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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Impossible to guess what went wrong with your account without knowing far more about your devices and Evernote usage. All edits should be saved to Evernote's servers, and if you still have the note to which you added your talking points, you may be able to access "note history" if you are a subscriber. If the changes were saved to the server they'll show as changes from the least few days. Otherwise I can only suggest you contact Support (that's not us) to see whether they can recover anything for you. More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858
  2. My point was that if users find that AI provides valuable additional features it will inevitably increase the cost of getting access to those features. Everything is free for the moment because the AI services are learning at your (and my) expense how to interact with real people. I'd like to keep open the option to use a non-AI product to keep the cost down!
  3. ...As long as it doesn't also transform the cost of doing things...
  4. What sort of help were you expecting? Evernote does not include this feature and probably won't develop it's own version because most personal assistants and some automation apps already provide the facility. Depending on your device and OS you should be able to set this up locally.
  5. Hi. That's impressive in a really bad way. Evernote isn't expected to behave like this - you may have a conflict with another application or possibly a bad network connection. It would be useful to know your device, OS number and Evernote version and have a full description of what you're doing when this happens. If you're a subscriber I'd send all that to Support too (we're not them) - they should be able to analyse your activity log to get more detail on what's occurring here.
  6. Hi. You appear to be making the titles into one long continuous string, and Evernote can't parse the full string to find individual bits. Search will find the beginning of a string and any separate words. See https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828 for more...
  7. True - I thought we were talking desktops. Passcodes help available here... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314318
  8. The developers do - eventually - read posts in this forum, so you have already made the suggestion - but for more immediate notification you could use the Feedback option in many of the applications, or contact Support directly to ask if this is something they might consider.
  9. Hi. To set up 2-step verification, see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314238 I'm a long-time Evernote user and AFAIK it has never been possible to lock the application without signing out of it. Could you have been using a screenlock in your OS instead?
  10. Hi. It is possible to access notes when offline - see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005917
  11. Hi. Sounds like a sync issue - are you allowing your devices enough time to update the server and update from the server before you start working? If you are careful with this, then I'd suggest you contact Support (which is not us) to investigate further...
  12. Hi. Welcome to the forums. We're (mostly) not Evernote. And it seems unlikely they'll make this change after years of resisting it. But by all means continue hoping - your plea has been filed along with the other 18 pages of requests here...
  13. Hi. I've been trying to find a way to 'easily' record and document spending for something like 50 years. Still looking... I don't know of any specific Evernote templates that would suit your needs, but logically the most accessible data entry is going to be via a mobile or a tablet, and there are quite possibly budgeting applications out there if you search for them. Evernote's main drawback in this area is that it has no maths functions, so can't forecast or total expenditure, though it is great to collect data through photographs of receipts and the like.
  14. ?? AFAIK there's no change to any dates anywhere in your database once upgraded. I still have all my original notes with dates going back to 2007 and before. Updating doesn't overwrite your existing Legacy database, so you still have all the original dates if you need them...
  15. ...and even if not, you could easily search for one tag and add a new <temp> tag, then search for the other tag and add <temp> to (kind've) get an 'any' search. The <temp> tag has either or both - not elegant, but it works.
  16. I also have Pro (and just over 61,000 notes), and searches are pretty quick - though I don't go in for hugely complicated conditions. I also find it useful when searching normally to exclude things to trim down my false hits. Add a few -unwanted terms to your original word(s) to reduce the number.
  17. It's certainly a temporary option, but as some MacOS users have already found, operating systems and browsers are being developed and updated all the time; and sooner or later the app will stop working as you expect. There will be no updates for Evernote Legacy to keep it in line with third-party changes - or to close possible security holes created by such changes. I started out refusing to use the new interface - it took me a year to start - but without wishing to sound like a corporate fanboy, I eventually got used to it, and I can work with it. If you're concerned about fonts, then the obvious answer is to use a word processor with page layout features and attach a PDF version of your notes for display. They're just as searchable as Evernote's 'native' format.
  18. You're correct. Changed settings usually only affect the instance to which they're applied - it could be catastrophic to apply them to a whole account. Also: what's the issue again? You now know that for every PDF you encounter, a couple of clicks will show whatever view you prefer. Using a common automation tool or text expander like Phrase Express you could even assign your own hot key to save a little effort.
  19. Hi. You could probably have found other rants across the Forums had you searched. I can't be bothered to link to the last time I posted a summary of the situation (which was yesterday) so here it is again. AFAIK Evernote tries to recognise devices by IP address - which is far from an exact science. You can use the same device to connect from home and work and create "two" device records without any problem. If you get a device warning - or suddenly find that you just can't log into Evernote the device limit may be the issue Free users are limited to connections from two devices per month, with the possibility to remove device(s) also limited to 2. Evernote emphasize that any form of regular use of the app really requires a paid subscription. Web access via Evernote.com counts as a device. Remove devices here: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action Once the device limit is exceeded the account is effectively locked. There are 3 ways to access notes - > Subscribe - even if only for a month (if that option is available). > Wait out the current month - access to remove devices will come back after a period > Set up another free account to use in the meantime More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
  20. Hi. What, exactly, is your "project dashboard"? If this is a project management tool, you may be able to use Evernote Web as a direct link. But Evernote does not 'integrate' with other software apart from the current links to Google and other specific providers. You may in fact be better off using the Evernote home page as a dashboard with widgets for reminders and recent notes plus a pinned note (or notes) for links to open other software.
  21. As @PinkElephant, I link to and from Evernote with a variety of third-party apps including Freeplane. Evernote is my "library" for detail, documents and reminders. Mindmaps help me to remember and gather a lot of elements in a logical order. I'm not an auto-mechanic, but I can usually detail most of the parts of an internal combustion engine (forinstance) because pistons need valves, and valves need springs... and so on. Any element in my map that needs more background links back to Evernote. I don't have a use case that needs frequent daily access though.
  22. Hi. You're posting in the Evernote Teams (business) forum, though I assume you're not actually a Teams user. Please confirm what device, OS and Evernote version you're using - and exactly where your text appears; it's not recognisably an Evernote window.
  23. Hi. AFAIK Evernote tries to recognise devices by IP address - which is far from an exact science. You can use the same device to connect from home and work and create "two" device records without any problem. If you get a device warning - or suddenly find that you just can't log into Evernote the device limit may be the issue Free users are limited to connections from two devices per month, with the possibility to remove device(s) also limited to 2. They emphasize that any form of regular use of the app really requires a paid subscription. Web access via Evernote.com counts as a device. Remove devices here: https://www.evernote.com/Devices.action Once the device limit is exceeded the account is effectively locked. There are 3 ways to access notes - > Subscribe - even if only for a month (if that option is available). > Wait out the current month - access to remove devices will come back after a period > Set up another free account to use in the meantime More here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/218558068
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