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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Reported (many times) before - please see the posts on RTE - real time editing. This is a mainly user-supported forum - please feedback your experience directly to Evernote: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new if you're a subscriber, or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps / the feedback option in most apps for everyone.
  2. Hi. It's easy to downgrade if you wish to - please change your account level in 'manage subscription' on the My Account page https://www.evernote.com/Settings.action and remove any payment methods. If you end your subscription you'll enjoy the current service until your last payment expires, then your account will revert to Basic. You'll be able to view and open existing notes, but if the edited note size exceeds the Basic limits, you won't be able to save an edited version. Plus your ability to use widgets or the home page will be very limited - see the attached comparisons for more information - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005157
  3. If we knew your device OS / Evernote version and had slightly more detail on why your experience is "terrible" maybe someone here could suggest some work-arrounds.
  4. Hi. That's an impressive history - if you are a subscriber you could contact Support to find out how to reduce the load on your laptop; there's reinstalls / using the web version / not keeping your note database on the local drive... But if you're going, you're going - Good bye and good luck! (PS we're mainly other users here, so it'll be a while before anyone from Evernote gets to see this)
  5. Hi. Do you have the same device? Have you tried uninstalling / reinstalling?
  6. Hi. @PinkElephant is not a moderator. We're mainly all other users here, hence the description "user forum". He is correctly pointing out that you appear to be posting about PC and Android issues in an iOS forum, and that some or all of your glitches have already been reported elsewhere. If you'd like some assistance - since you are currently a subscriber - please contact Evernote Support.
  7. Hi. Have you shared pages or made them public? Evernote is otherwise locked to your 2FA access, including media stored online. Depending on your location, playing music in public might attract some attention, but if you're listening on headphones I don't see any issues...
  8. As far as I know the few commenters on this thread are pretty much the only users with issues, and Evernote may not know there's anything for anyone to worry about unless everyone is firing off support requests. I know @PinkElephant is on Mac, and I'm on Windows, and I don't believe either of us is having any kind of a major slowdown.
  9. Hi. Have you tried going to Evernote.com, downloading the latest version and upgrading?
  10. Hi. Please confirm your Windows and Evernote versions. While Evernote mostly works the same regardless of the device it's difficult to deal with both laptop and phone questions in one answer. I don't use most of the features you mention, but on my Win 11 EN10.17.10 setup my note links open with the note. Is Evernote running on your system when you click a link? Or do you sign out each time you finish editing a note?
  11. Hi. Check Evernote.com in a browser - signing in should let you see the notes on the server. Just in case - Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  12. Hi. We're mainly other users here, so logs aren't very useful; Evernote do have some thoughts on sync issues, and our best advice is the app is not working as expected is to completely uninstall using Revo Uninstaller free - which gets the bits other uninstallers leave behind - then power your device off and on again and redownload / reinstall from Evernote.com. Make sure you enter the ID & password correctly, because some users manage to set up new (and therefore blank) accounts when updating. Be patient afterward because downloading your database will take some time, depending on the number of notes and your network connection speed. Tips for troubleshooting syncing issues
  13. Hi. No suggestions yet, but is this Windows 10 or 11 and is the URL behind your link something like evernote:///view/120918/s2.....? -plus how and where were these links created?
  14. Hi. Have you tried uninstalling the app / powering the device off and on again / reinstalling?
  15. It's a very different architecture to Evernote, but you may find it better for you: - your choice. It's really not necessary to announce your departures here - the Forums are supported by other users, who have taken the decision to stay - and visited by others who come back to snipe from time to time for amusement's sake. Evernote will be monitoring its subscription losses, and may be forced to amend its pricing again if it loses too much income. But that won't happen for a while if at all.
  16. They may not even realise this is an issue - have you contacted Support about this? I've not had an actual 'crash' for about a year...
  17. Hmmn. In my case it just dumps the note in my default notebook. Can't remember if I had to set any specific options for that to happen or not... I use the ENEX route plus duplication for one note I use a lot. Clicking the ENEX file I open the new note in its own window and then use that by duplicating any alterations I've made for the date / content for my current task. I'll often open 5 notes in their own windows, then use them up for new topics until I get to one that doesn't say "copy x".
  18. Hi again - in general, links are a one-time copy of the URL and its associated text. Link to a note titled "Foo" and your link will show "Foo". Change the name of the item to which the link applies to "BAR" and the link (I think) will still show "Foo" but you'll wind up at "BAR" if you click it. I.E changing the name of an item in Excell is not reflected in anything linked to that item (AFAIK) in Evernote or anywhere else. In the same way that you can edit the link in Evernote to say something unrelated to the actual target, changing the name of the target doesn't affect the link, which actuallly works on a unique identifier unrelated to anything...
  19. Hi. 10.57.10 was intended to fix some of those issues, since the formatting of notes changed recently to incorporate real time editing. You should definitely report this to Support (we're mainly other users here) - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for subscribers - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or the feedback option from most apps) for free users. Check the web version (sign in via Evernote.com) to see whether your notes have synced to the server, and if so you could uninstall Evernote, de-selecting keep my notes on this device / power it off and on / reinstall from Evernote.com to recreate both your installation and the local database as a clean install. (The App Store download runs in a sandbox which may be contributing to your current issues.) Beware that this will take some time, depending on your database size and remove all your current data from the device - anything not already synced to the server - will be permanently lost. It may be best to wait for a response from Support, but this can take a few days if they're busy.
  20. Hi. That would be Support I should think... subscribers here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (or use the feedback option in the mobile client)
  21. It's difficult (I would imagine) to take a note that has been formatted by one system and convert it to a new style and format during import. If you're importing Evernote notes, they will have been set up in a specific way by their original owner. They might consider style and format changes as a sign their work is being falsely represented as having been done by someone else...
  22. Well - my gracious! That's a lot of pages... Don't know whether it would be useful to you for the future, but this page includes some possibly relevant stuff - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347-Save-emails-into-Evernote
  23. Not seen that issue before, but the latest version is 10.56.10 - may be worth it to download and install the new version.
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