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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Yup. Posted about a zillion times already - please search before posting!!
  2. A lot of people seem to equate using a computer service like using a car - you get in, turn it on, drive to where you need to be and park. Rince and repeat. The vehicle does what it needs to when you need it. No special expertise required. (A message that's hammered home by all the advertising) Except you need fuel, insurance, tax, servicing, accident repairs, accessories .... and agreed some owners get too involved with nitro fuels and loud exhausts, but if you own a car you also have quite a range of expertise and activity outside of stepping on the loud pedal. Not least you had to learn to drive (I hope) before you were allowed near it. And you know that drinking and driving is a bad idea. Now sadly, we don't require an IT certificate to be active online - but if you want to be able to do so, you have to accept some responsibility for the care and maintenance of your 'vehicle' whether it be a battered laptop or an online service. There are help pages, blogs, support groups (Hi there!), journalists and videos (amongst many other things) to refer to. It's up to you to get involved to whatever extent you feel happy with, but you do need to get involved, to protect your own interests and avoid too many crises. Now I'm sure some happy chappy is going to point out "but cars don't randomly stop in the middle of the street while you're driving, or throw some other tantrum for no reason". You've heard of Tesla, right? And tow truck companies don't exist for no reason... just sayin'
  3. I'm relying more on lists these days - I'll have all the task(s) that I need to do somewhere easily accessible so it's easy to pick the next if I get stalled at some point - but I agree that it takes a finite time to run up to speed in Plan B, and then again to get back in the right mindset for Plan A when you swop back. The lost time mounts up.
  4. Hi. Have you tried the < backarrow in Evernote? Top left of the screen just under the menu bar?
  5. I expect to click and see results within a few seconds - even if that result is a moving progress bar. If I stare at a screen for 15+ seconds I'll probably go away and do something else, then check back later. What truly annoys me is the random15-90 second wait when you know this process worked before, but you're not sure if it will take long enough that it's worth doing something else or just waiting...
  6. Well some of us here have 10.59.5 and no issues, so maybe there's something about the affected systems that was missed in testing. Stuff happens, and the more individual reports the Support Team gets, the more likely they are to be able to fix things.
  7. While I haven't even tried to follow the argument above point by point, it seems to boil down to: some folks find Evernote to be moderately acceptable, others violently not. If you're OK(ish) with how things have been going -at least for the present- it makes sense to hunker down and see what happens in the next few months. If you're not, it makes sense to run for the hills. No harm, no foul in either case. Evernote may (!) have its faults, but plotting to retain custom by disabling any part of its operation is not one of them, and there are and always have been various ways to extract notes and notebooks in ENEX, HTML and PDF format from all versions, not to mention various other note-taking apps offering ways to import data from the app. If you're dissatified with any feature it makes sense to contact Support and/ or the Forums here to (hopefully politely) ask for help. That puts Evernote on notice that something is wrong, gives them chance to look into issues and analyse a real-world example, and sometimes even finds a resolution. The Forums consists mainly of other users giving their time to (usually) help or comment constructively. In this case the OP has left the building, so who's right and who's wrong seems academic. I already have enough drama in my (real) life that I don't need to be reading it here, so may I suggest that we all cool it down a bit and only comment further if there's something contructive to say?
  8. Well some of us didn't step into the mess - 10.59.5 seems to be affecting some users, but not all. So maybe there are extenuating circumstances like testing didn't show any red flags? Hopefully the next release will fix things...
  9. I think things may be a tad more compllicated than that. Google are linking their window to the ongoing edit of an email. I can easily open my Evernote web in its own window using Chrome - just open normally, create a shortcut, and choose the "open in own window" option. The shortcut won't open another instance of Evernote however - the first one just pops up again. While the new sync process may allow two separate devices to connect on sepratea channels, there must be some voodoo about two connections back to the server from the same browser link. I can have one instance of Evernote web as a browser tab or a separate window, but two instances won't work....although separate connections will work with Elektron and Chrome.
  10. Lots of discussion on that elsewhere. Only option is to wait until next week when we're expecting a fix.
  11. That's probably for Evernote's definition of "soon" - which is broadly "longer than tomorrow but (probably) before the heat-death of the universe" Note the 'probably...
  12. Usual comment - subscribers can raise support queries here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new and Free users here - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps (but it's usually easier to use the Support option in the mobile client).
  13. Sounds like you really keep your system busy. Thing is - Evernote can't accommodate individual situations. They will optimise so that everything has (as far as possible) equal support. Simply waiting for them to change to fit your flow is probably unwise - maybe consider some work-arounds so you don't have to make as many changes? I'll confess I don't rely a lot on Evernote searches forinstance - I have a mirror entry for my 400+ notebooks in Workflowy with links back to the Evernote note(s) I'm currently using in that notebook. My priorities tags are in Workflowy, as are my ToDos - there are hundreds of connections between the two accounts. If I receive an email I can find the right notebook and note within seconds by checking a listing in WF and opening the Evernote ToC. I may or may not reply, then drag and drop the email into the ongoing note. Change the WF priority to #P3 and wait for more... Searches in WF for #P3 will show me the full list and I can include or exclude date ranges and done/ outstanding. WF is my action station, Evernote my archive. Mostly... (I'll document all of the above properly later this year when I have time!!)
  14. ?? You're posting in a 2-year old thread about iOS issues (although it was one that affected other products, but not - I would have thought - Teams, which shares information in different ways...) You can share information from one account to the other without the hassle of exporting and importing Which means you could use a free account since it won't be incurring upload limits from the imports If you'd like to discuss possible alternatives, please confirm your device / OS / EN version, and exactly why you're reinventing the wheel here?
  15. An experienced and informed (and coherent) member of staff would be wasted here - I'd rather have them fixing issues than explaining how things are (or aren't) working. While I also miss any coherent feedback - apart from @Federico Simionato's posts - we haven't seem any substantive blog posts, social media presences or press releases (that I'm aware of) but again I'm assuming it's "all hands to the pumps" time at Evernote. IMHO Everyone is busy fixing things, and doesn't have time to do any big picture stuff. Hope that changes soon... Meantime - like the famous IT guru Obi-Wan said - it's a question of Trusting in The Force - Bending Spoons / Evernote are successful, responsible businesses dealing with an unusual number of issues relating to the purchase / price increase / moving / updating of the main product. They'll get there. Lets just give them a little time...
  16. Yeah - Evernote has been operating worldwide for nearly 20 years and at one stage was described as being the largest repository of personal information in the world. I think they're managing...
  17. You realise that Bending Spoons is a respected corporate based in Italy - which is an EU member - and has been operating for years under local regulations and GDPR?
  18. You'll be dealing with a 1st line agent whose only job is to take you through a script to make sure you actually have a real issue that Support can help with. It's not in their job description to know or discuss how many similar reports they've had - 2nd line staff will be dealing with that, and once they have enough reports to indicate there actually is an issue, and where in the process it's occurring, they'll develop a fix - which will be in the next release. Dates and contents of releases also aren't something that 1st line troops get told about. You should have a link to re-open an issue if necessary. Likewise if you can find the history, ask for an update. If you still have the number use the usual channels. -Not going to defend Evernote particularly but I did have a Support Team around the time the world was panicking about the Millenium Bug so I can imagine what the new Evernote agents are going through at the moment... It's not pretty, but they're only human: the team will gradually dig their way through a mountain of complaints and abuse and fix whatever they can despite the efforts of an apparently substantial peanut gallery who favour other providers. Also not going to argue about what's the best method - by all means you do you. I'm going to continue raising issues as and when I find them via Support and -occasionally- raising them here if it seems useful to do so.
  19. You're only getting that in a few isolated cases when there are major issues with an update that affects everyone. The 'average' bug will only affect a section of the user base and the fact it exists may not be repeatable by Evernote unless / until they get some activity logs. A public forum is not a good place to post those. Support departments collect ticket trends like OS, device, process so they can work out which bit of what is falling apart... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests
  20. There are probably several hundred different apps in that market, and anyone who is already using one will be unlikely to move across to an Evernote version. Don't see how it could be cost-effective for Evernote to develop a separate app.
  21. It'll take a while at present, but Support is your best option - they can check your account for specific issues. But meantime I agree v10 is slower in some respects - exactly what are you trying to do that is so noticeably slow? Do you have a reasonable amount of free space (>10%) on your hard drive? And what's your OS? W10 / W11?
  22. No knowing what the numbers are now, but at one stage Evernote was in the multiple hundreds of millions of users - granted that includes dormant, seldom-used and multiple user accounts (I think I have three), but calls would also come in from new and inexperienced users. I asked my new friend ChatGPT about budgeting for calls and it has some interesting (but long) opinions... I pushed it for some numbers though, and got As a starting point, budgeting for around 1% of users might be reasonable, but it's essential to closely monitor the situation and adjust the budget as you gather real-world data. If you're confident in the application's design, user onboarding, and support infrastructure, you could aim for a lower percentage, like 0.5% or even less. The key is to be flexible and adapt based on actual user behavior and feedback once the application is live. I believe Bending Spoons currently has 400 staff. One person can deal with about 11,000 calls per year at absolute maximum - 8 hour days / 5 day weeks / no time off. (I used to run one of these operations, so this is my 'expert' back-of-an-envelope guess.) - In practice the average human would leave after the first 4 weeks of that! But continuing this exercise 400 staff theoretically equals (say) 4.5M calls/yr. No coding / no development, just calls. At 1% of users, this means all of Bending Spoons staff could probably just about cope with handling calls from Evernote's (and their own) guesstimated user base of around 400M. BUT there would be no time for anything else. And staff churn would be a record headache. ChatGPT (going to call it Hal from now on) mentioned a lot of sensible ways to try to keep call volumes down - FAQ's and chat being two of them. Obviously that's an ongoing and developing process in any company - particularly one that just went through a buyout and price rise causing extensive user panic. That's why I (and others) try to push users with issues to contact Support. That gets you a number, a position in the queue, and contributes to the stats on that issue. Not sure of your meaning there, but IMHO the forums are a place to get informal advice & work-arounds, blow off steam and start arguments. Evernote staff going through these pages can't assess any kind of statistics or get any valid data other than a general feeling of happiness or -as currently- mutinous dissent!
  23. Given the reaction to 10.59 so far I was gutted to have the same experience when I started up yesterday. No requests, no warning, just a "we are updating you..." popup which I consider very rude. As it happens (touch wood) I'm one of the lucky users without apparent issues (Win 11 / fast desktop). @Mike P posted this eslewhere which might help...
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