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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Device and OS / Evernote version numbers please? And please describe exactly what sort of process you feel should be speeded up? I just filtered my notes for those containing PDF files and got a list of 10,000+ in less than one second. I opened a random note and saw the PDF content in less than one second. I switched to another note with the same experience. Everything seems to be work well for me...
  2. @Lowdown - double posting is against the Forum Code of Conduct (that's 2)...
  3. So if you're against price rises. don't want to lose customers and require that the company gives away free services despite the very real cost to itself, you're basically in favour of the company going bust with all hands? Losing customers is what happens if you raise prices. The layoffs in the US were on very generous terms and largely because it takes a full day to travel from Milan (where Bending Spoons is now based) to the US. Rather than have senior staff wasting days in transit the whole thing got transferred to the existing HQ in Milan. The Freemium model was in place for a good 15 years with Evernote - they had enough time to evaluate whether it was working or not. It did not, because a number of users milked the system for all it was worth, building up thousands of notes for their own commercial purposes without paying a penny towards processing or storage. It was unviable and abused, so it got dropped. There's no 'reasonably priced lower tier' because creating that would be a logistical and economic nightmare. There are plenty of lower tier alternatives. Evernote is happy for anyone who doesn't want to subscriber to their full-featured service, to find a suitable alternate. Evernote historical spasms are irrelevant since it's now into it's new owners are only just into their second year. All of which boils down to this thread so far being another philosophical swipe at Evernote 'doing it wrong'. The new owners have fixed many if the issues that plagued older versions, have added many user-requested features, and are in progress of developing new long-requested features like in-note links. Please don't nit-pick through my comments to show where I'm wrong. That's just trolling. If there's a feature suggestions or a technical problem behind all this, then please let's hear it. Otherwise there's no point to continue this discussion further.
  4. Respond to that automated reply to confirm that you have carried out all the tests and that there's still an issue. Support will get back to you - after a meltdown earlier this year they're slowly getting back to normal but it still takes a little time. They will want to know what version of Android OS you have - are you on 9, 10 or 11? Likewise it's good to know where you got your reinstall from, and what version of Evernote that was. I'm running Evernote 10.84.2 quite happily on an Android tablet, though it does use a lot of resources after an install. If you're up for it, try again - uninstall the app; power your device off and on again, then download and install the latest version from the Google play store.
  5. Please can everyone stop with the cheap shots? It'll be a pain to start deleting posts, but I'm willing to have a go... The subject of this thread is v10 has problems. Please list 'em here (and yes I know someone was compiling a list, but it's not here) and let's see what everyone is complaining about.
  6. As I said originally; if we can have some actual facts to work from - without the usual emotional wrapper - maybe we can suggest some options, or maybe even agree that it would be good to add that feature.
  7. I was trying to encourage you to face reality, but clearly you prefer to wait for the Return of Legacy. Which is not going to happen.
  8. <Sigh> Sure they did. Evernote web is still opening for me just like it usually does, but if you have any glitch Evernote must obviously be changing things... have you tried any of the usual fixes like app restarts / or powering things off and on again?
  9. Nothing is 'broken' and there's nothing to fix. Legacy is gone and v10 has the features you see. If you want something added, make a case for it.
  10. You're thinking maybe they got bored and went out to mess with the systems?
  11. No hired guns here. This seems to be a spectacularly pointless thread celebrating the fact that 4 years ago a handful of obsolete applications were replaced with a completely new and redesigned single product. A few subscribers continued to use their own version of this obsolete package against repeated warnings from all sides, while the vast majority either found an alternative or got used to the new systems. When the number of users on the old system fell below 1%, the cost of maintaining that system became unsustainable. To maintain their profitability the company closed that system down. These few users now either want to get their old packages back (not going to happen) or convert the new product into a mirror image (impractical, if not impossible). Evernote is (according to a recent post) a profitable company with millions of users. The dissatisfaction of such a small group is not going to cause much of a ripple in their ongoing development. These users could accept that the past is gone and simply make their case for redevelopment of features they consider to be missing. Evernote have introduced many features that have been requested by users for years like real-time collaboration and (coming) in-note links - they're clearly open to suggestions. Or they could continue to to disrupt a forum which is intended to help users get around day-to-day technical issues with random impassioned outbursts that don't help anybody and waste the time of volunteers like myself who are actually here to help if we get the chance.
  12. Hmmn. After the Mona Lisa, Leonardo began a new painting that did not use the same subject....
  13. A few users here have complained about missing content. The reaction has mostly been that they appear to be a small minority. I've had no issues adding images to notes or viewing attached files. We're mainly other users, but if you'd like some assistance to investigate how and why this happened please let us know your device and OS / Evernote version numbers. Have you been using v10 for some time? If your attached images remain unavailable you should also contact Support via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  14. Hi. You seem to have reported this issue in July and August last year, and now 8 months later in April 2024 it's happening 'again'? This sounds more like a connection issue than something connected with your account. What fixed it the last two times?
  15. Hi, There has never been a 'live' customer service. Use Settings from the mobile app and look for a Support link.
  16. Hi. You're mainly talking to other users here - try feedback@evernote.com for direct contact.
  17. My 5c - might be a coding error in which case it'll get fixed quickly; might be in response to user pressure "why are these links different colours?" in which case they'll maybe have to offer an option whether or not to show links in different colours. More coding, takes longer. Meantime if you want to show a difference - use an emoji for internal links? 🔸<link>
  18. Depends if you use one of the functions frequently - '/' plus a letter gives you a much shorter list of options, / plus a couple of letters may allow you to just hit 'return' to choose your option. Don't like it? Don't use it...
  19. Giving more detail here might help - Support is via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  20. I don't think user error is something that can be prevented by Evernote. I'm also pretty sure that two account may not have the same email address unless one of them was mistyped. I'd suggest you log out of whatever Evernote client you're using and try logging in again. If you still have a blank account, you'll need to contact Support to help you unscramble this. Contact them via https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us
  21. As far as I can see multiple Large headers can hide content with individual Medium and Small headers right on up to the maximum note size limit. The only drawback may be in display speed, though that was, I believe, under review... (Huge notes are slower than small notes) -And with the usual caveat that having all your intellectual eggs in one basket can be risky...
  22. You'd have to ask Support - I had the same experience as reported above - on a couple of occasions I've had an attached file show up as 'untitled', and in one case I downloaded it and added a PDF extension to recover the file, in another the file name was present when I looked at the note again. Anything that needs to be downloaded depends on local network traffic at both ends, and the speed in between - and in Evernote's case there are millions of connected accounts, so maybe there's still some queuing going on.
  23. Hi. You're already complaining about code blocks in at least one other thread. Please don't duplicate that discussion here... Evernote describes this feature as a 'code block' which according to my friendly neighbourhood AI is "a section of text that is formatted differently from the surrounding text". Some editors use colours to help differentiate between sections of code, but Evernote has never offered any particularly advanced tools in the area - all I ever used was plain text. You may have seen that Evernote introduced 'real time editing' and faster syncing recently, a side-effect of which which meant that current v10 notes use a different format (??) from older v10 and the obsolete Legacy formats. Older notes may still need to be translated from these older formats to the current code when opened for the first time. So it's entirely possible that converting notes from the old format to the new causes issues with some code block content, particularly if extra formatting like colours or symbols has been applied. It's likely that such extra formatting is only used by a very small proportion of users, and quite possibly issues with conversions have not yet even been reported to Evernote. So please report this issue to Support (yes - I know...) and bear with them until someone gets to look at the issue. I suspect you're an edge case, but unless someone here has already reported the matter and gotten some sort of response, we won't know what - if anything - they can do.
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