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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. It's ironic that this point keeps on being duplicated in the forums too. There are many other threads on this topic, so please look out for them if you'd like more detail; the main points are that: Notes are automatically synced back to the server by each connected device. If you have more than one copy of Evernote open, different versions of the same note can be sent to your account and the server cannot tell which is the correct, current version, so it saves both. There will probably be differences between the notes you see. Slow or erratic network connections may interrupt the connection with the server, forcing it so save a new version of the same note. Firewalls or VPN connections may interrupt a connection, as could other apps running on the same device. Long editing sessions may hit timeouts The way to avoid all of the above, as I just have when typing this, is to use a local word processor which only saves to the device in use while creating or editing a long text. Once the text is complete you can attach the output file to a note for future editing, or just copy and paste the text into a new note. Duplicates are not impossible, but will be very rare. If you still have issues and you're a subscriber, you could reach out to Evernote Support (which we're not) to see whether they can help.
  2. Hi. Check this out - Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  3. I'm happy for you, but clearly there's a reason for the duplicates and not just that Evernote is messing with your head. If you're a subscriber, try contacting Support...
  4. Hi. If that's not covered here, contact support... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313688
  5. Hi. Connecting your calendar requires a Personal, Professional, or Teams subscription. If this includes you, I'd suggest you contact Support - we're mainly users here. Subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client). https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500009437482
  6. Hi. Are you able to view these notes without downloading the content? How much spare storage do you have on the iPad? Is it enough to hold these notebooks?
  7. Hi. Because of the way in which Evernote syncs to a central point from all connected devices, there are limits on what Evernote can do to avoid duplications. Having the app open on more than one device / network connection issues / working for long periods on a long note all have a part to play, and the only way to minimise disruption is to take as many local steps as possible - and then raise the matter with Evernote support if you still find that things are out of hand. Evernote are aware of the issue, but they need input from individual activity logs to analyse the causes and -maybe- work towards a better solution...
  8. Woeful in what respect? It tells you precisely how to share a notebook, and whether or not you are an Evernote subscriber it's possible to set up a 'test' notebook to share and experiment with what that would look like to a non-user recipient. There are two options besides sharing a notebook: Use shared pages - in the same notebook, create an index note using the public links to the pages you wish to share. Share that note publicly and send the URL to your intended recipients. (Again you may want to test yourself first.) Add the index note URL to your shared pages so users can jump around between them as necessary. The same notebook can contain unshared notes if you want to maintain drafts and support notes that will not be visible to your users. Third-party add-in Postach.io does some of the work involved above for you. You can convert an Evernote notebook into a blog by adding a tag <published> to notes as required.
  9. ...What Pink said... plus if you get to PDF format, files can be imported into Evernote notes in bulk via import folders
  10. Thanks for the clarification @PinkElephant - I should've qualified my answer that I've never used iTunes for payments. I don't share your enthusiasm for paying that way because of situations like this - Evernote isn't Apple (obvs) and given price changes and discounts the two companies can't collaborate on anything but the standard payment levels between them. For that reason alone I'd always pay direct with Evernote - if anything goes wrong there's only one target for any complaints! I flagged this thread for our Evernote Guardian Angel to take a look - maybe we can get a definitive statements on upgrades and cancellations when paying through iTunes!
  11. Ouch. That raises the point (though not for discussion here) - what happens if you export some linked notes and then re-import them? Will they still be linked? I think there was a kind of a work-around (or at least a plaster-over) a long time ago that involved giving two or more linked notes a matching random code so that they were at least easily manually matched together in their new environment. That would work here, obviously - subject to how many notes and how many links need to be repaired...
  12. LOL you mean besides connecting to Evernote's servers 365x24 every time they view or change a note, occupying petabytes of permanent online storage and being the beneficiaries of constant updating and bug fixing? Only online 'influencers' believe that consuming for free helps suppliers. Actually if you gave Evernote and iTunes credit for being responsible grown-up companies and simply upgraded from within the app you'll either be given more information about your next steps with iTunes or you will find that your billing is adjusted to give you credit for the period you already paid for in providing the increased benefits. If for some reason it doesn't, you're then in the position of being entitled to contact support as a subscriber.
  13. I oversimplified - note links should open in whatever environment is available for them. Sometimes you get a choice of browser or app. I didn't want to cover all the possible options without knowing the reason behind the question. More here - Create internal note links
  14. Hi. App links can only connect to a note in a locally stored database since they open in the installed app (hence the name...). Mobile devices do not have a locally stored copy of any notes - they rely totally on downloading from the server. App links can only open on a desktop running the installed app. Web links open in the browser and are loaded directly from the server, so are available anywhere. I'm not sure what you're expecting from an exported HTML note, but links between notes should still work - have you tried setting up a small test?
  15. Hi. Worst case - if you shared a notebook and cannot unshare it, move all the notes from that notebook into a new location and delete the original.
  16. Hi. I suggest you reach out to Support (which is not us) so they can investigate. Note History should include the image contents of a note as well as anything else. If Support are unable to help and you've not been keeping system backups that might include your note database, I'm not sure there's anything else available. Is the image something that you might be able to re-clip?
  17. Hi. It's definitely the case that Evernote has changed since 5 years ago. What exactly are you trying to do? Search with multiple tags?
  18. Hi. You didn't pay us, because the Forums are mainly run by users, not Evernote employees. Support are the people to talk to, and it sounds like you already made some contact there. Try explaining the situation again, and -politely- ask for a supervisor to reconsider your request to merge the two accounts and the two subscriptions.
  19. Have you downloaded the Excel file from the note to your phone and tried to open it?
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