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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I'd suggest two things: Report this to Support to get it onto their radar and -maybe- fixed if this is a new 'feature' of the app; and https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Install Legacy to restore the previous behaviour https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  2. Hi. No clue. As long as the content is easily read... There are already requests for more font colours, so maybe they will be along in future developments.
  3. Hi. All due respect, but wishing for more levels of stack or notebook is like wishing for chocolate-flavour notes. Evernote doesn't do that, has never done that, and while they haven't said they won't ever do that, they haven't said they'd consider it either. The only way to differentiate 'levels' is to go the route of stacks > notebooks > notes > titles | tags. Different businesses can have their own tags, as can different activities and actions; so August tax returns for Acme Industries can be found by tag:aug tag:tax tag:acme Some folks here like to personalise tags rather more by something like Acme_tax or Acme_sales - and tags, if you require it, can be set up in an 'infinite' (or pretty deep anyway) parent-child level, subject to the proviso that you can't duplicate tag names. It's not possible to have 'aug' (for example) as a child of more than one parent. There have been requests for some kind of hierarchical system of notes and sub-notes for 12 years - search the forums for a LOT more on the subject if you wish...
  4. Hi. Were these files synced to the server? Can you see them if you sign in to Evernote.com via a browser?
  5. Hi. More features are still coming, but if you wish - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  6. Hi. Why not use Evernote's template feature? When you create a new note just click on 'use template' and you'll get a screen showing your own saved note templates. Use templates
  7. Hi. Your loss of both notes and subscription access indicates you managed to create a new account which is what you're currently seeing. Try logging out and back in again being very sure that you're using your original user details. If that doesn't work, try signing into Evernote.com and use the 'forgotten password' link to check the correct details.
  8. Windows, as with most things Microsoft, is a little possessive over system shortcuts. It will lean in and grab the keys when booting up, so any app allegedly able to configure keystrokes can't claw them back. Text expansion apps like AHK and Phrase Express can automate some activities from outside the system.
  9. Hi. I've seen comment that if you go to the Notebooks page and right-click a notebook, you'll be able to download the entire content as an ENEX file (other formats are -allegedly- in the pipeline). How practical that is, I guess depends on how many notebooks you have and how many notes in each. As an occasional process it's not bad - but I'm cautious and paranoid, so I get a daily full backup of my 30GB(ish) database which would be unfeasible using downloads. Option 2 is to maintain a copy of Legacy and use Backupery. That's a subscription service, but -except for when Evernote rocks the boat- it's a seamless way to schedule a regular backup. I keep a week's worth of daily backups, then back that folder up elsewhere with a weekly system backup. (What I said: caution!) Sadly Backupery are currently stymied on version 10 by Evernote's change to server-based databases and lack of scripting options. Hopefully that will change! Option 3 - CloudHQ: an online backup (apparently) that addresses the account direct on the server (??). Again a subscription service and I have no experience of how it operates, but there's this... https://blog.cloudhq.net/how-and-why-you-should-backup-evernote/ Option 4 I guess - and only for small databases - would be to save the content by exporting/ printing to PDF files.
  10. Hate to break it to you, but there's (mainly) only us users here... and while we feel (and share) your pain, there's nothing much other to do than wait for improvements. I saw the writing on the wall and opted not to 'upgrade' to v10, so am continuing to work happily in Evernote Windows 6.25, Android 8.13 and (occasionally) web 10.x - as far as I'm concerned, nothing is happening until those tools are ripped from my cold, dead devices. To get your message across to Evernote (which is an impressive summary, by the way), maybe send a link to this thread to Support as feedback? https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  11. Ah - sorry, didn't realise it was a package deal. Since you can save a Word document as an attachment, and edit it again from the note when you need to do so, why not start out with a word document and edit it when you add the images in the first place, so all you have to do is export and share the entire file? Evernote's problem is (I think) that because it saves text and images as two separate things, there's a lot of processing going on when you move a document around. If all that was wrapped up in a word document there would (maybe) be far less hassle...
  12. Yes - I use VPN so my IP changes from time to time. I'm connecting to a UK server, but -apparently- their IP addresses come up as originating in various foreign countries, hence the alerts.
  13. Hi. You should have a 'save attachments' option in the note which will drop the files to your desktop and allow you to copy/ paste elsewhere if you wish. Does that not work for you?
  14. It may depend on how you deleted your account. See if any of this helps - Reactivate your Evernote account If not, try signing into your account via Evernote.com. There's a 'lost password' option if you're in any doubt, and it will tell you whether there's anything to recover.
  15. You might want to start by explaining what your issue actually is - my Evernote Android 8.13 is working fine, and I've seen comments from others that version 10.x is getting better. You're not being 'denied' anything AFAICS. Quite apart from that - your notes are accessible on any desktop in several operating systems. -And you're posting in a thread that is nothing to do with any of this.
  16. Hi. I'm logged in normally, so whatever your issue is could be due to a slow network connection or some such. Maybe restart your device and try again? If you need to come back with more queries, please confirm what version of Evernote and Windows you're using.
  17. Short answer: no. Or at least, not yet. You can download and export individual notebooks to ENEX files - which is advisable because exported notes do not have any notebook metadata attached to them. If you exported 1,000 notes from 5 notebooks as one block, then you would import 1,000 notes into one notebook if you needed to use that file again. If you're on the new v10 all this data has to be downloaded from the server, so staging the process into several notebooks makes some sense. There is an online backup option - see https://support.cloudhq.net/how-to-backup-evernote-to-google-drive/ for more on that...
  18. And you seem to have a problem with caps lock too... There is no such thing as a daily update If you're seeing an 'updating' message every day, the installer is being repeatedly (and wrongly) triggered instead of the program link. This is fixable by either creating a new link or reinstalling the software ...and being a user since 2015 you might want to chip in with a subscription so you can get access to email help for when things like this happen.
  19. - Please see (and contact) the billing threads. We're a (mainly) user-supported forum; no information here about subscriptions or promotions.
  20. Guessing that it's a security thing - several websites I use have the same approach. If I were a robot accessing a site with a cache of thousands of passwords, having to add a user name, then hit a key, before inserting the password makes the process twice as long. That's a small (if annoying) step for a user, but a giant leap for a bot with thousands of tries to make. (Hmmn. Must write that down somewhere...🙂) Don't know if it will work for you, but I just hit a random key for the user name, then when the window opens up I'll trigger my password manager which corrects the user name and adds the password in one go.
  21. If you're having warnings from Evernote, I'd suggest you check the IP address in their emails. I've had two warnings this year about 'third party access' from foreign countries, but miraculously all these hits came from my own IP address. It's an issue with IP addressing (I think) that the country-of-origin is a tad imprecise... (If you haven't had warnings from Evernote - what makes you think you were hacked?)
  22. With 20 votes this topic isn't going to make any waves - you might want to have a look over here - it's been going for a while...
  23. It's still unknown when or if Evernote will add this option to the editor - as with other specialised features they may think there are plenty of mature apps already out there that do this job quite well. Evernote have to make something up for themselves - or buy in the expertise - which may not be cost effective, even with the clear enthusiasm shown for this feature. Personally, I use Workflowy, sections of which I can cut and paste into my notes, or link to with a short URL.
  24. Hi. See my response above. The app (AFAIK) does not erase notes, but inadvertently creating a new account on sign-in can make it look that way. If you rely on software It's often advisable to pay for it - if nothing else it gets you priority access to help if things go wrong... in both your and @Ashley1234's if the data you are missing is important, it might be worth subscribing - even for a month or two - to get that access.
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