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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I'm also on Win 11 / Evernote 10.98.2 - Evernote seems to be coping with my 68K notes and 400+ notebooks just fine. Did you do the full clean reinstall? If Evernote is active, sign out / don't save your data locally / use Revo Uninstaller Free (Win) or Appcleaner (Mac) to uninstall the app. Power off and back on, then re-download and reinstall from Evernote.com and leave Evernote running to rebuild the local data. The new install is still initially a little slow - things get better after a few days.
  2. Hi. We're mostly other users here, so we have no information on account access. You're using a pretty restricted free app and have exceeded the device limits. Your opportunity to reset a device (twice) will return at some point in the next few weeks. Your only other access to your notes (and Evernote support) would be to subscribe - even if only for a month or two.
  3. Try reinstalling Evernote, then do an uninstall with Revo to get rid of the files that an OS uninstall doesn't usually bother with and a corrupted install might miss. Power off, then back on, then install again... if that doesn't fix it, contact Support - meantime use the web version?
  4. I removed an unhelpful comment here. If you're going to be negative, please give some background at least... and don't respond to months-old threads.-
  5. Sort by created date or updated date? What device and OS/ Evernote version numbers? A screenshot might help too...
  6. Hi. http://status.evernote.com/ to check for availability - power your system off and back on to retry.
  7. Hi. Please try signing out of Evernote and unticking 'save my data on this device'. Power your device off and on again and sign back in.
  8. Hi. Not aware of any bugs or outages - please try quitting any installations and powering the device off and back on. Reinstall from an Evernote.com download. If you still have issues let us know your device and OS/ Evernote version numbers.
  9. 3 month old tip; current version is now 10.97. Are you a 'bot?
  10. Hi. Both options will capture the content of an object, whether it is a business card, a road sign, a product box or a document. All files can be visible inline, or as a title; but images are limited to one document page. Scans can be multi-page. And OCR is (AFAIK) slightly different - images generate word 'trees'. The word "house" on an image of a sign may be flagged as house/ horse/ hearse/ hose; documents are converted to text characters, so occupy less space than images and "house" always = house. Product boxes are not amenable to scans. Basically use whatever is most convenient to you; but if you can scan it, I'd normally prefer a scan.
  11. The constant problem for support staff is using their skills wisely. The hierarchy is usually a first tier fielding all enquiries and dealing with the easy fixes, linking up to a more experienced tier who can tech more serious stuff, who in turn can refer some issues up to developer level where something is clearly wrong with the coding. The first tier also tend to have a global 'have you tried this'? Auto response to try to resolve some issues without even getting to first base. - All that is my experience running a customer service team <mumble> years ago when we didn't have AI... Now I'm using AI... selectively... like a colleague who's read all the manuals but has no real-world experience. I can see the attraction of trying to use AI to generate a more specific response to a particular issue - but I reckon you'd have to have a training database so the system can recognise all the different ways a user can report similar issues. I think the AI thing is evidence of Evernote making every effort to get Support back on track - because they can't magic dozens of Evernote-specific staff out of thin air, and they're trying to support the staff they have with as much backup as they can. My team got into a similar situation once and I do remember it was more than a (very painful) year before we got out of it.
  12. Apparently I did! I show this - ...but resetting defaults got me back to 'L'. Will have to watch out for that in future!! (and maybe user optioned shortcuts should be flagged somehow?)
  13. Where did Alt+Ctrl+L come from? I thought the key letter was X for an app link... ???
  14. You will get automatic responses from the system. Just keep replying that you need to resolve a double payment - I'd imagine that you have somehow paid on two separate accounts, your existing one and a new account. You can request a refund for the new account without affecting your existing status.
  15. If a Revo/ Appcleaner uninstall didn't fix it, stay in touch with Support.
  16. You're replying to a 4 year old post - what's your device, OS and Evernote version numbers, and precise issue? And are you a 'bot?
  17. Hmmn. I get this - - Help center goes to the web app, NOT the help pages; the other two links work as expected...
  18. Same here. You can get the ID of an individual report by selecting it, but it's no longer possible to add more comments from that link or see the status. Don't know whether this is permanent or just a temporary thing that's part of the general clean-up. Don't know what evernote would be 'covering up' by this change - you'd have to contact Support to find out more. Oh, wait...
  19. Unless you have contacted support, Evernote may not be aware you have an issue. Most other users seem able to fix this issue with a clean reinstall.
  20. Hi. Have you tried downloading from Evernote.com?
  21. An issue for Support I'm afraid - Evernote has been updating server-side connections, and I guess its possible that some users are on older versions than others...
  22. Hi. It's not possible to talk to anyone, but if you have contacted Support someone will be in touch with you to deal with your payment issue. The User Forums are mainly user-supported, so we can't help much with payments and refunds. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/categories/200001917-Billing-Subscriptions-and-Payments
  23. Look for "submit a request" links on the page you referenced.
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