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Liam Gretton

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Liam Gretton last won the day on July 12 2013

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  1. This is one of the various reasons why EN 10 is flipping useless compared to EN 6. On EN6 we can disable automatic sync, to avoid any encrypted text getting uploaded in its unencrypted state. Consider that between the time you create some content in EN and encrypt it, it may already have been uploaded and in EN10 there is no control over this process. This and the removal of local notebooks means it's very difficult to secure any data that goes up to EN's servers. Encrypted file attachments in notes aren't useful to me, though I accept that's a decent enough workaround for others. I've had enough - been with EN since 2007 but I'm reluctantly shifting everything to Joplin and will let my sub lapse when it's due for renewal in April.
  2. I finally got round to reporting this, and I've referenced this discussion in the ticket. The ticket number is #3122468.
  3. I've been meaning to raise this issue for ages. Evernote should not react to a drag-and-drop event unless something is dropped on it. Most of the time you wouldn't notice this issue if the file that happens to be getting dragged across an EN window is small. In my case I have a Premium account but this crops up if I happen to be dragging video files around. EN will complain that the file exceeds the 200MB limit and causes the drag action to be cancelled.
  4. The portable launcher linked to in ab1kenobee's post of Feb 15 works just fine. I'm in a similar position, not having admin rights on my work PC, but the portable launcher works perfectly with the current version of EN, and allows EN to update itself in the normal way.
  5. Liam Gretton

    Beta testing

    I got an invite too to a new beta testing programme, but the link just takes me to my Evernote notes. Previous such beta tests had a dedicated forum, but either that's not the case now, or it was supposed to be accessible via the link provided.
  6. I primarily use Evernote for creating text notes, with occasional attachments so I'm particularly sensitive to problems with and changes to the editor. I don't mind not being able to sprinkle dozens of fonts throughout a note, and a sparse selection of fonts is ok for me but only if I can override that choice and specify which fonts I want to use. For example the monospace font used in the code blocks is not to my liking, but there's no way of changing it. I don't really care if fonts don't map perfectly across devices (it's been broken in that respect at least for Android forever anyway). I'm very glad there's being some effort put into the editor at last, but there's an awful lot of white space and light-grey-on-white design.
  7. I'm moving that way myself. The recent yanking of public notebooks and the absolutely stultifying inertia in fixing bugs and improving Evernote's very basic editor are doing it for me. I don't use public notebooks myself, but the fact they think it's sensible to pull a feature without telling anyone is extremely worrying. Next week they could remove a feature I do rely on and I just can't work like that. I looked at OneNote's Android client yesterday and it's got excelletn pen support (with pressure sensitivity) for my Galaxy Note 3. Last time I looked a year or so ago the Android client was pretty poor. I did a few tests to check syncing between Android, web and Windows and it all works nicely. It's a big jump but if I can get my notes moved across I'll be abandoning Evernote. It's a shame as I've been using Evernote since 2007, (mostly) patiently waiting for some serious improvements to the editor. The EN Android client has come on leaps and bounds too, but it's too little too late unfortunately.
  8. I'd really like to see this feature return too. In EN2 you could lock individual notes but like quite a few useful features, that ability just mysteriously disappeared at some point.
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