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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. It is clearly a bug, even when there is a workaround. The conditions that make it happen are not clear to me. It looks as if the search starts before the app is ready to search, resulting in a deadlock. Hope as well they fix it.
  2. Would be nice, so you have my support on this. As a workaround, you can write the date as plain text into the note. It will be searchable as such, if you always use the same format.
  3. @Nick L. : If I am using a web-based interface, I completely agree that creating duplicates is far better than losing information. Luckily I am usually running on Win10, MacOS or iOS, so up to now I was not flooded by security duplicates. It would be good if this feature could be assisted by a tool that can be used to get rid of the unwanted twin notes in an economical way. Sort of another entry into the „extended help menu“ ? Pick the notes, present the youngest one of them all and let the user confirm that it contains all the information; then delete all the earlier copies ?
  4. My iOS-app is still only freezing when I forgot to erase the search field. When the app is left, or the start screen kicks in, and is then reopened, it will appear frozen because it starts to search when the reloading is still not done. When I force the app to close, and reopen, the search field is deleted by default, and the app is responsive again.
  5. Update to GN5: From what I have heared, the sync into iCloud is the only sync option they will support.😟 They are working on more export (static) options - if EN will be among the chosen apps is not known. 🎲 What is working is exporting pages (up to complete notebooks) as pdf into EN. 🤓
  6. For me it is a problem to understand this thread: 1st it says there is a fundamental problem where I never encountered one. I am working with the iOS EN app since 2017, I am „iPad mostly“ (plus some stuff on the Win10-client, and I am a standard user, always updating OS and apps to the latest official release, not using betas. I never ever had a problem to create a new tag to a note on my iPad, and all of my iOS tags were passed on to the tag database of my EN account. My workflow is documented in the screenshots below. 2nd it says stuff about bad GUI etc. Sorry, every app has its own concept of where things are, and how things work. I have installed EN on my devices, I‘ve worked myself through the initial feed they send you when you open your account, and I‘ve invested a normal amount of time and effort into learning the tool I decided to use. There is nothing about a bad GUI around here ! The main GUI-issue I would like to have fixed is that the different clients are different, and that some lack functions I like to use on other clients. But this is similar with other programs (lets pick Office 365 as an example) - they are not the same with Win, Mac and iOS as well. So I would say: Let us solve real issues, be it bugs or missing functions. Now to the workflow: Adding tags to notes with the iOS-EN-app is perfectly possible, and simple to do: 1) Open a note (can be from wherever, my example came though sending a note from my mail account via e-mail), or create a new one. The existing tags in this note and the assignment to a notebook were created when sending the e-mail, using the „@„ notebook and # „with tags“ additions to the e-mail-header. Now I did add another tag to the existing one for showing how. 2) click to the „I-in-a-circle“ symbol top right (a tag is an additional information, so why „bad GUI“ ?) 3) Place the cursor where the word are spelled „Schlagwort eingeben“ (which in German means „Enter Tag“, not really hard to understand what this may be for), and enter the tag you want to create. If there is a tag beginning with the same letters, it will be shown as a proposal. But if you continue typing, and the old tag is different now, the proposal will disappear, and you get a new tag literal in this very place. 4) Hit „Return“ The new tag is assigned. This is still local, because in iOS the note will only be saved on closing it. 5) Repeat as often as you wish to set another new tag, or hit the „+-in-a-circle“ in that same line to open the list of existing tags, and pick from there. 6) When through with tagging and editing, close the note. This will transfer the changes into the EN database, including the newly created tag. SO WHERE THE HELL IS THERE ANY PROBLEM ???
  7. The desktop and mobile apps are fundamentally different. The desktop clients (Win & Mac) use the local database to work on, and sync this into the cloud. The mobile apps only load preview, all work is in the cloud or better on a single note loaded into the mobile client, and synced back into the cloud right after closing it. Thus the mobile apps rely completely on syncing down and up. From my experience (iPhone 6S+/128 and iPad Pro 10.5/512) temporary freezing only happens when there is a search string in the search field. Then the search will be initiated when the app opens, which leads to the freezing. Once the search is through, the app comes back to life. Beside this szenario, or when the mobile data link is weak, the EN iOS app is responsive. If this is not the case, it may help to shut the device off, or make a soft reset (see Apple support if you have never done this). By this, all the memory allocation will be refreshed, which often solves performance issues on i-devices.
  8. My workflow to sort out pdf issues: - Create the note, for example via scanning from the ix500 directly into EN windows. There may be some pages not oriented correctly, there may be some rear pages filled with junk, whatever. Check if you really have to clean up the Clutter. If the pdf is for documentation purposes only, why not leave it as it is. The search will find it anyhow, and do you really want to invest a chunk of your lifetime into reworking the informational entropy ? - Sync into the EN cloud. - Open the note in the iOS app. Load the pdf attachment. Open via „share“ in PDF Expert. - Edit the pdf there (supereasy on any iPad with pencil support), save it into pdf Expert. - Select the saved pdf there and create a new note in EN on the iPad by sharing it to EN. - Sync, delete the original note with the mistakes, sync again. Yes, it seems like many steps. But because pdf Expert is such a nice app to handle PDFs, I prefer it over trying to do the same on my Win-10-machine. And I am most likely faster even when I switch platforms in between.
  9. How good is your internet connection ? Speed is one issue, but as well latency and packet losses. Because the mobile apps rely heavily on syncing in the background, this can affect the reaction behavior of the app. When an app „freezes“ and comes back by itself, it is not failing, but just busy with something else. Example: If your WLAN access Point is connected to the router through a powerline network, overall speed may be good, but latency sucks.
  10. YES - but ... If you use an additional keyboard, be it bluetooth or via smart connectors (like my Logitech), you get ctrl, cmd and alt/option as with the big ones. It looks funny when you connect a keyboard 5 times the size to a tiny iPhone and start typing away, but it works. Further, at least on iPad you have at the low bottom of the screen a soft-menu, which contains at the left edge an undo arrow. This „saved my life“ more than once. When attached, shaking the whole assembly is no good idea 🤬And I am not sure whether it still works when you first have to connect the keyboard after realizing you‘ve accidentally lost the question to which „42“ is the answer.
  11. This idea I would rather call something like „Power search“, which should include the option to switch „hidden“ search logic off by a „switch“. This would leave the brute search in the hands of a plain Boolean search logic build by the user. Now I am not up to the details how the index EN builds is constructed. The search is so fast that I assume that some logic is probably build into building the index beforehand. This means the stop word logic might not be applied when searching, but when building the index. A power search would then be difficult to implement, or slow the search down. Maybe one of the more experienced users knows more about this.
  12. I used and enjoyed the Moleskine Evernote Edition stationary as well. Well designed, high quality, good looking in daily use until the last page. However, there were some things around the importing I never got straight. For example, the sequence of pages was randomly (?) altered when importing more than 1 page into a note. The private section at the bottom of the page sometimes was shown, sometimes not etc. To me it seemed everything was build around the concept to have each and any „note“ always just on one page. Am I alone on this experience ? And yes, using the points coming with the notebooks was no simple task. With help from EN Support, I let my abo expire in iTunes, used my points, and will switch back to the paid model after using them up. I could have done without as well, just buying the plain notebook.
  13. That the different EN clients are not behaving in an identical manner is legendary. Up to my knowledge, search is for the beginnings of words. So if a „word“ starts with www.xxx, to search for „xxx“ will not find it. The search between mobile and desktop clients is different in a more fundamental way: - On a desktop client (Win, Mac), you will search the local database, which is on your SSD/HDD. - With the mobile clients (iOS, Android) you will search the cloud database, because there is no local copy of all the content. One reason for differing results may be any notebook set to „local“ on a desktop. These will only exist there, not in the cloud. Their content can only be found when searching using the desktop client. One may try the same search using the web client, which will use the cloud database as the mobile clients do. Other reasons can be differences between the database on the local drive vs. the cloud Version. Even when EN searches locally on a desktop, the cloud database is regarded as leading. „Lost notes“ out of a syncing conflict can lead to differences, as maybe corrupted data on the local copy, or duplicates from a syncing conflict on shared notes. As long as the difference is 9 to 10, it should be possible to find out why there is this gap. And when identified, it may be worth to dig deeper, because there may be more to be found than just this one note not reflected.
  14. Then I am out of ideas. Not using Android myself. Maybe contact support via twitter. Hope I copied it right, there is a blank in the link. For Basic accounts: Twitter @evernotehelps
  15. Did you check out your old phone from your account ? Maybe you’ve exceeded the allowed number of devices in BASIC. If so, go to the web Browser, check into your EN account and take the old phone out. Then try again on the new one.
  16. Start Get a PW-manager. Open the first account (sequence should be 1) E-Mail services 2) money bearing/online shopping 3) social media, cloud services 4) the rest) Let the PW-manager pick a completely random PW, 15+ digits, mixed lower/upper case, numbers and symbols. Apply it to your account. Save it in the PW-manager. If offered, activate 2FA. Delete those stupid, easy to break „security“ questions („What brand was your 1st car ?“ - What do you think how many tries you will need to get into the account by plainly guessing on this foolish stuff ?). Repeat until „end of all accounts“ GoTo Feel save, time invested on a good cause ... and stop blaming the service that was broken into, because most likely the security data was stolen elsewhere. If your credentials (user name, account name etc.) are tested positive by the website mentioned above, some of your passwords are in circulation for sure. This is most likely not your fault, but not changing your PW NOW is nothing to blame on others. Even if not, you can never know.
  17. Wow, what a thread ... if I put everything together, it might easily exceed the code needed to implement the beast. In my opinion, any user may wish what he wants. In the end this drives innovation as much as other sources like technology, competition etc. That it may be difficult to implement sorting in the way EN is treating text, just makes implementation less likely / more costly, but does not change the innovative impulse. So why does not any of those in that-level-that-can move this issue to the voting section, where it can collect support(ers) ? P.S. For me, sorting text inside of EN is not an issue, but I understand that it may be one for others, with different use cases.
  18. It is allways nice if the service provider of choice supports better security. Some do more, some less. EN is IMHO somewhere in the middle: Maybe less secure than the TOP bunch, but with a sufficient set of options to make things pretty locked up. In fact 2-factor-authorization works exactly as you wish: If somebody with an unknown device tries to log in, the account owner receives a message on a known (=safe) device and can decide about granting access. When it is a hacking attempt, with 2-F-A I can not only refuse the access - I am warned as well that somebody tried to enter. For me, this serves the purpose of receiving a head-up when a new device shows up. That I have to do something myself (activate 2-F-A) to get it activated is o.k. From my side, I have 3 other aspects I would like EN to improve in terms of security : - pick a Username / Account name other than an E-Mail-adress (creates another random factor in the access) - Create public links that do not contain account information openly, like they do today - Full encryption of the database, especially on the local devices that hold a copy of the data, using a good encryption algorithm linked with account security. Decryption only and as long as the EN app is active and not idle (timeout setup).
  19. Just to sum it up: The IP does not tell much. Using a VPN (which includes the TOR network) you can leave the tunnel at any place where servers of the VPN provider are located. It seems the access came from California when the guy really was sitting in a nice Internet cafe somewhere in Europe, a coworking space in SEasia or wherever. It makes no sense to think about the „where from“. Who is accessing other peoples accounts rarely does this for meaning well. Because the huge database of E-Mail & PW-data was offered in the net quite open and for amazingly cheap money, there is no way telling who might be accessing your account, and what for. If a pro will do it, he will most likely use an automatic process for the initial try to enter. Maybe even for the first search in the Database after entering an account. If this draws a blank (for example when searching for cryptocurrency), he may not even bother and move on. But this can be as well desaster kid, IQ 140, EQ 70, bored and thinking about whom he should make life a little more exiting this afternoon. Then the damage depends only on what content you might have in your EN data. So if the IRS, a SWAT team or your wife’s attorney comes knocking on your door, open it quickly and with a smile. This will at least save the door. I would very quickly change all my passwords, starting with the E-Mail accounts and the accounts of mobile phone services. Both are used when resetting web accounts, so who is controlling these can counter any resetting of web accesses by simply controlling the PW-reset mails flowing in. And it would be a good day to start to use a password manager to recreate the access PWs. First the PWmanager will create good, strong passwords, individual for each account. And secondly it helps to know which accesses you have, and keep them in line. Important accounts (again, E-Mail first, then cloud services, bank and brokerage accounts etc.) should be set to 2-factor-authorization, if possible. If there were access data to your home network in the EN account (WLAN, Router or remote access), these must be changed ASAP as well. PW-managers are better places to keep this data too.
  20. This is what views are for - put emphasis on one aspect, at the same time reducing / hiding other aspects. When I read the initial posting again, it asks for a possibility to view all reminders in one place. Yes, this is possible, using what i‘v described. By the way it is not important what we think - just if the initial question was answered.
  21. Mostly I work from my iPad. Now I have rechecked the reminders issue in my Windows-App. My reminders are shown in the second column from the left right at the top of all notes. Depending on which notebook I choose, it shows all reminders or just those in that notebook. If I click the arrow, the list of reminders opens, ordered depending on the reminders-setting in options. In my case the order is oldest date on top. If this does not show, maybe it helps to check in the options, under reminders, if the settings are activated as shown in the screenshot. See Screenshots for more.
  22. Just to complete the possible options 💶💰💵💵💰: buy an iPad load the iOS-app click on the clock symbol => all reminders are listed, by order of the reminders date Another example of the different apps to use EN are not harmonized. I wish this option would exist in the Win-app, and others in iOS.
  23. No collective check or uncheck. In Wunderlist, each item on a list is an individual entity that can be created, shared, checked or be reactivated, moved to other lists etc. They are handled one by one. Beyond sharing items, you can share the content of a complete list.
  24. Wunderlist for shared ToDos, like our family grocery list. Works excellent, especially the sync between users while shopping is lightning fast. One list per shop, one for „if you do not get it here, get it there“-items. Checked items are collected below the unchecked ones, and can be reactivated. Things for my personal ToDos. For notes, I export the link from EN into Things, and do the ToDo-Control there. Things is fine, but does not allow to „share“. For reusable checklists, I think the proposal to create a „unchecked“ master note as a template, create a copy of it and fill it with „checks“ is the best solution. I am doing this with the checklist for my yearly tax return that I process with EN. Works fine, the workflow is „check them all“, with nearly never the need to uncheck anything. I think the EN checklists are not handling well when you check and uncheck permanently in the same list.
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