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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Welcome to the wonderful world of Marketing - I get similarly annoyed when various app providers keep hounding me with variations on 'you registered your account 2 weeks ago and haven't saved anything since... can we help you?' Sadly it's just folks trying to sell their wares as efficiently as possible. AFAIK there's no way to avoid that message unless you're getting it more than once or twice per week, in which case you could raise it with Support...
  2. Nope, that's pretty much how Tables work at the moment. The layout should get better with future updates, but for the moment that's it for a note. You could use a word processor to generate a JPG screenshot or a PDF file with your content for a cleaner result, but while they will be visible, neither can be edited.
  3. Hi. Unfortunately Basic users don't get email support, though there is @EvernoteHelps on Twitter, and there's an Evernote community on Facebook. If you check your usage by signing in to Evernote.com via a browser you can verify your stats and the length of time it will be before a reset. (Go here and look down the page for usage) If the account still works for you it should be possible to save to a Local (unsynced) Notebook pending the reset, or you could start another free account if you have another email address to use. (Addresses are specific to one account.) What is a local notebook?
  4. Hi. Are we talking about the installed desktop version? There's no such thing as a "Desktop web version". If so, it sounds like the desktop is not syncing with the web server. How to troubleshoot syncing issues
  5. On that point first - Basic accounts don't get to email into the database. You get 5 free emails (I think) and then the service stops until you subscribe. If you use Outlook or Gmail there are mail clippers that will send mails direct, otherwise you're limited to copy and paste. I'd also question whether it's a good idea to use a free account for business critical information - if anything goes wrong, you're going to want support from the 'official' team. This Forum is -mainly - user-supported and we can't see any server-side information if things go wrong. Whatever you decide - make sure you keep regular backups of your data! On the main issue: I started out a tagger, but I'm a dissenter from most of my colleagues here now - I've gone to the Dark Side and run a notebook for each person, company or project that I'm involved with. I also use a leading date in my note titles so that sorting by title gives me a correct timeline for those notes. Means I can look at the notebook for Acme Engineering and immediately see that they filled the order for one dozen anvils last week. For me that saves a small but significant amount of time whenever I need to look something up. Evernote is completely flexible though - the most important thing is to start now and use a system you're comfortable with. If it works, keep doing more of the same. If you need to tweak or change it, you can easily do so.
  6. Hi. Sorry to note the situation, but you're a subscriber, so could raise this with Support (that's not us - mainly users here...) to get a resolution. Sounds like it has to do with how many active devices are connected to the account you're using that are actively syncing their copy of your database at the same time you're editing. By the time you save your edits, your version of the note already pre-dates the server copy, so gets overwritten on the next sync. You can, presumably, recover your edits from Note History. Given that Evernote easily connects to Google Docs files, it might be more reliable to use a Google Doc for your edits - any changes there are immediately saved to the server, not stored locally and saved on a schedule; and multiple devices aren't linked to that file unless people are actively looking at it...
  7. If only you knew the power of the Dark Side...
  8. I'd think there might be two aspects here - one could be responsiveness; I don't know what happens when a cloud service starts uploading or downloading sync information, but if that locks a file up, I can see the app being very unhappy. Clearly that's not continuous, but every so often a locked file could be a problem. The other one is security - if the database is on your local drive and in the cloud with Evernote there are only two places that need protection. I believe the data is encrypted when in transit from local to EN. But what about syncing with an external cloud drive? I don't know what security then applies to data transfer - and any incorrect or corrupted changes synced down from the cloud will get transferred to Evernote's servers. All speculation, and just my 2c.
  9. I'm now up to a couple of hundred notebooks which relate to the people, companies, interests and projects that I'm involved with. Using the system in that way means any possible searches are already part done if I'm looking for something, and there's - mostly - no question about where something will be stored when I'm saving it. To avoid notebook names being confused with general search terms when I'm looking them up in various windows for search / assignment etc, I use a vertical bar "|" before the name. So |Amazon is where a lot of my receipts end up. Even with this number of notebooks, identifying the one I need by scrolling down the left panel in desktop and web is pretty quick, and I am thinking about adding some 'dummy' notebook names just to split up the list or (it now occurs to me) to isolate something important. |Amazon |- - - - - - - - |Budget ...forinstance.
  10. Hi. There seems to be some serious confusion with your account about these notes. Have you signed into Evernote Web via Evernote.com to check what the situation is there? Provided you have all the notes you need synced to the server, the easiest solution might be to totally uninstall Evernote from your device and then reinstall to allow Evernote to recreate the server copy of the database on your device. If the notes you wish to delete are unsynced, they'll disappear with the uninstalled app. If some are still present in the web account, delete them via your browser so that when the database is downloaded it will not require further action. Do copy your 'old' database folder to your desktop in case anything goes wrong with this process, and don't uninstall until you have an uninterrupted hour or two of downtime. Downloading the database can take a little while, depending on your internet connection and the number of notes! How to uninstall and reinstall Evernote
  11. Yup me too. I have it set the other way so I can add titles easily - they're important!
  12. Hi. Have you tried uninstalling / restarting the device / reinstalling the app?
  13. Hi. With queries like this it's always good to know what device and OS you're using...
  14. Hi. This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. As users, we can offer information and suggestions from our collective experience. Although Evernote staffers do read the posts here, and there are Admins to keep everyone in line, there's no guarantee how soon your post will be seen. Evernote support is available via the website for subscribers. I seem to remember that new notes opening in a separate window was reported in another thread as an issue for some users, but no matter what fixes were suggested, Windows would always open the note wherever it wanted.
  15. Hi. Try setting up Evernote as you prefer it, then File > Exit the app and re-open it. When you shut the computer down always File > Exit Evernote first to 'fix' any further changes.
  16. Hi. Have you tried checking the note on a laptop by signing in via Evernote.com? Mobile devices get synced because - for reasons of bandwidth and storage space - your notes aren't stored there. The originals are on Evernote's servers, and the mobile shows a search index from which you can download your note to view/ edit as required. As you've discovered however, short notes are better than one long note because a glitch anywhere in the system between 'phone / network / server can compromise the data. If you have several notes saved as "<date> mydata", at least the others should be safe. If the browser version is exactly the same as your 'phone I can only suggest that you consider subscribing - even if only for a month or two - to get access to Evernote support, and to the Note History feature. If the note is in the wrong notebook however I'm concerned that Note History may not be available either. The only way to find out though is to try...
  17. Hi. That's not expected (or AFAIK common) behaviour. Have you checked that the account is OK by signing into your database via Evernote.com? Try uninstalling and reinstalling the app - How to uninstall and reinstall Evernote
  18. Hi. Not generally a good idea unless you simply create a new free account for work use and (maybe) share a notebook with your personal account so you can pass information between the two. Anything stored on your work computer is open to access by IT staff and yes, the unencrypted database could be read outside Evernote, although the presentation would be compromised. If you have and can use a mobile device there, it's an option to use the mobile app for personal stuff too...
  19. Yeah - I'm still on 5.33 as the 'most recent' version. Frustrating rollout, but like you I prefer to avoid the web version unless there's no other option...
  20. <Grump> Still on 5.33 over here....
  21. Hi. I'd imagine Firefox and Chrome get different version numbers because they're effectively different OS's with individual update schedules and different web stores. If clipping that sort of page hasn't been an issue before, Firefox may have added some new code recently. As a subscriber you could report that to Support direct in case they haven't heard about it yet. Evernote support is available via the website (for subscribers), on Twitter @EvernoteHelps (everyone) or via the Facebook community.
  22. I saw that extra hack somewhere recently - the stated reason for the quote was that it killed the adverts; so maybe it's YouTube's inserted ads that are causing this issue...? Anyhow: nice catch!
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