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  1. ok thanks for the info, I have opened a ticket (I did try to do that before posting here but couldn't figure out how to; I've found it now.)
  2. Code blocks presumably exist for the purpose of including monospaced text such as source code in notes. It obviously needs to be displayed as-is, that's the whole point of the code block. In some recent version of Evernote it appears to have started applying some auto-formatting inside code blocks, and replacing some characters. This doesn't happen at the time you type/paste the text, it affects when viewing notes which have existed for years. For example I've just noticed this in one of my notes: The actual text is: = (or no operator): exact version equality !=: version not equal \>, >=, <, <=: version comparison ~>: pessimistic constraint, constraining both the oldest and newest version allowed. ~> 0.9 is equivalent to >= 0.9, < 0.10, and ~> 0.8.4 is equivalent to >= 0.8.4, < 0.9 This is obviously a problem - this is a reference note and the text of the code block needs to be displayed properly as-is, not with characters replaced by other glyphs. I'm on Evernote v10.82.2-mac-ddl-public (20240327123857) on MacOS Sonoma 14.4.1
  3. In fact drag-and-drop isn't the only way to create such links. All you need to do is somehow get the URL into the clipboard, then you just paste it into Evernote. This means you can type a URL using any scheme into a text editor, then copy it and paste into Evernote. If you want the linked text in Evernote to be something other than the URL, you simple move the cursor inside the link and type the text you want, then delete the rest of the URL. This will leave your text as a clickable link with any scheme. All of this proves conclusively that this is a bug. A simple oversight from the developers. Evernote does fully support URL schemes in notes, the only place it doesn't support them is in the add hyperlink dialog.
  4. +1 from me. URL Schemes are a mature and well supported feature on both OS X and iOS. https://developer.apple.com/library/content/documentation/iPhone/Conceptual/iPhoneOSProgrammingGuide/Inter-AppCommunication/Inter-AppCommunication.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007072-CH6-SW1 https://developer.apple.com/library/content/featuredarticles/iPhoneURLScheme_Reference/Introduction/Introduction.html There are lots built-in to OS X Adding support is unlikely to take much effort since it's built in to OS X. Pretty much all that needs to happen is the "Create Link" dialog box need to have it's validation rules relaxed a little to allow any scheme.
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