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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Check out the 'slash commends' settings under the three dots menu in any note.
  2. Well done to the Support team for providing some hugely useful interaction!
  3. New Features: - Your Table of Contents now updates automatically whenever you add or edit a heading. No more manual updates required! Pinning notes to your notebooks is now simpler. Just right-click on the note from the note list or use the "More" menu (...) within the note. Fixes: Fixes an issue where clicking on a tag didn't consistently return the tagged notes. - But Alt+Ctrl+L generates an https://www.evernote.com/shard/ link which opens Evernote in my browser but does not show the actual note. This might be a browser thing - YMMV There are no other menu options (that I can see) Dragging one note into another does still generate an evernote:///view/ link
  4. I'd agree - better to export as HTML if you want human-readable output, or ENEX for transfer or backup.
  5. I reported an issue last week. Had an immediate acknowledgement with the usual things to try and a stern warning that if I didn't respond, my ticket would be closed. I replied a couple of hours later and again got an immediate confirmation that they would look at the issue and get back to me. All automated of course, but I have a reference and they have all the information they need. I can wait a while for more details...
  6. Hi. Latest version is available from Evernote.com and now shows as 10.100.3. Did you have an issue with this, or were you chastising Evernote for forgetting to change the label? (We're other users here by the way - opinions on Evernote can be delivered via feedback@evernote.com or a Support request.)
  7. Just had a miserable hour trying to clean up my system after trying to uninstall 6.25.1. I thought to possibly "update" it to 6.25.3, but the hassle of removing legacy at all has convinced me to stay firmly away - see the final para of my post above for more details!
  8. The best approach might be to 'end process' anything Evernote in Task Manager, then use Revo Uninstaller Free to completely remove all traces of the app from your device. Power off, then back on and re-download the installer from Evernote.com. If you have issues with the installed desktop, sign into your account at Evernote.com to see your notes.
  9. Hi. We're mostly other users here, so we're not updating anything. Upgrading prompts are only occasional, and updates are usually weekly at worst. If you're seeing more than that something may be wrong with your installation. More information and links to Support if you need it are here > https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360061882314-How-Evernote-delivers-app-updates-to-our-customers
  10. I love computers - that works for me too today... I edited the original post to include it. Thanks!
  11. There are some suggestions here -
  12. Evernote are currently working on RENT which will improve the syncing of note metadata including tags. It's probably best to find a workaround for any current tag issues and await developments...
  13. Absolutely. Every device connected to your account syncs to the server 'parent' copy for updates. There's no local communication between the installed app and your browser - Firefox in particular operates very much within its own sandbox and prevents web content affecting the host device. The web client is a copy of the server information. In any event the OP solved their issue with a browser setting.
  14. If you're seeing individual error messages, what exactly do they say?
  15. The link on that page to download 6.25 seems to be broken - repositories like Filehippo might be the only option for the software now. I still have the legacy EXE file on my hard drive, but I don't know if there's any crosstalk between the two apps that might risk my current notes. Evernote don't have any reason to make sure that the two will cohabit, and I worry there could still be an outside chance that current server activity might trigger something. I made sure that legacy was the only app running when I was playing earlier. I have no need to revisit the old app - I remember the features and the drawbacks pretty clearly, and being limited to one local device would be a killer for me - I need access from several devices and multiple locations on a regular basis. I have some antique bits of tech around - my first computer was a Dragon 32 first produced 40 years ago. The name celebrates 32KB of memory, which was its total storage - there was no hard drive. I still have the device, but it has no use as anything but a door stop... Same with legacy. Looking back on the good old days isn't going to sharpen any pencils. v10 now has rather a lot going for it* and it's working for me. If it ever doesn't, I'll consider moving on. The occasional (OK - pretty frequent) glitches are generally either fixed quickly or can be gotten around with one compromise or another - any extra work involved is a LOT less disruption that retraining my brain to use different software would be. *https://tamingthetrunk.substack.com/p/evernote-2024-half-year-recap
  16. Hi. Sounds like you're mainly using unsupported and outdated software, so it's not surprising that Evernote fails to load. While Windows 10 is currently supported, updates to it will stop within the next year. I'd suggest you make sure your Windows desktop is up to date and try again. You should also be able to see your notes if you log in to Evernote.com via your browser. It's not possible to export from there though.
  17. It's true that notes which have not been opened for a year or more are still in older formats - Evernote has undertaken a huge amount of ongoing work to update and upgrade server and database support structures. New notes are automatically created in the latest format, older notes need to be converted so they can be updated and saved. I saw a note somewhere that Evernote was at one time the "largest worldwide repository of personal data". I'm not sure that's true any more, but they will have a huge amount - and converting all notes of a certain age to the latest format at any single point in time would probably collapse the network. I'd think they'll stick to a just-in-time approach.
  18. Gentlemen, I'm sorry to disagree with you but it IS still possible to extract ENEX files from an EXB database by following a specific process. ENEX files can of course then be imported into v10 or several other note-taking apps. In fairness I did give this method to someone else who said it didn't work. Before I confirmed that I thought it only fair to try for myself, and to my surprise it does still work! (What else am I going to do for a couple of hours on a Sunday morning...) See for more...
  19. As everyone should know by now, Evernote 6.25 ('Legacy') is no longer officially available. A new version 10 was issued some years ago, and the servers providing Legacy features were switched off in 2024. It's no longer possible to log in and use the app. A couple of Windows users who had not logged into their accounts for a long time reported recently that they have been left with old-style database (EXB) files that can only be opened in Legacy Evernote or a SQLite reader - the files are not able to be imported into the new Evernote app - nor are they available to any other note-taking app. Apparently these notes were lost. However there is one little trick that an Evernote Legacy Windows install can still do, even when not logged in. I gave this tip to one user who reported it didn't work; but I just tried it myself on a 29GB EXB file, and generated 37GB of ENEX files in 20 minutes or so. EDIT: Seems like an 'official' download is still available at https://cdn1.evernote.com/win6/public/Evernote_6.25.3.9348.exe although it's uncertain how long Evernote will maintain that link. If you aren't able to rely on that link you'll need to find a copy of Evernote 6.25 in an online repository like https://filehippo.com/. Beware that this is not without risk - you're not using an 'official' source, and the download could be corrupted or include malware - hence why I'm not giving you a direct link! Install the app and run it. You should get to this login screen. Do not go any further - you can't log in. EDIT: When I did this I made sure to log out of my v10 app - I did NOT want to run the two side by side in case of unforeseen interactions! Press Ctrl+Shift+E when that window is selected to get this - (I scrambled the file name in this image). NB I left my original legacy database files in their default location, which is C:\Users\<USER>\Evernote\Databases. Your new install will be looking there for the file(s) to process. If your source file is in a different location, you will have to exit the app and copy the file there, then restart Legacy and try again. Choose OK and... - Which in my case generated 548 ENEX files (I have a LOT of notebooks) in 37GB and about 20 minutes. EDIT: Beware that installing legacy will automatically add Clipper to MS Outlook if that's also installed on your system. Don't get too excited about this 'new' option - it won't work without legacy being logged in. ~~~Final Edit (I hope) - A warning: if you have both versions of Evernote on your device you'll have to uninstall both and reinstall one to get back to normal operations. In fact I uninstalled 6.25.1, but v10.100.3 crashed during the process - either it still shared some file locations with 6.25 or Revo was a bit too ambitious in its deletions. Then Revo also crashed and left me with v10.100 remnants, so I had to re-install Evernote v10, and then Revo uninstall it again to tidy up. Then my browser-of-choice wouldn't let me log in to the app so I used Chrome to log in, and we're just rebuilding my database.
  20. So find today's date and delete everything before that, or rely on a Evernote not to misuse your personal data. Your choice.
  21. Seems like a lot to hang off a minor error in the 'favourites' section, but it's your choice - I tend to keep regular backups of my database (see several threads here for more details of how) so if I ever do miss a document or a note I can find it again. I've never had to use that option in 12 or so years, but hey...
  22. Your viewer downloaded the file from your database to a 'local' destination from where it could open and if necessary edit the file content. Files in the External Edits folder can be deleted if they take up too much space - it's nothing to do with Evernote.
  23. Hi. You're joining a year-old thread. Device? OS and Evernote version numbers? Wifi or wired connections?
  24. ? Have you tried clicking the 'x' on that entry to remove it?
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