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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. No, it's not. We're (mostly) talking about clipping not working - and there are work-arounds for that. You can't open the app - therefore I'd suggest uninstalling / powering your device off and on again / re-download and installing the app. If that fails, please start your own new thread with full details of your device, plus Android and Evernote downloaded versions.
  2. It would depend on the terms of the sale to Bending Spoons and the validity of any continuing agreements between Evernote and Yinxiang, but even if they are compatible I'd expect the Chinese to want serious licence fees for any shared features, and for Bending Spoons - who do their own development - to strongly resist paying for something they could develop on their own. But you're then up to the cost-benefit and practicality of doing so based on the Elektron platform, and the availability of resources to implement it. Plus neither of us have the slightest idea what we're talking about and 1) those features might already be in development but based on their previous behaviour Evernote would never comment on whether or when something might happen; or 2) for some other business or technical reason the new Evernote won't touch this with a barge pole. We may never know...
  3. That's a completely separate company behind the Great Firewall - I'm unsure about the likelihood of connection issues with their servers, or the compatibility of their software with Evernote's servers. Also given the slightly tense relations between the East and West "interruptions of service" might arise without warning. If you're in China, it's a no-brainer. Over here it's looking a very chancy activity...
  4. Evernote won't respond to anything other than a support request to the correct address - they never have. If your request appears at the link I gave, you're in a queue. If it doesn't, use https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new for support - if you have problems with that, use 'account' from the drop-down options as an issue type, sign in as 'guest' or use the help/ feedback link from any app. See also https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  5. I don't think I understood exactly what you're asking for, but same answer really - use a ToC to tie your smaller notes together. Each note will have a link back to the main ToC, and each one can have its own tags...
  6. Doesn't matter what percentage increase, or what total cost. Either you get enough value from the product to stay with it, or you don't - and you move on. The amounts are complicated anyway with different grandfathering situations and local tax laws. The new Evernote seems to have (I hope) re-evaluated the company from the inside and decided what they need to do to make it viable and technically stable. They need time to do that. Either you're willing to give them a chance, or you're not. Same choices apply.
  7. Well, shoot - is that what "switch to..." does. <sigh> Thanks!
  8. My point was that if notes looked OK in Legacy, the content was not damaged or lost. I agree that if content is corrupted or missing in both versions, then something bad [technical term] happened. Note History should be able to fix anything affected though - and missing notes (that are not in Trash) is what Backups are for...
  9. Very sorry that you had this experience, but it's hardly the norm. I'd suggest contacting Support to see whether you can rescue the situation, plus waiting for a few days and installingthe latest version (10.59?) to see whether that will fix things. Have you checked other views of the same note(s)? The browser version?. Although the presentation is very different now, both Legacy and v10 connect to the same database, so if you could go back to use Legacy, then logically your notes are not actually damaged - what you're seeing in v10 is not being presented correctly. For interests sake: what's your device, OS and Evernote version? 10.58.8?
  10. Hi. Short answer: intitle:outlook If you have spaces in your key phrase, use quotes to connect the words intitle:"like this" Remember that Evernote only has access to the start of strings, so intitle:break will find "lunch break" but not lunchbreak
  11. Any detailed discussion is going to be pure speculation - none of us knows what choices they had when bringing in new features, but I'm increasingly of the belief that ensuring backwards compatibility with Legacy means delays for committed v10 users, and anyone still using Legacy even part time is at least partly contributing to their own degraded performance experience. It's going to be painful until everyone makes a commitment to v10.
  12. Evernote layoffs only hit the news a couple of days ago, so any complaints about help queries pre-date that situation. And as @PinkElephant said - if you raise a support query correctly you get an immediate online confirmation and a ticket number reserving your place in a queue. When your turn comes, you'll get a follow up email. You can see the current state of all requests here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ Recent change to Real Time Editing slowed first-time opening of notes, and with (allegedly) 200+ MILLION users, even the relatively small percentage of complainers means they're just a bit busy right now.
  13. So I'm currently looking at it as: someone apparently running a hugely successful AI-linked mobile app company recently bought Evernote outright. They have big plans, but being based in Europe have moved operations there to make it easier to achieve their ambition. Beyond the fact that they have been working to speed up operations for the last 6 months or so, Evernote has continued as before. If that changes I'll be ready to move on. Unless that actually happens I'd regard any time spent on finding something "better" is a total waste of time and effort. But your choice - there were something like 80 different note-taking apps available last time I looked, and your preferences will be affected by your OS and your needs. Most of them have some sort of free use period, so some practical tests might be possible. Have fun.
  14. Yup - doesn't work for me either, though the right-click does. Win 11. Feedback to Evernote via the apps, or raise a ticket. (We're not Support here.)
  15. Hi. Both v6.25 and v10 work from the same database on Evernote's servers, so if your notes are visible in 6.25, they will be visible in 10 - provided you give the app sufficient time to install itself and set up the administration of the new-style account, which can take a little while. I don't know how or when you stopped the update, but I'd suggest you download the latest version from Evernote.com (not any of the app stores) because we're up to 10.58 now on desktops. Re-run the downloaded installer and see what happens. v10 uses a different coding system for notes, so you will find that opening a note takes several seconds as the code is updated when a note is opened for the first time. (If you're on mobile -you didn't mention your device, or OS- then try re-updating the app and give it at least an hour to organise itself.)
  16. Unfortunately Evernote has switched off its access to extra-sensory perception to avoid security issues, so the only way it's going to know that it f**ked up is if someone deigns to tell it. Whatever you think about Evernote Support it makes sense to contact them if you're a subscriber with a problem. The more incoming tickets they get, the more seriously they will understand the issue to be - therefore the quicker the unf**king happens.
  17. Hi. Strictly speaking "we" aren't offering anything - the Forum is mainly supported by users, all of whom have complained about the increase in price. The new owners however have a successful company based on products with similar subscription levels, so I don't think they're willing to compromise just yet. Even the highest level Evernote subscription is maybe a couple of coffees per week - the choice is less caffeine or less Evernote.
  18. The fact that you get this when trying to run the older version suggests you have different problems. I have a W10 laptop that runs v6.25 quite happily. If you're a subscriber I recommend you contact Support (we're mainly other users here) but if you can, please screenshot this message - does it seem to be coming from Windows, or Evernote, or do you have an anti-virus app somewhere in the background?
  19. And annoyingly (again) the next mobile version can't be downloaded until the app stores (presumably) get through their own staging process - something else which Evernote doesn't control. It could still be a while. Meanwhile to recap: The issue here is frustrating, but has several easy work-arounds while we wait for the resolution to arrive. That, Evernote claims, is already in the pipeline for general release. AFAIK there's nothing more that anyone can do to change the situation, apart from users finding another app, which is always a choice if you want to take it - but that tends to be a lot more work than learning how to share to a cloud drive. I just paid for another year so I guess I am committed...
  20. Ah - I see the hair you're splitting there. Could a member of staff have mispoken? I cannot believe it! As to workarounds to get the job done - That's just below my comment about sharing to a cloud drive. Not upset or especially devoted: just annoyed at long pointless threads wasting my time. Like Support I have enough to do without rehashing old news.
  21. And your problem with this is? The work-arounds are all in this thread, and anyone expecting to share content to the current version of the app without using them is going to be seeing red for more reasons than one. It's dumb. Please don't do that. Evernote can't walk back the update because the app stores won't let them. Evernote can't fast-track the next one because the app stores won't let them. Burying the company in duplicate tickets and/ or bad reviews because they can't do the impossible is very dumb - and spiteful to boot. If you do have a ticket - open or closed - go to https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/ to add a comment or a query and possibly get Support to repeat the work-arounds listed above. I don't see what else they could do at this stage - Nick L. was maybe expecting them to be more pro-actively helpful, but they're very busy and very human and presumably regard this issue as fixed and done, even if it's waiting on release. And if anyone wants to call for a credit or refund because of the 'inconvenience' - please read your terms and conditions. Like most tech companies, Evernote is not held to impossible standards - disruptions (and the ensuing ticket-storms) are always avoided if possible. If they happen they're fixed as soon as possible. No harm, no foul.
  22. I think you have a faulty wall. The original Evernote crew issued v10 as a 'work in progress' with a lot of features removed - many of them because they just weren't used enought to justify the work of including them. In the two years and change since, Evernote old and new have been adding back some original features plus many new ones - most specifically at the request of users. The new management just bought into a multi-million user company 6 months ago - I think they may have been a little busy getting on top of everything that was going on, though there have been some blog posts and the new CEO has been posting here. I don't see any major move towards 'group activities' - other than those being prompted by users, and most big companies are kinda concerned about their own, or their staff data being kept on someone else's system - Evernote is not going to be on anyone's radar for a corporate product. And Google calendar - a Mac product? I don't know how you got confused into having to pay to log in, but that's not expected behaviour - I have a free account for testing which is working quite happily. I sympathise that you're unhappy and - as is completely your right - you're leaving. But while Evernote is going through a lot of corporate changes at the moment, I don't see any aign that the sky is falling. I've gone through a couple of corporate takeovers from the inside, and trust me - it's not pretty. I'm sad that we're (apparently) losing the experience of the existing team, but Bending Spoons managed to develop software that's currently downloaded (I'm told) by 100 million or so users - they may even be good at this stuff...
  23. A 2TB USB external hard drive is currently about 80 USD and the Amazon Prime sale starts in a few hours...
  24. I guess that's logical - the new RTE setup has the installed version constantly checking with the network and the server. The web version is the server, so fewer delays...
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