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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Don't see why that's the case - the code highlighting is meant to pick out the actual code; unless you were using HTML or some other terms in your entries, they should not be affected. Even if they are the 'Auto' button gives you a choice of languages to run through. I agree maybe "no highlight" should be one of the options, but one of the others may help... How about a screen shot to show what you mean? - And I'd recommend feedback to Evernote.com to make sure they get the memo...
  2. There are no issues that we're aware of - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/29101069844371-How-to-contact-Evernote-Support
  3. No, they don't. You can Quit Evernote, which leaves it active to receive your clips, do housekeeping and be ready to pop back up if you need it. So you'll still see activity. Or you can Sign Out which kills most of the active processes and offers you an option to delete the local storage. Clipper, which is a separate add-in for Chrome (other browsers too) will stay active regardless of what you do in the main app.
  4. Hi. Your usage could be due to any number of things - recent boot-up / recent install / recent session - why not just log in and see how it goes? My current experience (Win 11 / Evernote 10.91.1) is that Evernote is using 0% CPU and 4% memory.
  5. Ah. We're in an iOS forum hence my confusion. When exactly did the update happen? Were you logged out of your account and then logged back in? Is it possible you accidentally created a new account instead of logging into the old one? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/28483020689555-All-notes-disappeared
  6. You don't need Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/29144368461715-How-to-unlink-a-device
  7. If you share your notes by email, then only the person with that address can see the share. You have the option to allow them to invite others to see the same note, and they can presumably pass on that 'share and invite' status to others. If you publish notes or notebooks by sharing the URL then anyone with that URL can see the note, and anyone to whom you share the note can pass on the URL. The only way to stop sharing the content is to stop sharing the note. At no stage are the notes shared with search engines, or available to search engines, so they are not indexed in that way.
  8. Hi. I have no idea what point you're trying to make. Want to try a few more words?
  9. Support has been overwhelmed for months. Did you get a ticket number or other reference when they responded? You may be able to see the status of your enquiry (and add a reminder) here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ or if you quote the ticket number in this thread we can flag it for a Forum Admin to take a look at...
  10. Hi. Sorry - search is only possible for leading characters. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828-Use-advanced-search-syntax
  11. Hi. We're mainly other users here. Please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or feed it back to feedback@evernote.com.
  12. Hi. We're mainly other users here. Please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or feed it back to feedback@evernote.com.
  13. Hi. The explanation for your account looking like a completely new one is that you have probably inadvertently created a new account by logging in with incorrect user details. Your notes are not lost - they're simply waiting for you to log in correctly. You may be able to recover the situation with the correct account details if you still have access to the correct email address - try going to Evernote.com in a browser, and use the 'forgot password' link. More on this - and a link to Support - here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/27915865308691-My-notes-are-missing-Content-looks-different-after-logging-in
  14. Hi. Mainly other users around here, and we each have our own workflows - honestly I hadn't thought much about it; but it seems reasonable that if you 'copy' something, you get a 100% actual copy. The updated date has changed, because you just created a new instance of that note. But the original was created at a different time... Actually, to have a note created repeatedly with the same content but at different times and dates, you might be better off with a template... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001929488-Create-your-own-templates
  15. Well 1) I'd say this is a real response, and 2) "to help us route and respond to your enquiry" sounds like you'll get more later. This is actually the first practical sign we've had that Evernote is actively attacking the waiting times in Support, and I'd say if they're finding ways to deal with routine stuff quickly, route the development queries direct to the right team, and maybe even give you a live human to talk to if you fall somewhere in the middle, that's all positive stuff. We've been winging that Support is too slow for a while - we can't dictate what methods they use to make it faster...
  16. Whilst its fun to have a group gripe, feeding back to the company is the fastest way to let them know you're not impressed. They might be just testing out someone's bright idea, or a user may even have suggested this would be better for their workflow. Time will tell...
  17. In the meantime there's Adobe Scan and Microsoft Lens
  18. I'd be astonished if you got a response that quickly - they've been running very slow on anything that's not authentication or payment issues for weeks. It may be getting slowly better, but much patience is still required...
  19. Hi. If you can see all your notes on your iPhone, then your data has been synced to the web server; the information on your desktop is a copy of what's on the server, and will automatically be replaced when you cab log in again. Things may run slower for a while, but should pick up after a few days.
  20. ... And since you can search and filter by a single emoji, it's a handy way to list all tasks of a certain type - I'm using "categories" like these 💷 - budget | ⚒️ - project | ⚕️- medical | 📚 - books | 🖥️ - computer (The icons are just what I can get easily from the Windows keyboard)
  21. Seems likely that several users reported the issue and while it will get fixed when they can, they're not planning to advise each individual of their progress.
  22. Your notes are secure from external access unless you choose to share them. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360053591694-Share-a-note-via-public-link There's also an app called Postach.io which will convert a notebook into a published blog-like website.
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