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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Oh that colouring option! - Sorry; i thought we were talking coloured backgrounds like...
  2. Well, as a short-term workaround, you could scan to a folder on your desktop while working, then use office automation (or old fashioned brain power) to bulk move the files created there into an Import Folder to be bulk-vacuumed into Evernote. See Create import folders if that's a new idea for you. I'm pretty certain that SS Mgr includes a variety of notifications after a scan - though I agree that's an Evernote window. I'm not near a testbed I can use for the moment, but I'll look further into that later...
  3. No problem - I'm wondering why you're getting so many notifications myself... How are you capturing your scans? Are these going through something like a Fujitsu scan manager to get to your PC? Have you checked that software to see if there's a 'silent' (or at least less annoying) option?
  4. Hi. There's no sign that the website has been "breached" and that warning has no incident date or number of records attached. I'd suggest you ask Surfshark for more information - they should have some system logs that will explain more. In case you are concerned about your data - What to do if you suspect unauthorized access to your Evernote account
  5. Hi. A search within Evernote will return a list of notes containing the keyword content. From there you can edit, view, print or export (in ENEX or HTML) the content. There's no way to process the information in any way. It's a storage and retrieval system.
  6. Hi. It might help us to know your device, OS and Evernote version?
  7. Hi you posted in a 2-year old thread called 'general discussions' which gives us no clue about what device you're using / what OS you have / what version of Evernote you're using, and whether or not you are a subscriber. Please answer those questions if you want more help. Meantime the usual cause of 'lost notes' is accidentally creating a new account with different login details. Please log out of Evernote on your device, restart the device, and log in again - carefully.
  8. Best I know we've never been able to do this... You can include special characters and emojis to liven things up, but that's about it...
  9. Just a caution - Evernote's calendar shows what is on Google - it's not a two-way connection. That may change in future, but it's just a window for now.
  10. Hi. Evernote no longer offers a 'Plus' access level to the product so presumably they'll discontinue it at some stage, by which you'll be able either to move elsewhere or see what offers you get to encourage you to move over. Meantime if you're happy with what you have, I'd see no reason to change. This comparison of features may help you decide - Compare Evernote subscription plans If your version of Evernote shows up as anything other than v10.xx though, there is a hidden benefit of upgrading. "Legacy" versions pre-10 are not being supported - so it's possible that changes to your device operating system will start to affect how the app works. Also malware threats may arise to threaten your account and in the older versions, Evernote will not update the code to protect you. The additional cost is only the cost of a coffee a day, although us caffeine addicts might balk at the thought of losing even one of those...
  11. Just dropping by again to comment that while several here have hoped that Bending Spoons will lean in and "straighten Evernote out" (not the language anyone used, but unless I misread, that was the intent) - I don't believe that any competent corporate, having bought into a company because they like the way the product works, are going to do more than help that new purchase by injecting whatever cash and expertise they can provide to help make it more efficient. They would not wish to (Elon excepted) rush in, replace all the staff, change the tech and ruin a reputation that has been built up over a period of years. They bought into a going concern, not a fixer-upper. I'd expect the transition, when it occurs, to be largely transparent to users. Things will proceed, maybe a little smoother than before, but what you got is essentially all we're going to see in the future. My prediction anyway. I have been wrong (repeatedly) before though... On a side note I have worked with Italian colleagues before, and the -erm- "theatrical" aspect of that culture is exactly what you might anticipate. One change I do foresee is Evernote corporate not being quite as formal and reserved as they have been in the past... Plus a 90M user company just joined up with a 200M+ user company - I think they're going to want to offer us all a joint opportunity to try out new products and features.
  12. Yup. That's why you can't export anything. THat feature is only available from the installed apps.
  13. ...what they said; but to reinforce. These alerts are just that - you can dismiss them when they pop up. All you then need to do is wait for a convenient break in your day and run "check for updates" to generate the process in your own time. Let it run through and you should be safe from interruption for a couple of weeks.
  14. Well - exchange rates and taxes; I'm the same for memberships but I pay slightly less for Evernote than (family) 365. Without getting into a pointless detailed analysis of relative worth, MS describe their offering as "seriously simplify creating, collaborating, and sharing your work"... sounds familiar from somewhere...
  15. Not quite all - they developed a Covid app for free for the Italian government. None of the other apps strike me as note-taking related, but your opinion is as good as mine on this - we'll just have to agree to disagree! So not that wildly overpriced then?
  16. Hi. Did you receive the email? Have you checked your Spam folder?
  17. Hmmn. If you click on your name in the top left of your screen, you should have details of the Evernote version you're using - please let us know what they are. Installing an older version is easy here - Install an older version of Evernote – Evernote Help & Learning - though it should not be required to export notebooks.
  18. And you say this because? Again; Bending Spoons don't get their hands on the keys until next year, they bought a going concern that they presumably liked, and there's no indication that they'll do an Elon and sack the staff and impose new prices. Imaging apps typically cost a lot more than Evernote charges. Bought an Outlook 365 or Adobe app licence recently? Evernote Professional is one of my lower-range subscriptions. I do have apps that were bought for peanuts - they work as well as you should expect... Evernote, and Google were already compliant with the applicable regulations. User data is likely to be stored exactly where it always used to be - I doubt Spoons have petabytes of storage space available...
  19. There have been a few definite drop-outs like local (unsynced) notebooks which will not be coming back to Evernote AFAIK*. I don't think this is wholly an electron thing though - features like mapping got dropped because "there were very few users" - and this was before v10. Evernote introduced the new version on the basis that it would start very basic and add more features back as it progressed. We don't know whether they've exhausted the supply of older features due for a rebirth - more may be in the pipeline. Some features - like we discovered today that copy and paste doesn't currently work on the notes list in Desktop, while it does still work in Legacy - may have been left out due to mistake, and might be corrected when reported... There are a lot of very comprehensive products out there based on Electron - there's a downside sure; you have two app overheads to get around on implementation; but having abandoned 'native' OD coding to revamp the entire product to depend entirely on this framework, Evernote don't have an escape clause that I can see... *the AFAIK caveat applies to anything here. Evernote notoriously do not share their thoughts and plans
  20. It seems to work properly* for a lot of folks, so I don't know why you're being singled out for issues - and its entirely your choice whether or not to ask for help. * for a certain definition of 'properly' - there are complaints about speed and other glitches, but nothing special (AFAIK) about duplicates.
  21. If there's nothing in Note History you would seem to have an unusual issue. I don't recall any truly 'missing' attachments being reported recently. As a matter of interest; were there any signs of these attachments in the notelike an error message or an icon that returns an error?
  22. Amongst other things, you pay for access to Support (which is not us - mainly other users here) who could probably help you nail down why things are going wrong for you. I have a good network connection and (usually) only one device with Evernote active. I don't get duplicates.
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