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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. Nope - just updated to 10.92.3 and all I got is "pin to Home". That @ link is pretty sweet though...
  2. That's not normal behaviour - evidenced by the fact there have been no other additions to this thread for a year. You probably need to uninstall Evernote and "clean" reinstall the current latest version from Evernote.com.
  3. Hi. Where are you seeing guidance from Evernote? And does your zip file contain HTML files?
  4. Hi. You're a year late to the party and we've had a few new versions since then. Please confirm your device and OS/ Evernote version numbers and (if possible) please add a screen shot of the offending process. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback. With millions of users, Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.
  5. We're gonna need a bigger info dump... Device? OS and Evernote version numbers? examples (ideally screenshots) of tag where sort order is correct, and the one that is not? Are you using special or normal characters in your tags? (Hint special characters sort differently on different devices)
  6. History is meant to provide you with a backup in case of accidental or unwanted changes, not a way to compare versions. You should be able to import those ENEX files into new and separate notes in a new notebook. Add numbers to the title, then export or print the whole notebook to HTML or PDF files which you could then compare. You'll have more options in the installed Evernote app - if you can 'print' the notes, check whether you can print to a PDF file rather than your normal printer.
  7. Hmmn. One ticket should have been enough - subsequent reports just slow things down because the system has to connect the messages in case a user has sent more information or is withdrawing the request. Please don't send any more - I've flagged your post here for an Admin (an Evernote employee) to look at...
  8. That's occasionally happened to me. AHK or other file automation will empty the folder after processing.
  9. I'm pretty sure that like me, @mackid1993 is absolutely certain that this is impossible. The server connections that are required to install and activate a new account, or connect with an existing one, no longer exist. Good luck to anyone running their data on the basis of never logging out of an existing account - you're one power or connection outage from losing that access to your notes. My suggestion does not (AFAIK) require a login and it's a way to extract an ENEX copy of your notes if you wish to do so. The other option (except for Local Notebooks) is always to install v10...
  10. Searching for stack:<mystackname> gives me the entire content of that stack. Adding more filters or keywords refines the search.
  11. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please send a request to feedback@evernote.com (you get a 'thankyou' response but nothing further) or raise this with Support - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new - (be very patient for a response here) In general: it's far better to send feature requests and minor bug reports via feedback. With millions of users, Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update. Support is meant for major issues like access and subscriptions.
  12. Hi. For anyone who operates in more than one language, I'd say you need to decide on which one to use as standard for all keywords (tags?) and stick to that, regardless of what language the actual note might contain. As to registration code / key - that needs to be in whatever language the software requires to authenticate...
  13. I mostly get updates because I check and download from the website directly. With millions of users Evernote staggers the issue of updates over a period of weeks and a random "check for updates" will not usually give you anything immediately. If that is working for you, you may benefit from a clean reinstall as suggested above. As a matter of interest, what's your device and OS/ Evernote version numbers?
  14. Hi. How did you export your notes and to what sort of file? If you have several versions of the note in Evernote, does exporting to HTML or 'printing' to a PDF file help?
  15. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or send a report to feedback@evernote.com. In general: it's far better to send feature requests and bug reports via feedback. With millions of users, Evernote can't keep individuals in the loop for bug fixes or possible future developments - if and when your issue is resolved it will come as part of a future update
  16. Hi. Try reinstalling using Revo Uninstaller to remove your current app. Since Evernote downloads a copy of your account to your local device, it's possible that what you are seeing is simply the extra activity during an account setup. If so, it will reduce after a day or so.
  17. If Evernote is slow and unreliable you may be using older devices or need a clean reinstall. If you'd like to have more customisation please feed back to Evernote. Plus - not being able to see the calendar (or any other) page won't necessarily make Evernote quicker on any device - the code will still be present in the app.
  18. Hi. What reference/ ticket number do you have for your conversation with customer care? Did you pay Evernote directly or go through another agency? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/29112840273683-Why-am-I-seeing-multiple-charges-from-Evernote
  19. Hi. Please remove your file attachment and use a JPG file. I'm not opening unknown documents. As a free user, you may have exceeded your device limit. (Tracking connected devices is not an exact science - check here for your own situation https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action)
  20. ? Apps work in certain ways and users either adapt their approach to take advantage of those processes, or find a different app that suits them better. We're always able to send suggestions to Evernote to add features or options, but what you see is all their is. Unless the company makes a commitment to offer a specific access, they're under no obligation to maintain it regardless of future changes - and in this case the facility to limit searches still exists; the manner in which you do so is just different.
  21. Hi. We're mainly other users here. For a more timely notification please raise this with Support https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new (be very patient for a response) or send it to feedback@evernote.com. In both cases you'll get a 'thanks' response but they won't keep you in the loop - when and if the feature changes it will come ias part of a future update.
  22. Hi. The forums here are mainly for other users. There may be a dev or two around, but you likely won't get anything technical sorted out - talk to Support or have a browse around https://dev.evernote.com for more
  23. It's always possible that an image is linked from some hidden code within the note. Have you tried the suggested trick of creating a new note and copying content across? We're still waiting for the promised option to choose your own image...
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