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  1. ForestD's post in Open multiple notes ( floating pages) at the same time not working anymore? was marked as the answer   
    You mention the "web version". Are you talking about the version that runs in a web browser - or a downloaded desktop client? I don't believe you could ever open a note in a pop-up box in the web version, but you can in the Mac or Windows Desktop client (which is what both PinkElephant and Gazumped are saying works for them).
  2. ForestD's post in Does the new owner of Evernote read this forum or we shouldn't bother anymore to report feature request or bugs ? was marked as the answer   
    I don't know about any public policy about feedback (does anybody really have a "Here is our Public Policy About User Feedback"?), but I think they do take feedback from users. The product lead, Federico, has been actively commenting at various times on this forum. His last post: 
    And I'd be surprised if he (and they) didn't read a whole bunch more and just not comment.
    He's also really active on X and engages with users there: https://twitter.com/fedesimio (See also the official Evernote X account: https://twitter.com/evernote)
    With millions of users though, I wouldn't expect any personalized response anywhere.
  3. ForestD's post in Guidance on Configuring EN for Web Links to Open in Browser, Rather than Spawned EN Screen was marked as the answer   
    @david_woznyorg By "mess around with exporting to a browser" did you mean tapping this button in the top right-hand corner?

    Just wanted to make sure that you knew tapping that button would open that URL in Safari (your preferred default). It is, unfortunately, still a two step process (tap that button, then tap 'Done'), but it's less steps than clicking the 'Share' button.
  4. ForestD's post in Slash / command and screen issue on Windows was marked as the answer   
    I don't think the slash commands are meant to be scrolled, they are meant to be filtered. You do a slash command when you know what you want to insert. So if you want a code block, you type '/cod' and then hit enter.
  5. ForestD's post in Opening a new window after all windows have closed was marked as the answer   
    Use the "Switch To" Command -- Cmd-J -- it will pop the main window open. 
  6. ForestD's post in Alignment change when resizing a window? was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like maybe it's this:
  7. ForestD's post in Annoying 'hover' popups, sluggish UI was marked as the answer   
    Not that it changes anything, but it seems it's been this way since the beginning of v10. From 3 years ago:
    Also - some discussion on it here:
    Be sure to like and subscribe to my "Saturday tool tip" comment in that thread! 🤣
  8. ForestD's post in New note format - title not aligned with body of the note was marked as the answer   
    This is because with a recent update, they accidentally triggered a setting change on the note width. You'll need to go into your settings and change it back to "Fit to window". (Looks like wide tables don't honor the "optimize readability" setting so it's not lining up with the title.)
    See here for a screenshot of where to go to change the setting:
  9. ForestD's post in EN for Mac Desktop Checkbox Color was marked as the answer   
    In case you haven't already seen, Bending Spoons is revamping the UI. They first started with Desktop and Web and will presumably make their way to mobile. I'm personally not a big fan of it.
    See here for the announcement about it: https://evernote.com/blog/new-ui-2024
    Also here for one of the discussion threads on it: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/149750-new-ui-experiences-bad-and-good/
    To answer your question -- there is no way to set the checkbox colour. You'd have to downgrade a fair bit before version 10.76.2. I think the new UI functionality is out as of 10.72 (or thereabouts), but it was only enabled for certain accounts back at that time.
  10. ForestD's post in Margins changed overnight was marked as the answer   
    @Peter Sadowski It looks like your Note Width setting was probably reset to "Optimize readability". You can change it back to "Fit to window" in the preferences:

  11. ForestD's post in Blank lines below images in tables was marked as the answer   
    Yes - I think you are right. It didn't always use to be that way -- even in v10.
    The workaround that I use to get around it is to use the Chrome Dev Tools and delete the blank line below the image (or PDF) from there. It's a bit techie/hacky. Maybe there are better ways.
    You can trigger the Chrome Dev Tools in the Windows Desktop app by pressing F12. This also works on web and Mac Desktop.
    Once activated, click the "Inspect element" tool:

    And then highlight the line below the image and click on it.

    This will show the div html element in the dev tools

    and then you just delete that line/element with the delete key.

    Luckily deleting the blank space in this manner persists it to the note and isn't just for that one session
    Only takes me about 10 seconds total and is worth it for me.
    This workaround has been working for me pretty well over the last year, but I suppose it could stop working at any time.
  12. ForestD's post in Resize pdf when viewing inside a note was marked as the answer   
    Put the pdf in a table cell. You can resize the width of the column the cell is in and that will resize the PDF accordingly. 
  13. ForestD's post in iOS app deleted PDFs and JPGs from desktop! was marked as the answer   
    Are you familiar with the version history feature? Hopefully, you should be able to restore your note to how it was using that: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-Use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note
    I myself don't have problems with syncing PDFs to my iPhone, but I only run the new version 10 of Evernote on all my devices: MacOS (2), Windows (2), iPad, iPhone, and Web.
  14. ForestD's post in Searching for a specific text string was marked as the answer   
    Pretty sure I know what the problem is.
    It works for me on Desktop and Web just fine. Searching for "class keyword" (in quotes) gets me 8 notes. Searching class keyword without quotes gets me 41 notes. As expected.
    However, on my iPhone I was getting the 41 notes either way I did it. Then I noticed that my iPhone was using what are called smart quotes and not the real quote. Notice the difference here:
    Smart Quotes:

    Regular Quotes:

    When entering quotes on your keyboard for searching on iOS or iPadOS, hold down your finger on the quote character until you get the popup of characters over it and then select the "regular quote" like this:
  15. ForestD's post in Mobile - move attachments? was marked as the answer   
    If you add some dummy text above and below the attachment then you can select the text above, the attachment, and the text below and then copy it and paste into another note. The attachment has to be downloaded in Evernote first for this to work. 
  16. ForestD's post in Exporting from Evernote was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, you can only export notes from the Desktop version of Evernote on either Windows or MacOS. There are 3rd party services that can connect to your Evernote account to export but a lot of them (if not all) of those kind are paid services. (Edit -- https://github.com/vzhd1701/evernote-backup is a free service.)
    You could unsync one of your devices and install the Desktop app and then do it, but you are limited on the number of times you can unsync a device and then it's possible to lock yourself out of your account.
    A related thread here: 
  17. ForestD's post in Installed v10 after avoiding it for three years; feedback from a time traveller. was marked as the answer   
    @Boot17 analysis and personal opinion on mentioned points of pain -- free of charge: (I'm joking -- just trying to be light-hearted here for a somewhat heavy discussion cause I know this is frustrating stuff). (Edit - Also sorry for the long comment I don't know what got into me.)
    For context, I remember seeing Evernote for this first time when it was that scrolling tape thing. I think I installed it and used it too, but can't remember for sure. I didn't really start using Evernote until like 2012/2013 (and became a Plus subscriber 2016 and Personal in 2022). So I'm no stranger to Legacy. Also - I didn't join the forums until late 2020 and I joined because v10 was driving me nuts and I had to see what the heck was going on and comment about it! I'm not sure I even knew there were forums before then.
    Also - to be clear - I don't fault anyone for thinking v10 is worse or doesn't suit them.
    Some people's work flows have been broken by v10 Some don't like v10 for whatever valid reasons Some have been using Evernote for so long when it was really the only note taking app around and now there are 50 of them! And some of them are fantastic. Chances are good that something out there is better for you now than v10 (or even Legacy)! ---
    There is no way to save a view for every saved search. So every time you use another shortcut, you have to manually adjust the view that is best suited for it. Unfortunate (but not a personal bother for me) Opening a linked note in a new window by holding shift when you click the link: gone! Result: numerous more clicking to get back where you were originally. I can't live without notes in a new Window and use them all the time. Try Ctrl-Click for Windows or Cmd-Click for Mac. (You must be on Windows too else you'd complain about lack of tabs which was awesome on Legacy Mac) Sync button: gone! Result: wait and see. Unnecessary. RTE in v10 beats this hands down once the note exists on devices*. I use Evernote on 6 different devices. (*They are working on improving initial sync time of a newly created note -- but still pretty good for me personally.) Sorting reminders; extremely cumbersome, only available through that weird reminder tab that doesn't have any other use, and is visible only when all the notes are visible. My god this is such an irritating one. Unfortunate. I don't use reminders, I use tasks which are much, much, much better than Reminders. Reminders do exist somewhat in v10 though and yes - I agree - sorting is broken on them. Also the reminders tab is visible when any filtered note list contains even a single note that has a reminder (not just when all the notes are visible) The app is way slower as well, showing frequent lagging. Also somewhat unfortunate, I agree somewhat although v10 speeds have greatly improved (especially once all your data is in-sync. If you just hopped onto v10 desktop and your notes are all downloading at the same time you are trying to use it...) It's fairly fast for me and not a concern, but yes -- still slower than Legacy, but fine enough. UI font is gigantic; the amount of scrolling is just crazy. Haha - yes - the font is bigger, but I love the UI so much more than Legacy oh my. Also it's so consistent across Web, Mac, Windows, and mobile. Oh - this is so so so much better. ---
    editing toolbar runs off the right side of the page with no arrows to get it back This broke recently when they stuck that huge AI Note Cleanup button on there (which I'm not a fan of -- either the button or the tool). Hope they fix it. application doesn't maintain the windows size I set so next time I launch it reverts to a different window size Hrm, it does for me. Everything is worse in every way that I can think of... In some ways for me (but I forget them more and more as time goes by), but definitely not in most ways. I'll be looking for a replacement. This was me too. I've spent literally over a hundred hours doing this. Not a total waste, it's been fun and I have a good feel for note apps I like (Obsidian - awesome, UpNote - awesome, Bear - pretty ok, Apple Notes - nah, Standard Notes - Hrm, maybe. Craft - close, but no. Agenda - no. NoteJoy - no. Joplin - no. Notion - vomit. + 20 more.) So seriously have fun with this and good luck!
  18. ForestD's post in Keyboard Shortcuts Not Working was marked as the answer   
    Ah! Nice catch. That piqued my memory and there are a few posts about that in the forums and I even posted in one of them over a year ago.
    https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/142275-dvorak-keyboard-text-shortcuts-do-not-all-work/ https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/140930-ctrl-i-does-not-work-on-dvorak-keyboard-layout/ https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/134735-keyboard-shortcuts-unavailable-with-dvorak-keyboard-layout/ The issue has been submitted to support in the past, but don't know if it's still on their radar. Unfortunately, since there are not many Dvorak users out there it's probably not high on the priority list (if it's even on the list).
  19. ForestD's post in Update 10.62.5 has made my evernote unusable was marked as the answer   
    Sounds like you’ve maybe got it in full screen mode. Try pressing F11. 
  20. ForestD's post in Inserting note link with a keyboard was marked as the answer   
    For me it's Cmd-Option-K (I think that's the default too -- for English keyboard anyway)

    @jumarko That takes you to the 'Select Note' dialog to start with and the keyboard focus is never lost from the dialog. Cmd-K seems to be broken as far as keyboard focus goes. There are a couple of other threads on here somewhere about that too.
  21. ForestD's post in Broken keyboard navigation after focusing on a favorited note was marked as the answer   
    It's the same on Mac. So F2 and then Tab to go to the note body. Looks like this works from anywhere.
    I didn't notice it at first in the Keyboard Shortcuts list... I was looking for it under Navigation. It's listed as 'Rename' under the Note Actions

  22. ForestD's post in Evernote Web does not show all tags was marked as the answer   
    Is there a specific reason you are using the old/classic version of the Web app?
    My first suggestion would be to upgrade to the new version if there isn't a specific reason from you doing that. I suspect the old version of the web app will be going away soon.

    The new version is quite a bit different. One thing that is different with regards to tags is that the tags appear at the bottom of the note.
  23. ForestD's post in Zoom then edit image was marked as the answer   
    After zooming in, if you hold the Ctrl key down (on both MacOS and Windows), then you can click and drag your position around in the image with the mouse.
    On iOS, you can zoom in with the typical pinch-to-zoom and then slide your position around with two fingers. It was pretty jumpy for me when I did it just now, but it worked.
  24. ForestD's post in # character jumping to shortcut was marked as the answer   
    The backspace key also works to undo those auto-formatting events.
    @Joe Hughes There are some more auto-formatting key strokes listed in the Keyboard Shortcuts side bar:

  25. ForestD's post in Syncing continues to be broken in macOS app was marked as the answer   
    I can replicate this issue.
    I select a note on Mac (Desktop Evernote 10.60.4). I put the Mac to sleep while having that note selected and opened in the editor. I find the same note on iPhone (Evernote 10.53.1) and edit it and select the green check icon in the top left hand corner to indicate I'm done editing. I wake the Mac up. I notice that the updated time in the snippet list view for the note that is selected shows that it was updated "Just now" (...updated from the iPhone), but the note content itself in the note editor doesn't update. I can then update the note in the same location and it blows away the change made on the iPhone. (I see this data get cleared in real time with RTE on the iPhone.) My conclusion would be that it is a bug. RTE isn't working when the Mac is sleeping (obviously) and when it wakes up from sleep/hibernate, the note in the editor does not get updated with the latest changes from the server (even though the client knows there was an update).
    I think Gazumped's "#2: contact support" is the way to go here to submit this as an issue to them.
    Seems like I've seen a couple of (perhaps related) issues mentioned in the forums when the app doesn't properly configure itself after waking from sleep -- but I couldn't say for sure.
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