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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. ... and there is no need to explain everything, as long as basic GUI rules are followed. If I right-klick on something, and I get an option "Delete ...", I assume that this means the object I've clicked on, and that something will follow because of the 3 dots. But I've learned as well that there are big differences between users, and women tend to follow more the documentation, whereas men tend to simply try it out. In the end, the people keeping support teams busy because things really went uphill are mostly men ...
  2. Had that thing showing up today for the first time. I am not on the beta. Clicked on "Deny", came back, clicked on "Deny" a second time, it went away. Did not come back until now, EN client is working normally. So better this beta gets solid and released soon !
  3. Or the documentation changed to reflect the menu ... I personally like the 3 dots, because there is a window behind it, that asks if you are really sure (whatever this will do you good, if you do not know what you are going to initiate).
  4. This must be the oldest complaint in human history (the thing about the good ol days, not the Evernote stuff). 🤣
  5. Yes, they are. No, they are not. The delete is there. But the word „notebook“ is missing, replaced by 3 dots for „pick this, and you are still safe, because a next menu will follow“. What the fuss ?
  6. EN loyalist ! Sounds you just got bumped up the ladder. Formerly you could only make GURU-status, and then you were done for life. But as I always say: Be nice, try to help, just do not expect anybody to thank you 😥
  7. I think it is because the environment for the apps is changing (like the OSes they are working in, new user habits like the mobiles a few years ago, and today the voice assistants) that forces change. To keep the (G)UI simple while including all this into your ecosystem can be a feat.
  8. Yes, it is possible to delete a whole notebook. Just mark it and hit „del“ (at least it works like that on the Mac client, PC is already down for the night). There even is a box asking if you are sure. If it was a mistake you noticed after you klicked the box away, not much harm done: All notes from that notebook will still be in Trash, ready to recover. It is just bad if it was one of these 1000+ notebooks, because you can not restore the notebook - it is note by note.
  9. So you logged into your account through a FF session - on which OS (Windows, MacOS, ...) ? Personally I use the regular clients, so not much experience with the web client. I remember there was an issue about Firefox not supporting the software that was used to program the current web interface. But I did not follow up, maybe it was resolved in the meantime. You can search the forum for threads about this. I just entered on my Mac into EN using FF, and created a test note, no problems doing so. Another option would be to use another browser, like Chrome or Safari, Opera should work as well.
  10. If you read the forum, there is currently a high number of complains about the android app, mostly „freezing“ and „slow“. From the sources this comes from I seriously doubt „trolling“. Since the Android universe is much more diverse than Apple/iOS, it is probable there will be users that are affected, and others that are not, depending on device, OS-version and other apps installed (coming from multiple sources, not only the PlayStore). Even when iOS and Android are different, there is one common denominator: Both work off the server, not like the desktops from a local database. So both rely heavily on permanent syncing. At least every time you open a note, this will be called fresh from the server (excluding the special case of offline notebook + being in flight mode).
  11. You will probably be better off to switch to direct install entirely. This is at least my experience. I had problems on my Mac that were only solved by switching to the direct download version, with the same (!) version number as on the App Store. This was 2 month ago. Since I have used the direct download, no problems at all.
  12. "Sometimes" only happens in the last time ? Maybe you should downgrade the Webclient, the new version seems to have some funny behavior (not showing all notes etc.) from time to time.
  13. You may think what you think. I think, this forum does not exist to be good PR. It is explicitly user-driven. So sure it helps EN with supporting their SW. For me as a user, it is an opportunity to learn. EN staff reads it, and sometimes shows up to help with some issue. That’s it, and it is not to make PR out of it. The only PR-like stuff are the new videos about what is going on with key functions of Evernote, and these are very tech-driven and valued by a large majority of the forum users (which includes critical comments). If you have a problem, as a paying user you can reach support, either via the implemented function in the clients, or though the option or chat on the EN homepage. It should be obvious that reaching out for support may help on problems with using the app or bugs, much less so on development issues and feature requests.
  14. Sure it would be nice (got my vote as well). Since the toggle can be switched through the API, apps like Filterize allow for this already today - but for an additional price. You can find the description of how-to somewhere higher up in this thread.
  15. My progressives were set to normal use as well. Then I’ve got a stiff neck, etc. So I happily change glasses when I sit in front of my MacBook Pro. Tell you, doesn’t get better from year to year. So I’ve got me the 15“ Hope they put the 17“ to the market rumors talk about before it is too late. Maybe Tim Cook gets older as well, so he made product managers think more about the Golden agers 😂🤣
  16. If it does not show, it is not available. I use my iTunes account for my payments, wherever possible. As I remember, it was possible for EN to do so through iOS.
  17. As a Premium member, you can delete, what you like - you can always go to note history and restore a former status of the note. Only thing: The note must have been saved once, and been synced to the EN server. The note history is always running, for BASIC users as well - but access and restore is restricted to the paying accounts. If somebody on BASIC is afraid to have lost something, one can go for one month to PREMIUM, and restore, because the note history will have covered as well what has happened before. I am using 70% of my EN time my iPad, and have not lost a single note up to now. And if: Note history ! For me, the reason for locking notes is more with shared or business notebooks. There you can control it on a notebook level, but not note by note.
  18. If you are on a Samsung S9, this is probably the wrong thread ... There seem to be an issue with the Android client, so please check for such postings.
  19. @PetsolbDouble posting ... please decide on which thread you want to post, but avoid „copy and paste“ of the same stuff to other posts. You can link to your own content if you think it serves here and there.
  20. On the Mac, the EN database rest in a folder structure. Basically one file per note or attachment. It is quite different to the Windows client where the data is comprised in one big file. You can still find the exact place under which these folders are to be found somewhere in the Mac client. My Mac is already down for the night, otherwise I would try to find it. I do not remember at the moment, but DTLow posted somewhere, somewhen here in the forum how to get to the path. How this will help to rid us from the EN-SPOTLIGHT-KEYCHAIN bug I do not see.
  21. Have all my notebooks offline already ... It just won’t help with the current restrictions of iOS: One note at a time, all the time.
  22. Yes, waiting for this as well ! I hope for more changes, like having a local copy of the EN database on the ipad, being able to open several notes at once, join notes into one, do mass tagging and moving of notes etc like on the desktop clients. I have all my notebooks as offline copy, but it is not the same. On the note taking, I have a personal policy of restricting my use of different apps for one purpose. It is o.k. If you have any of the good note taking apps when you search for content. I go to GN when I remember it was handwritten, and will find it pretty fast. When using several apps for the same purpose, it can be difficult. GN has made it clear they will not make live export to any other services. This is a 10-people company, living on selling the app and not an abo model - so they probably do not want to dedicate a lot of their resources just to keep the interfaces up to date. Noteshelf at the moment stands out with the „save-to-EN“ option, if you are a EN user.
  23. Right, the pdfs are as static as they are from other sources. What I like is that they carry their OCR info, and I can annotate them using the build-in EN tools to do so. I do not say it is the ideal workflow for everybody. In my case, I keep the „living“ notes in GN5 for as long as they need to be appended and edited. GN has included a very good search function with ver.5, that will search all notebooks, not only one as before. For me, I prefer to have a separate handwriting app with a perfect iCloud-sync and other features I like, and have the additional step to export what I want to file away into EN. For other use cases, the Noteshelf option is probably better, especially because Penultimate is a walking dead software, not able to even perform simple tasks offered by most other handwriting annotation apps.
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