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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Yeah - Evernote has its own definition of that phrase, meaning "sometime between now and the heat death of the universe..."
  2. I'm glad to see you took my heartfelt message seriously...
  3. I had one anomaly with my Import folders a little while (and a couple of updates) ago. I imported 20-30 files successfully on one day, then noticed when I logged in the next day that the same files were imported again. I meant to do something about it, but got distracted and had just restarted my desktop (again) when I remembered the issue. Had no choice but to abort the imports as they went through for the third time... When I became capable of rational thought again, I checked the Import folder and found my files sitting there, grinning at me... I chose a couple of files names and ran a search, then noted the created date and time for each. I actually had FOUR duplicates of some files (don't know when that happened...) but it was pretty easy to find the blocks of imported notes around those times. I deleted all but the first block, and reminded myself to move all the imported files from the Import folder to an archive folder once processed. I left two files in the Import Folder so I could check whether this happened every time - and of course they've stayed there ever since, having been imported once only. All of which is a very long-winded way to say I haven't watched details change over time - I just wait to get a '30 notes imported' message, then move those notes from Import to Archive. (The Archive is because of the occasional 'unknown file type' error I've also been seeing, and a way to restore a lost attachment if necessary.)
  4. Nope - what you're describing still doesn't make any sense in the context of what I know Evernote should do, or even in what it's capable of doing in an error situation... Screen shots definitely required if this happens again!
  5. I think Support are occasionally too ready to believe their own PR - if you still have an issue I'd go right back to them and tell them that. If you didn't already know - check your ticket progress and respond if necessary at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests
  6. I appreciate you're having a bad day, but Evernote releases updates over a period so's not to have 100M+ downloads on the same day. It's always the case that the latest version is available from the website and can be installed manually. If you can't see notes and 2FA is gone it suggests that you may have made a small error logging in and accidentally created a new, empty account. Loggine out and back in again -carefully- should get your notes back Chat support is currently unavailable due to the high volume of support requests. Please feel free to submit an email ticket* or reach out at discussion.evernote.com. *https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new Exporting from Evernote Web is not an option, but printing from the Browser menu is. Hope you get your issues resolved...
  7. I deleted the link to the legacy installer in my previous post because I'm happy to help where (and if) I can, but I'm increasingly concerned that relying on legacy is a very short-term cure for whatever ails you. v10 is rapidly branching away from compatibility with Legacy and I'll be surprised if syncing is still possible by the end of this year. I totally understand and sympathise if you prefer the 'old' version with all its quirks, but IMHO you either have to get on board with the new v10 or find a different note-taking app. Things are changing and you may get left behind. It's good for our community if you stay on and press for new features if you need them - improvements can only benefit everyone; but at some point Evernote is going to realise that getting some basics totally right - like quick, error-proof syncing - means dumping compatibility and any remaining legacy users. Sticking with legacy means your need for some features isn't being reflected in v10 stats or requests - so Evernote aren't even aware there's a need. They've already given notice the app is no longer supported, so legacy connections could shut down at any time. Staying with the old app is a daily risk of losing immediate access to your notes. (Getting it back would be relatively simple - download the new app, let it set up your new database structure, and you're back - but with little to no experience in how to use the new architecture.)
  8. Like I said - feedback helps... I'm at the Activity Logs stage, so they appear to be taking some interest...
  9. I have the impression that Evernote got into a lot of technical debt regarding a key feature: syncing millions of users on a daily basis. Plus they're adding some additional functionality around AIs (which I don't personally care about, but hey.) Once they get through re-establishing the basics, anything is possible - but I'm not going to be holding my breath...
  10. OK people - nothing to see here; please refrain from abusing each other, it creates a bad impression and risks posts infringing the https://discussion.evernote.com/guidelines/ being deleted. If someone is annoying, you can Report or Ignore their posts - or maybe just scroll on by? Mostly everyone here is just a user - opinions and rants allowed, questions and solutions preferred. If you can't be constructive, maybe just keep quiet?
  11. You do need to let them know there's an issue before anyone is going to look at it at all. I already raised a ticket on this, but more feedback helps...
  12. I think the team is a little busy for some reason... if you have a ticket number to quote, we can maybe flag that for an Admin here to look at?
  13. You don't. If you're a subscriber - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new; otherwise https://twitter.com/evernotehelps. or a feedback link somewhere.
  14. Reported elsewhere too... Wait: I was today years old and I just learned - I can create links in Evernote to local folders??? <sigh> As you say, this still works manually in Windows - the link being converted to file:///C:/etc - but with the caveat that there's (now?) an 'are you sure?' pop-up along the way.
  15. Hmmn. My Preferences are set to single page view, and I just right-click to change that when necessary; but I'm a Win 11 user so no direct comparison here. I can only suggest feedback or Support request for more from Evernote...
  16. This was a good notebook to explore, and yes, each note had only one tag - <email>. So I added two further tags to a random selection, and true enough - those tags were then listed as additional filters - But what were the other options there? Using the additional filters got me: 12 notes containing actual phone numbers, or 5 notes containing images, or 3 notes containing phone numbers and images! Didn't know I could do that! Sorry @Dave Green - I sit corrected; and suddenly I have a new appreciation for Filters...
  17. Not happening in my versions of Win 11 and Evernote. That makes no sense at all. If you're opening an attachment to a note, Evernote has no way to 're-import' that note unless you added it from an Import Folder. Plus if you're saying Evernote is changing the default app for the attachment - this is happening for all types of file? JPG / DOCX / MP3 etc? Please give us some screen clips for a better understanding.
  18. Are you saying this used to work perfectly but now does not? If so and you're a subscriber, I'd say raise it with Support. If you're using the Free app you can still give Evernote the feedback. Meantime you could try printing to PDF and then printing that file, or use a word processor that does work with your printer and attach the document file to your note.
  19. Nope - it's worse than that; I have a notebook with notes that have only one tag - <email>. Searching that notebook name gets me random tags without "email"
  20. I'm 15 years and 61,000 notes in, but if Evernote does continue to increase prices without adding commensurate value I could (and will) leave completely without too much fuss. I'm choosing not to because - for the moment - Evernote ticks all the boxes I need, and while I do take a look at each new competitor as they come up, none have (so far) had the necessary 'Wow' factor to make me want to make the effort. Everyone's mileage will vary, because some just want a shopping list and others are writing the Great (Insert Country Here) novel. It's a choice everyone needs to make for themselves. But for the moment Evernote suits my needs completely and (I may have mentioned before) I have other subscriptions that are at the same level or above. The new Evernote seems a fairly well managed operation so I'm happy to give them time to get their Guccis under the desk and sort out some of their persistent issues... I'm here to get stuff done, so if Evernote won't play for one reason or another, I'll happily use work-arounds if I need to. That can't go on forever though...
  21. Does work restrict access to the internet in any way? I'm confused why replacing your processor would affect the content of your hard drive where the 'original' Evernote would have been installed, but if you have installed v10 it will have removed Legacy and left the EXB database as a backup. v10 also has its own data storage location which needs to be set up and downloaded from the server, so won't show full note content for a while - some hours, depending on how many notes you have. If after a bedding-in period you still don't have it working to your satisfaction, go to Tools>Settings>Preferences and UNtick 'keep a copy of my notes on this device', then quit Evernote. Power the device off and on again (yes, it does work...) and try again. Worst case, go through that again and download and re-install the latest version from Evernote.com.
  22. Nope - you can filter by Notebook but you still see a list of ALL tags, not just the ones in that notebook. AI - natural language search is coming (we're told) so maybe you'll be able to ask "show me notes in my Holiday notebook that include the cruise ship" or some such, and tags won't be so important. But for the moment if you use tags in this way it would be better to have a tag tree so you see the notebook tag (which you don't have to assign, it's just a heading) plus a list of 'child' tags and subtags - though you can't duplicate tags names, so that might be an issue. Or you might do something else I've seen mentioned here which is to have tag prefixes - all the tags in your Holiday notebook could start h_cruise / h_rooms etc...
  23. Hi. I'm using the same version in Windows 11 and all my note links are happily still in place, note to note. I still get evernote:///view/... links when I copy the app link. If notes are exported to ENEX the link data is lost, but that's the only major issue I'm aware of with links... Others here might have better ideas, but I can only suggest you raise this with Support if you're a subscriber.
  24. Hi. How did this Notion page get to your Evernote account? As a URL / note / file / ENEX? Best result might be to get in touch withh the sender...
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