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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. You better go to the website of that offer, and contact their support. I think it is an interesting approach - however it does not come for free, and on the larger plans, the subscription fee is significant.
  2. The forum is user2user. To contact EN use the feedback function in the clients.
  3. It would be interesting to learn why you drop posts like this into long dormant threads.
  4. OS and client ? Probably a screenshot would help to understand what you see.
  5. Usually the ports are the same you use on any web site (I think it is 80 for http and 443 for https). It may be for authorization there are more - ask support in case it does not work.
  6. How many templates have you already saved ? There is a cap of 20 own templates per account.
  7. You probably just need to wait until the changes have synced to all devices. To handle pictures in notes it is BTW the easiest way to place a table into the note, and put the pictures into the table cells. Since it resizes the pictures to the table column width (without altering the original size and resolution), you can shrink the images, what makes it easier to handle them.
  8. No, no The only way would be to use legacy desktop, and write a script that performs the action you want.
  9. Working for me, no problem. If you settings are on, and it still does not work, contact support. Or use another app, Skitch is not really the hottest app in town.
  10. From my observation there is really no need to hold back with iOS updates. Apple does a very decent job in designing them to work even on the oldest hardware that will be officially supported. There may be a lack of certain functions that need more computing power, but the basics run smoothly. And you get all the latest fixes and another round of security updates.
  11. There is a number of apps that will make a picture to text conversion. To add a free app for the Mac, „Owl OCR“ will do this job (and more), even on older Macs. On younger Macs (Apple Silicon and recent Intel Macs) with at least MacOS 12 the Photos app will do the trick as well.
  12. To me this looks as if the note is gone. Probably there still is an entry in the local database on the phone pointing to the note (mobile only holds an index on device, the notes themselves are on the server), but it points to an empty location. You can take a look at the master copy of your notes on the server through the web client. If you find the note there (look at the trash as well), I would duplicate it to draw a fresh copy of it. If you are lucky, the duplicate will sync to all devices, correcting the situation. Else if you can open the note on the web, you can create a new note manually, and copy the content from the other note. If the content can’t be found any more, the contentious probably gone. Last resort would be to contact support about it. Free users: The web client may be a 3rd device, support access is a subscribers feature.
  13. My dog will not search and bring me a stick I throw. He just does not understand the concept of stick throwing. I mean, it is a fine dog and all, but I always get upset when other dog owner get their sticks returned. What a pity, I mean I got a dog because I wanted to play stick throwing with him. Oh man, what a useless dog, the place is full of sticks I threw and just stayed where they landed. The breeder told me it is a first class dog, and I did not explicitly ask to get one that will get me my sticks returned … Oh, I am deviating, this dog drives me crazy. To contact EN, use the feedback function in the clients, or issue a support ticket.
  14. There was a similar thread, but some months back, and all on Windows. What I am not sure about is this „unified memory“ approach of the M1 Macs. It seems to work with less RAM memory than the Intel Macs - but it is known they manage it by continuously swapping with the SSD. Apple claims the SSD is designed to tolerate it for many years.
  15. Made a brief check in 7.14 Mac Legacy. Looks the same as Windows legacy. Adding content by drag & drop works, if you just don’t try to drop the file right on the template button. Shouldn’t be that difficult, given the amount of screen real estate round it.
  16. The templates have been along for quite some time now. @Mike P Prior to v10. I never had a problem to add content - just don’t drop it right on the template button. There should be enough space around it to avoid this outcome. Besides Templates are a welcome feature for many users - it seems your definition of „monstrosity“ is personally biased. „Until using 6.25“ is a funny statement as well: You are running end of life, deprecated software. Better you stick to it - I don’t think you would be happy with the version 10 clients that replaced it 2 years ago. It was updated every 2-3 weeks since it launched.
  17. It looks as if you have a corrupted local database on your desktop install. This should fix it: Go to File > Sign Out [name] from the menu bar. Select the "Remove my Evernote data from this device" option, then click Sign out. Restart your computer. Sign back in to Evernote
  18. You don’t tell on what sort of Mac …. You don’t tell whether you have rebuild the install or the database recently. This always leads to a phase of higher disk, network and CPU usage. As do major reorganization activities that force a rebuilding of the search index. And of course some updates came along with a new database design, which needs to be written to the local disk (no idea if this is true for 10.40). When idle for me EN 10.40 runs way below 5% CPU (which means way below 5% of one CPU core) and nearly without any disk activity on my i7 MacBook Pro (MacOS 12.4).
  19. No idea - since all devices able to run iOS 13 are able to run iOS 15, I doubt there are many still on iOS 13 out there. Just get iOS up to date, and try again.
  20. The main organizing feature in EN is not the notebook - it is through tags. You don’t mention them, and you ask some questions that would answer themselves if you would apply tags instead of trying to set everything up through notebooks.
  21. The usual way to contact EN about any annoying bug is through a support ticket.
  22. Just search the help database. It will tell you how to deactivate or how to permanently delete an account. If you did extensive DSGVO research, you will surely be able to find the help documents.
  23. No. Recordings on mobile are entirely list. On desktop the app offers to save as a file, on mobile it doesn’t. This does not depend on a subscription - subscribers just have a larger margin due to the larger note size and total upload. The 25MB don‘t apply if the 60MB total limit kicks in first.
  24. The original thread was about not following system settings. This was changed, the date now is as set in system settings. Then it was hijacked and talking about long vs. short format. We now have 2 topics in the same thread. What was your ticket about ?
  25. There is no guarantee at all any post will be answered (left alone with all caps or exclamation marks). The forum is user2user. About your problem: Ask support …
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