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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Good spot - same in Windows 10.68.3; there are different options here now including device disconnection!
  2. I assume you mean the opposite, but I don't see what more you expect - 6 months ago the current owners had barely sat down at the table and they have presumably made the most of any efforts they can to get your data back. Sometimes it's just not possible. I'm not even going to mention the possibility that a professional business would probably have kept a separate backup of important data, and would not have committed it to a free app in the first place. I'm sorry for your loss, but you need to move on somehow. If that's not with Evernote, then that's your choice.
  3. I tend to put all but very routine tasks into their own individual notes so I can sort by all of the above...
  4. Hi. Do you have more than 1 notebook? Have you tried clearing the trash?
  5. Hi. Only way I know is to hit 'undo' (Ctrl-Z in Windows) just after the link is converted.
  6. Hi. Subscribed for the first time or upgraded an account and not seeing new features? Check that the payment has been taken. If you subscribed via a third party it may take a day or two for a payment to be received by Evernote. It's always better to pay Evernote.com direct if you can. If the payment has been made, try signing out of the app and back in or restarting the device. Try another device. If necessary uninstall and reinstall the app. If all that fails and you've allowed at least 24 hours for the system to catch up - contact Support More help here - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004677
  7. Hi. We're not the tech team - mostly other users here. The Evernote.com website has a 'forgot password' link you can use. Scannable has not been updated for ages... suggest you look at other scanning apps like Adobe Scan or Microsoft Lens to import documents via 'share'.
  8. Hi. Answered your direct message - I suggest you get delete your email address here (3-dots menu on your post); it's a public forum and you're spammer-bait. Happy Holidays!
  9. Direct with Evernote.com, or via Apple or Google? - I purchased an Evernote subscription, but my account is not upgraded
  10. Emptied your trash notebook lately? It is possible to check the cost of updates via the web or mobiles Bye.
  11. Specify your device / OS / Evernote version / what's going missing? (file type / size / editing / new notes) / How and when this happens... details please!
  12. Hmmn. So what Evernote version(s) is/ are causing all this mayhem?
  13. Just for the record... More information on alternatives from websites like https://noteapps.info or https://toolfinder.co Search for help online too such as https://www.wikihow.com/Migrate-from-Evernote-to-OneNote One size does not fit all in note-taking; the best alternative depends on what you want to use it for...
  14. Sadly that's the worst possible response because there's no obvious reason why such an image added to one device would not sync across the account... Maybe my iPhone colleagues can offer a guess...
  15. I recently tried out one of my free accounts (I have a couple of them used for testing) and was immediately pulled up because the computer I was trying to connect was a new device. The pop-up screens which followed were always quite clear in how I could disconnect other devices to gain access on my new desktop - which I did - and offered me increasing discounts to encourage me to upgrade. I did not, because I already subscribe to a professional account; but I have to say that if anyone loses access to their account it is likely because they were too busy being outraged that their free access had ended to pay attention to what was on offer. More devices and more notebooks just brings more and more people into the "I could use that" zone well before Evernote have any chance to evaluate the results of their current action. It's entirely up to them of course - but I don't think things should change to allow for the fact that non-paying 'users' are not paying attention.
  16. You can see the current status of your ticket and add additional comments if necessary here > https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/
  17. Actually it's not - it offers you upgrade options that (usually) include a first-year discount. Be careful you don't lock the account by using too many devices to access it - you have a limit of two. Disconnect everything but one device - preferably your desktop or laptop - and export your notes as here. It may be worth checking out OneNote to see if they can import your notes directly - I know some other services do. Export notes and notebooks as ENEX or HTML
  18. AFAIK there isn't a situation that needs a solution. The OP here had a spinning icon, others get pictures showing after a short wait depending on source and size. If you'd like some help, please start out with the basics - device / OS / Evernote version, plus image size and format - PNG JPG or HEIC?
  19. I said somewhere else... AI is not great; it needs to be checked carefully for inaccuracies and possible copyright issues, and your average AI text is dull and boring - and instantly recognisable from the style and content. On the other hand as a search add-in it is a fantastic multiplier. I needed to find a transport timetable yesterday which would have required me to find the operator's website, plug in the journey and check out the options. Using AI I only had to say "how do I get from point A to Point B by 11am?" and Bard (my current goto) listed the URLs and gave me a simple answer. AI reads all the handbooks and guides so you don't have to. (As an aside, I also asked it "how much storage does a typical AI require?" - since presumably it keeps some sort of index somewhere... and got told it was complicated and a commercial confidence thing, so maybe I should read some research papers. I think storage is going to continue to be expensive to buy... )
  20. Hi. I'm sorry that in your unusual circumstances this change has caused so much grief. However things may not be as bad as you imagine, and your assumption that Evernote is making users pay for their AI service is just plain wrong. Let me explain... Evernote has not increased its subscription for several years, so it needs to catch up with inflation - which is currently pretty high - in order to stay in business. The 'Free' account has been used to run businesses, support studies and generally collect useful information to the extent that some users have thousands of notes and hundreds of notebooks. It was never intended to be so intensively exploited - and such use costs the company a huge amount in time and use of facilities. Some measures were taken to restrict users, but they weren't effective. No company can continue to give away a substantial part if its income. I don't know any actual figures, but I'd guess it was a significant percentage. Hence the much more draconian changes now. Free account users with more than 50 notes still have access to those notes, subject to the existing 2 device limit. Subscribers can share notebooks with free users and also share their much higher limits - although I understand that free users still can't create new notes, they can edit existing ones; so your sharing a notebook with them containing 100 blank notes (forinstance) should be possible, and the 'free' user (or users) should then have access to edit those blank notes. It is also possible to export notes to ENEX files from the desktop app, and your family could clear out their limited accounts into separate notebooks on your own account so that they have 'empty' accounts and can resume use within the 50-note limit. I hope this goes some way to alleviating your concerns - if you need more help with sharing or exporting, please let us know... If you still wish to contact Evernote your own account should have a Feedback option in the mobile app settings, and you contact them via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new although given the recent changes and the holiday season I'd assume it will be next year before you hear anything back...
  21. Hmmn. If and when you have the time it's probably worth uninstalling the app, power cycling the device and reinstalling. No other reports of multiple password requests that I'm aware of so it might be just your account, or one or other device isn't dealing with the change correctly.
  22. Yup. Still using an s1500 here (I'm old school...) scanning to folder and transferring the files to an import folder at the end of a scanning session. Using ScanSnap Manager
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