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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Evernote have never given any indication of approval or otherwise. One of their techs has commented that adding a hierarchy to their current structure is IMPOSSIBLE, so I don't think they can do anything about losing customers for the moment. There is however a major restructuring going on which may improve things from your point of view. Meantime I'm managing to maintain a database of 51,000 notes and I can find what I need, when I need it, with very little difficulty. If you don't get on with the flat database style though, that's fine - there are lots of options for you.
  2. Hi. AFAIK you're supposed to have an icon in the bottom right corner - I'm on Win10 and I certainly do. Check your Windows Taskbar Settings - make sure the icon isn't set to 'off'
  3. Don't know whether I've just become used to the way that Evernote works, but while I used to manage a Wiki-style database (which originated the Roam feature of [linking] notes) the ability to create 'instant' links started to confuse me this time around... trying the new feature out, I created too many links because any new [note] I created seemed to call for too many [links] to different [topics]... and I found it was more difficult to concentrate on writing coherent content. Evernote doesn't operate the same way, but when I do need to write a nested series of notes it still seems fairly easy to me to copy the note title from my (Windows desktop) note 1 / Ctrl+N for a new note and paste the title into that new note. I carry on typing and repeat as necessary for any other key words or phrases. While I finish Note 1, the 'sub' topics Note 2, 3 etc are syncing, and when I finish it's easy(ish) to copy the internal links and Ctrl+K them into Note 1, and then copy the link to Note 1 into the others as a 'back' link. The fact I have the whole family of notes open on my desktop means I can update them all with leaving orphaned empty notes to clear out later. Doesn't work (obvs) so well on mobile devices, but it works for mainly-desk-based me!
  4. Hi. Should be a pretty simple fix - you seem to have a link to the installer, not to the main executable file, which should be in this folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\Evernote\Evernote\ Got to that folder and look for Evernote.exe - right-click the file and choose 'send to' from the drop-down menu. Choose the option 'send to desktop (create shortcut)' Use that new shortcut in future. (Delete any others you may have.)
  5. Hmmn. I'd suggest you End Task all current processes, and copy your Evernote Databases folder from C:\Users\<username>\Evernote to your desktop (as a backup). Use Revo Uninstaller Free to uninstall Evernote (it reaches the parts other uninstallers don't find) and restart your device. Download and reinstall Evernote from Evernote.com, and try again...
  6. Hi. Despite the scrambled note list display, the actual note seems to have the correct information. If this is an issue for you, I'd suggest you raise it with Support direct. (This is a -mainly- user-supported Forum. As users, we can offer information and suggestions from our collective experience. Although Evernote staffers do read the posts here, and there are Admins to keep everyone in line, there's no guarantee how soon your post will be seen.)
  7. As I said previously - the way to get someone's attention is to report this to Support. If you're seeing an unreasonable number of marketing messages they may be able to help.
  8. Hi. Two options. check the bottom right of your Windows screen for an elephant icon. Click it if it's there. If not... > right-click your tool-bar in Windows and click on Task Manager. > Click on 'Name' in the header bar of that window to sort entries alphabetically. > Look down the list for anything Evernote (there may be more than one entry). > In each case right-click and choose End Task. > Then retry starting Evernote.
  9. Hi. I guess Evernote never had a reason to try Outlook Clipper on their own emails. This has happened to me occasionally too I think - not with Evernote, but with the occasional random email. I just forward it to my account Email address, or copy the content from the email into the rest of the note body. Guess it depends on how the email is coded.
  10. I've been using Vivaldi and Brave browsers, which are both Chrome clones, but haven't noticed any issues...
  11. For the record I have some jump links that work in a 'view only' Evernote note by a very round-about method. It also allows markdown styling of the note. Allocate the note to a notebook linked with Postach.io and tag "published" to publish it online as a blog. (Your blog can be password-protected for security if required) Use standard HTML tags to include the jump anchors, and place the connecting links anywhere you like in the page. Set up link Jump to link <a id="linkname"> </a> <a href="#linkname">Click here </a> I use Typora to generate the note content and copy the markdown version of my WYSIWYG text into the note. An example is here It's a good way (IMHO) to get a reference notebook online and visible from anything with web access. Editing is something I'm currently addressing by including a link to a Google document which can be edited by my users. I can then edit the original note as required. (There's no such link on this page) NB This is not the best-designed blog in the world - I'm very rusty at HTML, new to Markdown and Postach.io and I'm sure I can do a lot better. Working on it!
  12. As far as I know it's not possible for a notebook to be full - I used to have a default notebook containing most of the notes in a 20GB database so they are pretty flexible. Don't know the reason for this particular error unless you have exceeded the note size (25MB) or upload limits (60MB/ month) for a free account. If you had, the normal result should have been a much more user-friendly warning and an invitation to upgrade. On a desktop device, try pressing the Ctrl key while you click on the red "!" that should be in your app toolbar - that sometimes gives some useful information about a failed sync.
  13. Hi. Have you managed to connect since? If you're still having difficulties, try using a laptop and signing into Evernote.com to check your notes online.
  14. Hi. If your app was unable to save to Evernote, then the company would be unable to help you recover data which was never sent to your account. I don't know why you would have had issues with connecting to the servers, but the note is most likely lost.
  15. From the thread comments it seems like Evernote is the 'old version' when it tries to download the thread. Could you use Twitter in a browser window and share from there?
  16. Hi. If you've not already done so, I suggest you change your password and set up 2-factor ID on your account to prevent any further access. Evernote, as you have found, is not an ideal place to store this sort of information unless the notes are at least encrypted. You might consider a password manager like BitWarden or LastPass. Your bank should be able to help you change their access details too so that they remain secure.
  17. ? Not much added recently, because Evernote is currently completely rewriting and reissuing their apps to fit in with customer requests. We don't yet know what's in the new package...
  18. I'm using Firefox on another device - not sure what version, but it's working fine. I'll check later. Meantime at least one person seems to be using v80 again... can only suggest you clear everything that you can and maybe try setting up as another user in Firefox to see whether that profile -without any of the baggage of your daily activity- will work.
  19. Hi. If you're getting updated from this forum, your activity (or at least activity under this ID) has been happening here recently. See https://discussion.evernote.com/profile/244510-smiller57/ If you're referring to something else, you'd need to raise that with Support - this is a public forum and you probably shouldn't post copy emails or addresses here...
  20. Doh!! You may very well be right... Please excuse me while I go kick something inanimate and test this out.... EDIT: Ah yes - but you are also right that we can't link to searches. A dashboard can't link to a generic notebook, only to a specific note link; and part of my process is to go look at a notebook in (pre-optioned) title - therefore date - order to get the latest news and developments. I already voted your quoted link up. We'll have to see what happens when the new apps get launched...
  21. My idea is pretty much what it says in the title, but the explanation for why may take a little while... On a Windows desktop shortcuts / favourites can show up in the sidebar, in the toolbar, or in a separate bar as below1. In the sidebar they expand (up to 100) into a rambling panel of mixed titles. In the two toolbar options it's very easy to overflow the right-hand side of the screen if you have too many entries. Scanning down a long list, or opening the overflow list takes extra time and keystrokes. As you should be able to tell from the sidebar pic, I'm using some colours and non-standard characters to show the type or importance of shortcut as well as a name. For a longer and more detailed (and still confusing) explanation of my new system see my blog (and learn my 'secret identity'): How to manage your notes2 This helps in finding the right shortcut, because I can move dashboards and projects into their own groups. Despite using a LOT more notebooks than before (I had about 5 at one stage: I'm now up to 240) I have far less admin to do, and find it far easier to find and review topics as necessary. As 4, I have shortcuts to some dashboard notes and to some project notebooks - but it would be great if I could nest shortcuts under those headings, rather than just list them. I'd have about a dozen 'stacks' of shortcuts that I could easily navigate and expand3. Now I appreciate that the coding may not allow shortcut nesting of any sort, so the alternative would be to generate a copyable link so I can create a dashboard note to act as my index. Oh - and that 100 limit? It's actually not too bad, but it would be nice to have the freedom to go a little further if necessary - say 250?? I'm sure I've seen, but can't currently find, requests for more shortcuts and copyable links, but this (I think) is the first request for them to be nestable. If you agree any of this is a good idea, PLEASE VOTE (top left of the page - hit the UP arrow)! Thankyouverymuch (in my Elvis voice). Evernote's current help page on Shortcuts: How to create shortcuts 1 Sidebar: 1 Same shortcuts as a separate toolbar: 2 I'll be reviewing and adding the blog explanation in my 'free time' in the next months or so (it's a work in progress) - I'll aim for a more... informative... and digestable presentation! 3 The reason for the 'shortcut test 1 & 2' shortcuts was to try dragging one on top of the other to create a stack. It doesn't work... 😕
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