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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. I have a similar requirement to date notes to the creation date of a document rather than the sometimes much later date of the note itself. I'm also using Legacy because v10 isn't yet ticking all the boxes I'd need to use it full time. I don't however change the created date of my notes. That's a detailed enough process in Legacy that I find dealing with more than a couple of documents to be a trial. I simply start the title of the note with a date - in yyyymmdd format. When I have a selection of 'hits' I can quickly place them in document-date order by sorting by title. When I scan documents I do so to a folder on my hard drive so that it's convenient to add the date to the file name.. then when a note is created for that file, the name becomes the title. I have a text expander set up to generate the current date with a keypress, and other dates tend to get copied and pasted as necessary. It's unknown whether or when Evernote may re-introduce editing options for note metadata - since it's a standard part of Legacy it seems unlikely they have any specific opposition to including that option, just probably a long list of feature detail to add back into v10 in which that may have its place. The company is unlikely to respond to a Forum post, but you should be able to raise a Support ticket and get a direct response on this issue if you wish. These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  2. Hi. Tech issues are best reported direct to Support (with details of device / OS / Evernote version) so that you can receive a direct response and they can request activity logs or more details as required. Before that it often helps to: Log out of the app and back in Restart the device Uninstall / restart / reinstall the app These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  3. Hi. Device, OS, Evernote version? These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  4. Hi. What level user are you? (Free / Personal / Professional) and what device/ OS are you using? I know of no circumstances under which Evernote would offer you those choices from startup - was this a new clip, or had you been working on the note for some time?
  5. What defines a 'workspace'? Mine are all separate notes, or dedicated notebooks...
  6. The problem is that the internet is much busier because lots more people now use it for meetings and work, plus browsers are much heavier resource hogs because they're optimised for security, and Evernote relies far more in version 10 on a live internet connection to keep data up to date. I don't know whether Evernote could 'fix' the situation, or whether they would want to because of the investment in time and effort against any actual benefit to a large number of users. Regardless, even if it happens any fix is going to take some time to implement. Meantime you need to find a way to take notes that doesn't stress your system or network connection. Maybe watch on one device and take notes on another in a local word-processor - save the file into Evernote when you've finished watching the talk...
  7. Hi. I don't use the Home page either. It's not obligatory to use it - although it is the default view when you open the app - and to some extent it just gets in the way. If you follow several projects, or keep an eye on specific topics, then the Home page content might be useful - but if it isn't (yet?) of any use, you can't force yourself to make it relevant - just page through it and get on with the rest of your life!
  8. Hi. Try restarting your device, and check your internet connection and what else is running in the background. Evernote needs a lot of local and online resource to get going. There are no outages of which we're aware... https://status.evernote.com/
  9. Hi.These Forums are mainly user 2 user - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  10. Because Evernote uses wheel-and-spoke synchronisation - every device sends and receives changes directly from the server - changing something on device A does not necessarily change the copy on device B if you move between the two with* making sure both are fully synced up to date. In this case the cause of your duplicates appears to be you, and the cure would be to stick to one device only when you're working on a specific note. Edit: *without
  11. I'd endorse Bitwarden, though there are plenty of other password manager apps - having an external resource to store passwords and secure notes is ideal for logging into anything, anywhere...
  12. Hi. You're posting in a 'Teams' thread - is that the version of Evernote that you use? Where do you get your audio notes from- are they recorded on this device or downloaded from elsewhere? And what device and OS are you using?
  13. Hi. You'll find that in many cases it's the page, not Evernote, that is causing the problem. Always useful to quote some URLs of pages that did not download - you may find that if the page requires a log-in (forinstance) and while you personally can log in and view it, Evernote's copy attempt is treated as a guest access and EN will be prevented from downloading anything. If your downloads are frozen, it should be a simple matter to visit the page again (Evernote captures the URL) and re-clip in a desktop browser.
  14. You're still behind the numbers. Check the Beta Forums for the latest, but you seem at least a version or two out of date... I joined the beta program but still waited weeks before they got around to inviting me. Try https://evernote.com/earlyaccess
  15. Wish there was a <groan> reaction... - and yes, I was being dumb and not reading which OS thread I was in again...
  16. Reported many times in different threads - everyone does not have the same experience. Standard responses include: Do you have a solid network connection? Is Evernote currently open on any other connected device? Have you reported this to Support?
  17. Welcome back! Been there - got that T-shirt: I've had many (many!) experiences where I moved from one app to another because of some temporary perceived benefit - only to find that my original provider had continued to plod onward and had either fixed the issues that annoyed me or introduced the feature that seduced me away in the meantime. We've been going through a bit of a patchy time (vague pun intended...) in the Evernote experience, but it makes most sense to stick with it until you absolutely have no option but to change. Thanks for the observations on the options - hope that will help others
  18. Tech support requests always get a ticket number by return email, and a follow-up some days later. If you heard nothing, it means your support request didn't get to the right place. Feedback at the moment suggests that a Support person will get back to ticket-holders within a few days. If that doesn't happen, post the ticket number here and we can flag it to the Forum admins who can chase it internally. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps I'm still running 8.13 and while everything else has updated, my block on Evernote has worked up to now... though YMMV if you have a different Android version.
  19. Didn't they slow the roll-out because of the Evernote icon takeover?
  20. Evernote (like a lot of other software houses) are notoriously close-mouthed about whether or when any developments are in train. They're always cautious about giving the competition advance notice of what's coming - plus they know that users will 1) complain if their preferred feature is not part of the plan and 2) generate a flood of complaints if - for whatever reason - they don't deliver on time.
  21. Hi. If you can specify what devices you're using to access the service we might be able to suggest some work-arounds. Meantime this is general background... Tasks Overview
  22. Hi. This is a user forum, not Evernote support. And I have no idea what you just said. But if you can explain what OS and Evernote version you're using, and what exactly your experience and issues are, you may be able to get some helpful suggestions here. You could also try Evernote Support - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client).
  23. Hi. What version of Evernote are you using? If Employees may have access I assume this might be Business / Teams related. If so, the admin screens would allow you to reset access.
  24. Hi. For general payment issues see NB for iTunes payments please contact them direct.
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