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Posts posted by johnm243

  1. 21 hours ago, eric99 said:

    It was CalS' idea for Directory Opus, he's the expert...

    Thanks @CalS!

    Re this

    On 9/19/2023 at 10:40 AM, CalS said:

    To be clear, I did not want to leave EN.  Legacy was my hub.  But it was apparent that V10 was not going to work for me so I rolled my own.  Not for everyone

    Exactly the same here. Except that I am testing Joplin. Imports are perfect (but slow) unlike other potential EN replacements I have tested.

    My next step is to test the Joplin Cloud and sync with the Joplin Apps.


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  2. On 9/19/2023 at 5:03 AM, eric99 said:

    When I left EN I purchased Directory Opus, a File Explorer on steroids plus piece of software.  I use it as a gateway to the repository I created from my EN notes.  It even kind of looks like EN with a folder and saved search left panel, a file list middle panel, and a display right panel

    Thanks for the mention of Directory Opus @eric99: my renewal for Copernic is coming up and Directory Opus sounds like a better full-text search app!

    FYI, I will be testing Joplin Cloud soon to see if the test notes I have exported from EN Legacy to Joplin will sync properly to the Joplin App! If all works fine, I will export all from Legacy, test  again ... and hopefully break the cord!

  3. 6 hours ago, idoc said:

    I think legacy still works on win 10. I hope it continues to do so for a while even though I mostly use v10. There’s only one or two things right now that legacy does better and I still use it for that reason. 

    Still works but I get the orange bar that says “This version is out of date. You must install the new version to continue using Evernote." .

    There are several things that Legacy does better and that is why I still prefer it and hate Evernote 10.

    I posted this during the Evernote Beta 2 back in 2020:

    Evernote Beta 2 Issues - First Look (Posted 2020.05.09)
    As far as I know, Evernote 10 does not have Outlook Integration (which I use several times a week). Nor can we control the interface (I use the controls I have added every day in Legacy). I also don't believe we can change the default fonts in Evernote 10. At least we can't in Tool > Settings. As I used to train people how to layout books, I detest the default Evernote 10 fonts!
    I have been paying for Evernote since October of 2008. I hope to move away from it very soon!
  4. 11 hours ago, Regor said:

    Today I got an orange bar displayed in Evernote Legacy (309348) under Win7 on the PC.

    I got it on Windows 10 @Regor ! Time to move from Evernote!

    I have been testing Joplin. The conversion from Evernote is excellent (albeit a bit slow). But it is the only app that I have tested that converts Evernote without data loss. I'll try Notion as well again in case they have fixed the Evernote import I complained about several months ago...

    Here is some info on importing from Evernote.

    This weekend, I will be testing the Joplin Cloud so that I can make sure I can have my Joplin Notes on my phone and tablet.





    • Thanks 2
  5. 3 hours ago, BrenF said:

    I have to say, I find "vast majority" a bit hard to believe. I for one still use legacy for the sole reason that it still has features in it that are not implemented in v10

    Same reason I still use Legacy @BrenF!

    If v. 10 had the features I use every day, I would have moved over to it long ago!


  6. 20 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    I don't see any mention of tagging, or (surprisingly) of searching, but I presume there is searching.

    It actually imported all of my Evernote tags @Dave-in-Decatur! And, when I clicked on a tag in the Tag section, Joplin presented all of the Notes that had that tag, just like Evernote.

    Searching is very fast. I chose Dropbox as the place to save my data so that I can sync between machines and to the Joplin app.

    20 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    I notice that it formats using Markdown

    My initial import was HTML, not Markdown...


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  7. For those who prefer Legacy, I think I have found a replacement for Evernote! A friend who is into open-source apps mentioned that she used Joplin (https://joplinapp.org/). I downloaded it and it looks a bit like Legacy.

    I have mentioned elsewhere that other apps were unable to import my Evernote ENEX files. As an example, Notion support told me back in January that they had escalated my case to development for a resolution to my import issues.

    I just exported my smallest Evernote stack (249 notes in 6 notebooks) into ENEX format then imported it into Joplin. I was stunned: all 249 notes were rapidly (less than 5 minutes!) imported into a notebook with the same name as my Evernote stack! Before this afternoon, I was never able to get more than a couple of dozen notes imported in other apps!

    And at the top of the notes list in the notebook were two notes I modified this morning!

    For those who use Evernote stacks like I do, Joplin has a Notebook > Sub-notebook > Note type of configuration. So we should be able to reproduce our Stacks > Notebooks > Notes configuration from Evernote.

    I'm going to learn how to use Joplin over the next month. Based on my experience this afternoon, I think I will be able move from Evernote to Joplin long before my next subscription payment is due in early 2024!


    • Like 2
  8. I agree 100% about the wasted space  @Elliot Holt ... and that's not even one of my major concerns!

    I am intrigued by your comment:

    11 hours ago, Elliot Holt said:

    I'm looking to export my notebooks for a new platform, which they support very well!

    I'd like to know what that new platform is. I have tried several but none were able to import my 2 GB of notes. Notion support told me that improving support for Evernote imports is on their development roadmap ... but they cannot tell me when it will be fixed!



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  9. 2 hours ago, bmcl26 said:

    I binned Legacy over a year ago. There was nothing it could do that I required that I could not achieve in V10.

    If v. 10 had the features I use all the time in Legacy, I would have dropped Legacy last year also. FYI, that was the last time I took a close look at the features in v. 10 vs. the features I use all the time in Legacy!

  10. 9 hours ago, bmcl26 said:

    I use a workaround I have Outlook Synced with Google.

    @bmcl26 I believe you are synching your Outlook calendar with Google Calendar. Legacy Evernote has a button that allows users to take an email and save it to Evernote. I use it 2 to 4 times a week!


  11. 19 hours ago, Sugeeth Krish said:

    The "forum" is primarily designed to be only a "web only" experience, or will render as a html website. 

    The "Evernote Service" however is cross-platform and has to support multiple platforms, so, its not feasible to support too many fonts, cross-platform.

    Having said that, as the Editor is a unique engine in itself, i believe that Evernote will, and i hope, add support for more fonts in future. 

    @Sugeeth Krish every CRM I have used allows you to change fonts. And they are all cross-platform (HTML, Android, & iDevice). So if they can do it, Evernote can!

  12. 18 hours ago, s2sailor said:

    I’ve yet to find the perfect software for me.  Each one either isn’t a good fit or irritates me in some way.  I was very close to jumping ship after V10 was available so ran Legacy in parallel for quite a while.  V10 improved enough that eventually it became good enough and was the best option for me.  I had to alter my use case some and put up with some irritating UI design choices, but I would have had to do that anyway if I moved to another app.  If you haven’t given V10 a good test drive recently.  I suggest you do.  It has improved noticeably.


    Yeah @s2sailor, that's the same I've found. And the ones that have most of the features I want (especially Notion) cannot import my over 2 GB of notes in Evernote!

    As I noted elsewhere

    1. In Legacy, I use the customizable toolbar every day!
    2. I detest the 6 fonts that are available with Evernote 10. Every other app I have allows me to change the default font, why can't Evernote?
    3. I cannot turn off auto-formatting of bullets and numbered lists in Settings. Why not?
    4. I just looked and didn't see any way to connect up Evernote to Outlook. I use that at least 2 times every week!)

    I find those 4 to be the most frustrating! If they were added to Evernote 10, I would gladly continue with Evernote.

    I'll add testing v. 10 to my list of summer projects. But I find using Evernote w/o the features I use every day incredibly frustrating. And I really don't like paying for something I find frustrating!


  13. 16 hours ago, s2sailor said:

    FWIW, I'll add a few comments as well.

    1. I liked it too but now that I've switched over to V10 full time, I find I don't miss it.  Maybe I wasn't using it that much.

    2. Fonts - on Legacy there were many that used multiple devices and found that some fonts weren't present on other devices so other fonts were substituted that caused formatting to be different on each device.  There were many, many forum complaints.  For V10 they went the other direction and choice a few fonts that they could consistently use on all devices.  There is no right answer for this one.  One group, or the other will be unhappy.  Maybe in time additional fonts will be added.

    3. I agree this should be a setting.  Maybe it will come eventually.  Personally it doesn't bother me.

    4. Are you referring to Outlook mail, or calendar.  I believe mail integration is already out.  There is a help file out there.  Outlook calendar integration is in beta and will be out eventually.

    The best reason to switch from Legacy to V10, or to another program, is that it will eventually stop working.  It is already unsupported, and now that the new sync architecture has been rolled out, which Legacy does not support,  I doubt it will remain viable for much longer.

    Thanks @s2sailor. I find it interesting that there are more fonts on this forum than are available in v. 10???

    I looked for Outlook Mail functionality (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005997). It mentions outlook.com and Office 365. I have Outlook 2021 Desktop for Windows. So it appears as Outlook integration has been deprecated except for online versions of Outlook.


  14. If, at some point, I have to use v. 10 until I find a replacement for Evernote, I will do that. Until that point comes (ie they delete Legacy from my computers), I'll keep on using Legacy! (I have never used v. 10 except to test it to see if it's worth switching over so never have seen the problems @PinkElephant mentions...

    @PinkElephant is correct: finding an acceptable alternative is a pain. I have tried a couple that didn't work as well as Legacy so abandoned them. Notion is the best of the bunch ... but I have too many notes in Evernote to convert them efficiently. Notion support says a fix is on their development plan ... but no date has been announced!




    1 hour ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

    Girding up my loins, to use an old-fashioned phrase, I will wade in (as someone who stuck with Legacy for over a year after v. 10 first limped out):

    1. Don't know if this is still the case.

    2. I liked the customizable toolbar. OTOH, many functions are available with keyboard shortcuts, which are faster when you're typing.

    3. Please don't try to speak for everyone. KB shortcuts available.

    4-5. Aesthetics are subjective, screens are larger than they used to be; I like spaciousness, but on a laptop things could indeed be tighter.

    6. Reindex? If you mean manual sync, the newly released sync structure makes that obsolete. If you mean rebuild the database: Settings > Application > uncheck "Keep a copy...", sign out, sign back in and let it rebuild.

    7. Many defaults have been added or re-added in Settings. But fonts are now meant to be common across all devices, which means sacrificing special fonts that Windows or Mac users might prefer. It's a tradeoff.

    8-10. All working now.

    11. Hard to know what the pain was, but it's drag & drop now, or click to the right of the notebook name at top of the note.

    12. Always and rapidly with the new rollout.

    13. We do seem to be stuck with auto-formatting (if you mean typing 1. starts a list); Ctrl-Z is the workaround, but I too wish it were selectable in Settings.

    14. I think spell check uses OS level resources now.

    The list of what was missing in 2020, of course, does not get at all that has been added that never was present in v. 6 and under, which have been game changing improvements for many: Home page, tasks, more consistent interface across platforms, Google Calendar integration, more advanced searching, and much else, including the quick syncing and real-time collaborative editing that have just rolled out. Of course, not everyone wants or needs these, and if you don't, you don't. But simply bemoaning what was lost does not address the value that the new version has added for many of us.

    Thanks Dave. Most of what I was complaining about with the beta back in September, 2020 appears to have been fixed.


    1. In Legacy, I use the customizable toolbar every day!
    2. I detest the 6 fonts that are available with Evernote 10. Every other app I have allows me to change the default font, why can't Evernote?
    3. I cannot turn off auto-formatting of bullets and numbered lists in Settings. Why not?
    4. I just looked and didn't see any way to connect up Evernote to Outlook. I use that at least 2 times every week!

    I find those 4 to be the most frustrating! If they were added to Evernote 10, I would gladly continue with Evernote.

    Otherwise, I'll keep on looking for a replacement. I hope that Notion will come up with a fix for importing huge Evernote DB's like mine!


    PS: except for advanced searching, the new features you mentioned are not important to me.

    • Like 1
  16. Just now, johnm243 said:

    @Federico Simionato


    I will not use the new Windows App, features that I still use constantly were removed in v. 10.

    Back during the beta (2020!), I (and many others!) complained about missing features. Our requests for the features we used in what became Legacy were ignored!

    This is my post "Evernote Beta 2 Issues - First Look" from September 5, 2020:

    1. Outlook Integration was not installed
    2 We used to be able to control the interface. I added controls I used all the time in the Toolbar at the top: I have New Note | Activity | All Notes (I used this multiple times every day) | Sync
    3. We don't need New Note & Search in the shortcuts panel. In the old one, having Search at the top of the snippets list is much better. New Note can go in the toolbar like in the old Evernote.
    4. More wasted space with Account Name on the left
    5. The old list of shortcuts (I have many) was much tighter than the new list.
    6. We should be able to reindex Evernote
    7. We used to be able to control the defaults in Tools > Options.  My default font changed and I don't like the new one
    8. New notes get added to the last notebook used; I used to have a default notebook for new notes
    9. New titles don't go in automatically
    10. Click a link, it opens up the URL instead of going directly to it
    11. Moving a note is a pain
    12. When is sync happening
    13. I turned off automatic numbered lists in the old Evernote, how do I do that in the new Evernote?
    14. Evernote isn't in the dictionary (underlined in red as if misspelled)

    How many of those issues have been resolved in the most recent version of v. 10?

    Personally, I have been looking for a replacement for Evernote for quite some time. Unfortunately, as my total note size is well over 2GB, converting my notes into potential replacements has been a major issue. So I keep on renewing my Evernote subscription!

    Until I find a replacement for Evernote, I will continue to use the Legacy Edition. Of course, if all of the issues I brought up above have been (or will be) fixed, I will stay with Evernote ... and start to use v. 10!

    Meanwhile, is there anyway to stop the message "Let's update your app. A new version of Evernote is available. Update to New Windows Client (398256)..." from appearing?

    Thanks very much,


  17. @Federico Simionato

    On 5/3/2023 at 1:21 PM, Federico Simionato said:

    Hello everybody!
    We are actively working to update more and more customers from Legacy to the latest version of Evernote. Many don't even know they are using an unsupported version, so we are making that more evident through in-app communication and by testing a new update popup on Windows.

    As part of that plan, we also removed the H&L article with links to the Legacy versions. The links remain available through Support in case people need them to fix some issues.

    The Legacy versions remain available, and the download links continue to work, but we decided to make the download links less accessible at this time.

    Hope this clarifies!


    I will not use the new Windows App, features that I still use constantly were removed in v. 10.

    Back during the beta (2020!), I (and many others!) complained about missing features. Our requests for the features we used in what became Legacy were ignored!

    This is my post "Evernote Beta 2 Issues - First Look" from September 5, 2020:

    1. Outlook Integration was not installed
    2 We used to be able to control the interface. I added controls I used all the time in the Toolbar at the top: I have New Note | Activity | All Notes (I used this multiple times every day) | Sync
    3. We don't need New Note & Search in the shortcuts panel. In the old one, having Search at the top of the snippets list is much better. New Note can go in the toolbar like in the old Evernote.
    4. More wasted space with Account Name on the left
    5. The old list of shortcuts (I have many) was much tighter than the new list.
    6. We should be able to reindex Evernote
    7. We used to be able to control the defaults in Tools > Options.  My default font changed and I don't like the new one
    8. New notes get added to the last notebook used; I used to have a default notebook for new notes
    9. New titles don't go in automatically
    10. Click a link, it opens up the URL instead of going directly to it
    11. Moving a note is a pain
    12. When is sync happening
    13. I turned off automatic numbered lists in the old Evernote, how do I do that in the new Evernote?
    14. Evernote isn't in the dictionary (underlined in red as if misspelled)

    How many of those issues have been resolved in the most recent version of v. 10?

    Personally, I have been looking for a replacement for Evernote for quite some time. Unfortunately, as my total note size is well over 2GB, converting my notes into potential replacements has been a major issue. So I keep on renewing my Evernote subscription!

    Until I find a replacement for Evernote, I will continue to use the Legacy Edition. Of course, if all of the issues I brought up above have been (or will be) fixed, I will stay with Evernote ... and start to use v. 10!

    Meanwhile, is there anyway to stop the message "Let's update your app. A new version of Evernote is available. Update to New Windows Client (398256)..." from appearing?

    Thanks very much,


    • Like 7
  18. I am getting this message more and more frequently!

    I will not use the new Windows App, features that I still use constantly have been removed in v. 10.

    So, until I find a replacement for Evernote (converting my GB's of notes into another app has been a major issue when I have tried),  I will continue to use the Legacy Edition.

    How do I stop this message from appearing?

    Thanks very much,


    • Like 1
  19. I know @Mike P, they didn't listen to us and released this disaster anyway!

    I posted Evernote Beta 2 issues - First Look back in early September (https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/127949-evernote-beta-2-issues-first-look/) with 14 issues I found. None have been fixed.

    Thanks to @gazumped, I found the Legacy Edition and have installed it. My Premium subscription expires in the spring. If they haven't fixed v. 10 by January, I will start looking for alternatives.





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  20. Just read The new Evernote 10 Version List of Missing Core Features (https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/129055-the-new-evernote-10-version-list-of-missing-core-features/).

    Looks like there are lots of old Premium users (like me - since 2008) who are ticked off and looking at alternatives.

    Seems like this release was not well thought out. They need to use an app like UserVoice or GetSatisfaction so that they can understand what users want!

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