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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. You could do this by using a third party app - Filterize - which can reassign new notes to an appropriate notebook (amongst many other things). Create your note from the template and save. Filterize checks the note when saved and - triggered by a standard tag or title - moves it to the Logs notebook.
  2. I'm not - it was a terminally stupid move to treat the new version as a General Release. Evernote should have made it a public beta for users to opt in if they were prepared to risk it. However they have rewritten things from the ground up and are on version 10.5 only 8 weeks or so after v10.0... Another 8 weeks might see some real changes - and some users are already saying that the new version is pretty good, though I have no intention of giving it a try as yet. Since the cure for most of what ails the new version is just to switch back to the old one, I see no reason for all the wailing and complaining. Either Evernote will fix this and everything goes back to 'normal', or they won't and you leave. Your choice at all levels, no drama involved.
  3. Nope. But like you I'm on the last public release of Evernote, waiting for them to get their act together - which should be happening within weeks now that they have the snappy new tech in place. The simple and sensible answer to all tecnical issues for the moment is: use Legacy!!
  4. Good for you - the only test around here is "whatever works for you" - so ignore the grumbling and enjoy your day! 🙂
  5. You could try installing the legacy version, which will work alongside the new app for the present. Use one where the other isn't providing you with a necessary feature - just don't start a note in Legacy and then expect to finish it 10 minutes later in v10! Anything you edit in Legacy will sync to v10 and vice-versa. I have 6.25.1 - Legacy is 6.25.2, so hopefully no differences other than working alongside the new coding. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote Maybe someone on v10 can confirm whether your experience is a bug. As a subscriber you can report it as an issue anyway - Evernote (hopefully) will fix it, though I think they're a little busy at present...
  6. Hmmn. Just checked my Evernote Windows 6.25, and clicking a link in a ToC takes me straight to the relevant note. Are you using the browser version? Evernote does have this annoying habit of popping up a 'leaving Evernote' screen when moving to a link destination outside of the app (i.e. a web page), but it should not appear if you're jumping between notes within the app. Anyone else seeing this in any other version(s) of Evernote? It may be a bug...
  7. Don't know if there are specific links - my use case is kind've specific in that I have 50,000+ notes and around 300 notebooks and lots of rules about which note goes where. My family are not overly technical or organised and if it should happen that I'm not around to explain where (forinstance) the user guide for the continuum transfunctioner is filed, they probably would never find it. So the names of all my notebooks are in Workflowy, with explanations of what goes in there. It's a full 'family user' guide (which is easier to access) with links to notebooks like |UserGuides which lives in Evernote. Likewise I have a long list (50 or so) of twitter tags for a website I help administer which is easier to edit and copy from in WF - under the notebook name of that particular project. If you are planning to use WF to any great extent you should have a look at WFx* -which adds shortcuts and keystroke commands- plus there are various apps that are available - including a clipper. * Wfx Chrome - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/wfx-for-workflowy/jbehgpdjkcconnaagjhddddfdajbpfhi
  8. Yep - original discussion is here: PLEASE VOTE THERE if you wish to support this... (I'll leave others to decide whether to merge the two since it's up to 6 pages so far...)
  9. Don't be put off by all the negativity - the best option for you depends on a number of factors including your hardware, tech ability, network connection(s) and actual use case. Various new(ish) users have said the new version is great, and with the latest version iOS users seem happier with that option - although if you use iOS the update is NOT reversible. With everything else you can try the new version*, reinstall Legacy on Desktops, or even step back to the last public release if you find v10 too bad. As always, the best way to decide is to try it out for real. *on Android you may not be able to do that - the roll out seems rather slow...
  10. Fair comment - but I reserve the right to request MindMap layouts, Trello boards and Visio diagrams, plus formula scripts, spreadsheets, presentation options and e-book reading too... Nope - but it's super-easy to embed a link to the actual text in a Note (with access options like read only if you want to share) and copy/ paste the finished layout into Evernote for indexing. See https://workflowy.com/s/help/4KzavO0VGYdhp7RS
  11. Maybe we should have a vote-off between competing bells & whistles - but if one gets added, then another... you're eventually going to have to choose between dozens of bloat-adding features that slow everything down. IMO being able to work in another app is better - I can install my preferences and just use those; you can install yours.. and neither choices affect how well or how slowly Evernote operates!
  12. @Necktilt - Yup; just install Legacy and use it and v10 more or less interchangeably. As you suggest though - best to concentrate on one version and change to the other only if your first choice isn't working the way you need it. No changing horses mid-stream (to heavily mix my first metaphor in 2021).
  13. Hi. Not currently available. If you'd like to make a feature request please vote on an existing thread or create your own. Easy work-around is to create the sections in separate notes linked by title or tag. Search for the identifier to list all the notes and create a table of content note to jump between them. The note links can be moved around in the ToC if you wish to re-order the document. Create a table of contents
  14. My point was that fully-featured note list apps already exist, and are quite easy to use - why should Evernote spend a great deal of time, effort and testing on shoe-horning something into Evernote and changing the menus (again) that a stand-alone app will always be better for? And before you add that it's better to have the whole process in one app than have to shift to another - what about mind-maps / spreadsheets / databases / image editors / email clients etc etc... we all use several apps during the day and what brings them all together is the device you use them on.
  15. As @DTLow indicated above - backups are currently best done from the Legacy app. The storage used by v10 is not (apparently) useful to users other than that it supplies the app with note data and - unless you opt otherwise - will be deleted when you exit. HTML or ENEX backups from the legacy database would be the way to go.
  16. Hi. Generic comment about Evernote print capabilities - they are (or have been) very basic. If you need printed output it's usually better to use a word processor which gives you page breaks and other style and formatting options. If you have a draft in your note it should be possible to copy and paste that into a WP window where what you see is what gets printed (WYSIWGP?) - and it is possible to attach a WP (DOCX/ OSD) file to a note to edit or print where necessary. Things may improve in future, but Evernote is simply not set up to match the standard of a full word processor.
  17. Hi. We're a mainly user-supported forum and can't exactly comment on pricing policy, but you could put up a suggestion in a Feature Request forum to see how many users agree with you. I'd suggest you stick with 'reduced subscription' rather than a specific price because I doubt that any company would think that the effort of collecting 2$ was worth the return. Last time Evernote offered a student discount on Premium it was 50% of the normal annual cost. For the time being there are no other options for subscribers.
  18. Hi. Couldn't find your EN10 post so I moved this one. If you need to delete it, check the three dots menu at the top right of the post. Added it to the Windows thread, though you're running Windows, via Bootcamp, on Mac. In Windows generally the Win key + an arrow key will snap a window to the margins or between screens.
  19. Try uninstalling with Revo Uninstaller, which will remove elements that Windows doesn't usually bother with - or if you're not wedded to EN10 use this link to download the previous public version - http://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.1.9091.exe
  20. The Internet Pixies must have been a bit hungover when trying to update your account! Glad it was magically fixed anyway: my stock comment for any Android issues is uninstall / restart / reinstall, but if you need to avoid v10 some creative searching might be involved in finding the right download for 8.13...
  21. Hi. I'm still using the 'old' versions of Evernote Android, Web and Windows and they're just as good (or bad) as they usually are - when v10 shapes up a little more I may consider moving across - or I'll leave - it remains to be seen. Meantime please be aware you can always take a step back into the good old(ish) days if you need to, the new version having been released (apparently) in stripped down form in the fond hope that the dev team could quickly add features back in, given the new architecture they spent the last couple of years developing. That doesn't (quite) seem to be happening, but I'm happy to give them the chance to get there before doing anything rash. Things don't seem to be quite as bad as you paint them - there have been no 'security scandals' that I'm aware of, it's not exactly a revolving door at any level, and if you have any links to show different please let us know! Plus - if Evernote were scared of feedback I think they'd nuke this forum pretty quickly since the last few weeks have been almost nothing but criticism. However; if you gotta go, you gotta go. Bye.
  22. Hi. Like this sort of thing you mean? https://workflowy.com/s/example-stub/7eEN3KzuV67vG1qg
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