you scan to a local notebook and gradually move those notes into a synced notebook over time. While your notes are there, you have the only copy of your data:* so additional backups are essential!! Good luck - and let us know how you get on! * I appreciate - that's already the situation anyway, but it's something to bear in mind...
  5. LOL - I believe Evernote are in process of doing exactly that at the moment... https://evernote.com/blog/mid-year-review-progress-so-far-how-you-can-help/
  6. Ouch - me too - 57 items! Same date. There's also a comment on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/groups/filterize about delays from 10 May...
  7. Sorry for a slower response - time zones got in the way! If you have MS Explorer or Edge installed on your system, check that it can open a web page / is not set to 'offline'. And try a system restart (power off and back on again) to reset any caches...
  8. Once you have a moderately large database 'full text' searches are less useful because most words and phrases naturally occur somewhere in many notes - all general searches return dozens or hundreds of hits. Notebooks, tags and titles are the best way to categorise content because searches like "tag:keyword intitle:<date>" can refine down to very fine detail. Text expanders like Phrase Express can help set up search 'formats' to avoid repetitive searches - and saved searches avoid unnecessary repitition of common procedures.
  9. What, in your view, would be "the correct way"?? I have a database in excess of 50,000 notes which up to recently were mainly in one default notebook. My mantra was 'only create a new notebook if there's a good reason' (like shared notes or a project-in-progress) I navigated all that with tags for priority, settings reminders dates for events and deadlines, and intelligent use of the search function. (My suppliers forinstance give me a 'customer number' for transactions. Add that to a date range and I can find all the orders for any given period). Because I deal with various projects and contacts and suppliers, I decided to split my database between notebooks so all my conversations with Amazon (or Batman) were already compartmentalised. I'm doing that when I next deal with each new contact - I search for all notes with (forinstance) Batman's email address when I need to contact him. My notes to and about him, and all his responses to me are now in one (Bat)notebook for future reference... and I can archive a bunch of notes or exclude them from searches if I need to do so. I try to date every note title with yyyymmdd + standard details - the date being the date of the letter / task / receipt and not necessarily the date that the note was created. The most important aspect of this particular system though is that I created it, for me, to suit my working process and preferences. It may very well not suit anyone else in the world and I'm very cool with that. I'd suggest you decide what you want to do with your notes, and start to use titles, tags and notebooks to change the layout little by little to something which suits you! Good luck - it's usually an interesting journey....
  10. Hi. Two options: copy and paste clips into one note, or create several note clips and merge later.
  11. Hi. No idea whether Evernote supports sharing through iMessage (and I'm not a user) but why not send a screen shot or a text note for a quick comment?
  12. Hi. Try reverting to a different version of Evernote (in Settings) - the current Beta doesn't support reminders.
  13. Hi. Who's 'we'? and when are these exceptions being generated?
  14. Hi. Not a Mac or Skitch user, but if software stops working the way I need it to I'd look for alternatives - are there no other screenshot app options? A quick internet search for "annotating screenshots on mac" came up with over 7M hits...
  15. Hi. Are you using a Firewall or VPN? This is a user forum, and neither we nor Evernote can see what's happening on your end of the connection. What device and operating system are you using? Can you provide a screen shot of this error?
  16. Hi. Do you still have contact with the person who shared the note? If they can end the share the note will disappear. Otherwise there are several other posts in the forums about shared notes being impossible to delete...
  17. Hi. It's possible to have set up a 'new' account with slightly different login details when you move to a new device. Do you still have access to your old phone? Check to see whether the missing notes are still there.
  18. Hi. It can take a little while for the search index to update - make sure your iPad syncs fully before you start trying to use new notes...
  19. Hi. I also use Filterize. It's not 'instant' - your note may need two or three syncs before you see the required changes. I rely on it to just work, and I haven't found any errors yet.
  20. Evernote don't (usually) comment on whether or when any given feature might be released. In any event this is a -mainly- user-supported Forum so your guess is as good as anyone's. There are lots of work-arounds to create 'highlighted' notes with reminders, titles and dashboards. As yet, there's no Evernote native method.
  21. If your sole measure of whether a note app is fit for purpose or not is that it has a dark mode, Evernote may not be the app you're looking for...
  22. Are you checking immediately after the clip? My experience is that the content appears 'after a while' - varying from a few minutes to whenever I next look. Not seen any missed altogether -yet- but I assume you can always get the URL from the note information? (I use a selection of browsers, depending on which one annoyed me last)
  23. Evernote do not support Linux (yet) or Nixnote; though the help pages are useful for lots of other things...
  24. Hi. The note date and time is taken from your system settings and in 99.9% of cases that's fine for normal activities. You could add an accurate time stamp to the body or title of your notes so the content is independent of the system time, or you could (I think) use an app like Filterize on the time-shifted account which might enable you to 'correct' the time details for each note as it is synced. (Filterize works from 'rules' like "look at each new note and replace <timestamp> with <timestamp + time correction>") Not exactly sure how that might be set up, but that's all that I can think of for now...
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