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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. "Old searches" almost certainly pre-date major changes in both apps, and I don't know whether there is a foolproof method any more - especially since OneNote and Evernote are architecturally different. Also unless you're subscribing, the note size and upload limits on a free account will probably get blown out of the water if you have a large number of notes. Maybe copy and paste a few notes to try Evernote out?
  2. Interesting - I'm still on 10.57 and I merge notes fairly regularly - usually no more than 3 at a time. AFAIK I have never had a fail... will let you know what happens after I update. Do you have a solid network connection and lots of free space on your hard drive? Sounds like this is worth reporting to Support if you're having ongoing issues...
  3. AFAIK the limits apply to the source of activity - i.e. if Backupery triggers a pause, your local app should be OK.
  4. 7, 8, 10 or 11? Evernote version? What are you doing to create a new note? Green button? Ctrl+N? Import Folder?
  5. Want to give us a few clues? - like what exact OS do you have; What Evernote version; and what symbol are you using/attempting to use?
  6. Are you saying that the Evernote export notebook to HTML feature isn't working?
  7. Have a look for another provider and check whether they offer importing from Evernote - it's in their best interests to make it as easy as possible for new users to move across... But I agree with @agsteele - I have 60K+ notes, and last time I tried to import that many into a third party solution, their support took about a month to confirm it had completed - with lots of errors. If I ever move I'll downgrade and keep my account open but create any new notes in my 'other' account and link or copy across anything I still need as and when I need it.
  8. I agree that a lot of price notifications come out well in advance, presumably to let users get used to the idea - and look around for alternatives. But most price increases don't happen in companies that got taken over and completely restructured in the past few months. Hopefully those that stay pn will have more notice in future, but what's done is done. I already paid my higher subscription - now waiting for the fixes and improvements to justify it!
  9. -But if you're reminding them, please just use the ticket number you already have, and don't spam the support person with frequent requests for updates - I used to be a support person, and I can say from experience that the one thing a busy team don't need is one entitled user raising new tickets on the same subject and flooding them with reminders every day. That just makes it 100 times harder for the team to concentrate on fixing issues when they're mainly doing admin on one ticket. Plus - please be nice to Support; they're people too and (IME) frequently underpaid for what they do!
  10. My one major failing is a total lack of Macspertise - I used to run a tech support database about 15 years ago that included lots on the subject, but I'm kinda out of practice now... having said which, this does look like an OS issue. I'd suggest raining it with both Mac and Evernote support, or at the very least feeding back your experience, but otherwise I got nothing; sorry...
  11. I'd recommend taking a look at Adobe Scan or Microsoft Office Lens - both Android, and both will scan to PDF using the device camera and share that document to Evernote. I like those two because they correct for perspective - with a little car you always get images that appear square to the camera, evemn if you shoot from an angle for better lighting. As for "Evernote should do this" - Why? There are plenty of free apps already out there, why reinvent the wheel? Plus: take a look at the menu structure of any third-party app. Now imagine that shoe-horned into Evernote on a mobile device's busy screen. I prefer a separate app!
  12. Don't know if anyone has suggested that to them directly or posted a feature request - maybe they don't realise it's needed? -Not to mention that offering an option to move the database elsewhere doesn't tell users that they're setting themselves up for a fail if they install the app with so little disk space, AND it ignores the fact that the database is irrelevant in this context - I have a 30GB database. If saving that much space gets the drive back to 15% free, it's less than 200GB in total. You're likely still in trouble. They are the only ones with the foresight to inform their users about the limitations of the local device...
  13. I'm puzzled that everyone seems to need to be cared for by their software provider - I can't remember the last time I heard from any of the Big Five (whomever you may consider them to be) without it being some sort of sales message or price increase. I prefer to maintain an armed neutrality with all the apps that I subscribe to. I'll keep paying as long as it continues to seem worthwhile - or until I see something better. A principle followed by Jean Rasczak. The amount of the increase - yeah, that's a bit eye-watering; but like everyone here (well, most of you at least) I love the idea of Evernote, I just wish it worked better and faster. I've paid my increased sub now - the jury is out on what the company can do to make me want to pay again next year...
  14. The note app isn't pushing anything - seems like most users are. It is generic IT advice that once your hard drive is 80% full, you should consider it in need of care and attention, because modern computers and most local and online softwares need considerable headroom for temporary files and routine housekeeping. Evernote seems no more greedy for memory and storage than my browser - probably for obvious reasons. Doing a Google search to confirm - I got 1.5 billion hits on that question (other search engines are available) of which this is representative: https://superuser.com/questions/1256074/how-much-space-to-leave-free-on-hdd-or-ssd (plus I liked the 'pants on fire' reference). If you're seeing the Evernote space warning, it doesn't mean the app is unreasonably greedy, it just means you're running your local storage on - or probably past - the point where you get any sort of reliable performance from the hardware. You're handicapping not just Evernote, but also most other applications that you run. And it's astonishing that so few here seem to be aware of the problem. My local 1TB drive has nearly 300GB free and that's maybe why I see so few issues compared to other Windows users - maybe Evernote realised that a lot of user complaints were about self-inflicted issues, and wanted to help avoid that situation where possible. I have lots of external storage locally and online. But going back to the original query and without picking on @janndk particularly.. 15GB free space would be fine on a 75-100GB drive. Since I assume there's much more storage than that, it might be wise to invest in fireproof seating - or one of those external drive thingies.
  15. Sounds like Evernote might have done you a favour - as @PinkElephant notes, 15GB is relative peanuts in terms of space - both Windows and Mac devices say they need between 10-20% free space for optimum performance. Unless you have very limited storage, 15GB isn't enough!
  16. If you were a subscriber you got somewhere between 30 and 335 days notice that if you didn't think the increased price was worth it, you could move on. Stuff happens with commercial products. Sorry if it was a shock.
  17. I bow to your greater expertise, and leave you to reboot the server...
  18. ? That applies to the free plan. If you're complaining that Evernote aren't giving away enough of their services... But if you are paying then most restrictions are off - as many devices as you want, note limits and upload limits that I'm never close to reaching... Like everyone is saying - you do you. If you want to stay and use the service - fine. If you don't - and have the time and expertise to set up another service so it fits your needs - also fine. But what's done is done: I very much doubt someone is going to say "No no - that was all a horrible mistake!" at this late stage...
  19. Fair enough, but I bet IFTTT support will be able to run down the cause. Guessing it's the long delay in opening notes and converting to RTE ??
  20. Hi. Backups and exports are only possible from the desktop versions of Evernote.
  21. Are you checking the note by signing in at Evernote.com? These changes are (I assume) all being made on the server, so maybe they are not being fully synced to your local device. Either way I'd suggest you raise this with Support - without some direct feedback from someone experiencing the issue, they may not even know there's a problem yet.
  22. Hmmn. I'd guess that's 50/50 corporate PR vs "this might happen someday". For the moment, what you see is all you have...
  23. Gotcha. I tried a search and (as expected) got no results, but there were no errors either; guess the search works, but since I haven't been to our dear Capital in a long while, I don't have any suitably tagged notes. It's a bit of a restriction though that this content isn't viewable on desktop.
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