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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Have you tried exporting batches of 100 notes, or moving some of the existing notes into a new notebook and exporting that? It's probably that a corrupted note is causing the issue, but the problem can be finding and fixing it.
  2. I tend to see comments from several forums (fora?) and my impression was that it was 50/50 - some people like the new layout, some don't. There was a poll on Twitter at one stage - people would have be voting for one version over another, not against having some features.
  3. Hi. We are mainly other users here, not Support. Please revoke access to the Clipper if you have too many entries. I don't know why Evernote would reject moves between notebooks - I'm assuming you are the owner of the account and both notebooks.
  4. Has anyone actually bothered to contact Support? Things still seem to be working for me - Win 11 and EN 10.92.3. The website says the latest version is 10.93.1 - updating now. If you're affected though, get in touch with Support - the more requests they get, the faster a bug will be fixed. Edit: Yup - on 10.93.1 it took a reload to get a backlink - it might just be taking longer than I was prepared to wait.
  5. Hi. We're mainly other users here. Send requests and comments to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback. With millions of users, Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.
  6. Send feature requests to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback. With millions of users, Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.
  7. That 100 note thing is a pain. It might have been easier to export all the notes in that notebook to ENEX, then re-import to a new notebook. And could your undeletable notebook be set as your default? I would agree with the learned opinion above however. Ouch.
  8. Hi. Have you tried adding a number yourself? <notebook02> or something. If that gets numbers added on, there may be another cause for the changes...
  9. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback. With millions of users, Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.
  10. Don't see what we're discussing here. Legacy no longer exists, and v10 is the only Evernote option. It MAY speed things up for you when processing lots of changes if you take it offline, because whatever infinitesimal processing time is involved with sending every. single. action. to the server, is held over until you go back online. -And you can walk away at that stage while things update themselves. Evernote haven't published any comment, because this was a user suggestion; and it's not obligatory - if you find it doesn't work for you that's fine.
  11. Er, no. If you're about to make some major changes to notebooks or notes, it seems helpful to get all the changes done while offline and allow the system to catch up later. RTS is great for small changes and instant syncing.
  12. Only thing I can suggest is to feed that back to Support if you didn't already do that - they're the only ones who can fix things, but they do like to go through the basic fixes first... you just need to be patient and tell them when you've tried their ideas out.
  13. Hi. We're mainly other users here, with a low percentage of Teams users. What have Support said so far?
  14. Hi. Can't replicate the issue. If you select the affected bullets and 'unindent' them do you get back to a single list?
  15. Not sure I know what you mean, but to change the text under a single section, collapse all sections and then open only that one. Everything you see is editable. To add a new section, again collapse all - click the start of the section below where you need to edit and hit return. Space it down a few lines and insert your new text.
  16. Hmmn. The https://evernote.com/compare-plans page does say Tasks are available to all subscribers...
  17. You show here as being Premium too, though I didn't think subsidised accounts still existed. The current options are Free / Personal / Professional and whilst (AFAIK) Tasks are available to all, that feature was never part of a Premium account. So yes, they may be serious. You can check your account level here - https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action
  18. "Safe" for what? Being unable to sort notes accurately is hardly a threat...
  19. Only patience I'm afraid... Support are the only people who can fix payment issues, and they're still operating on a very s-l-o-w schedule...
  20. Same question as before - is this a Teams (business) account? Plus - what device, and what are your OS and Evernote version numbers?
  21. Hi. Already part of the package. Check https://evernote.com/download to ensure you're on the latest version. Create a Small header. Type some text below it. Go back to the header. Look for a drop-down in the left margin. Hide and display your text. Now create a Medium header above the small one. Look for a drop down in that margin...
  22. Well I still don't have access to Import files , so I can't really comment further. If you extract the files from your ZIP archive and use a Sync (Import) folder, that will add one note per extracted file with the filename as the title of the note. Hope that helps! https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004967-Sync-your-local-folders-former-Import-Folder-feature
  23. If I need a collection of notes for a specific purpose I'll move (or copy) them into a new notebook and then throw them back/ delete the copies when I'm done.
  24. It is true that I am catastrophically dumb, but sadly I'm not Evernote. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback. With millions of users, Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.
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