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Everything posted by mczin

  1. I would be happy if we had the option to sort by "notebooks" .... Is there any known reason why it is not (yet) implement?
  2. For the shortcut help menu: On my german keyboard I can launch this menu by STRG+#, instead of STRG+/.
  3. @jgvalcarcel1Yes it would be great if this would come back. I used that feature a lot. And: if the count of a tag in the favorits section is 0, then that tag disappears from the favorits section. Which breaks my work process. @Mike P Draging a tag from the side bar (favorits section) to a note (note list or not itself) seems not working.
  4. I added my vote too. PLUS please change: If you want to add a tag at the bottom, a tag #example is not found by typing example.
  5. If you remove one tag that is placed in the favorits-section from all notes (count = 0 ) then this tag disappears from the favorits-section. But when you add an "empty" tag to the favorits-section it stays there (empty = no note is tagged with that tag) . In my case I have put tags like monday, tuesday, ...., sunday in the favoits-section to assign notes to these days. On monday evening, the tag monday is empty and disappears from the favorits-section. But I don't want it to disappear... Other Thing: It would be great to be able to assign tags to notes by dragging the note to the tag in the favorits-section, as it was possible in the legacy version.
  6. At step 3 I can select the upper picture by using the mouse and then press enter .... May be it works for you.
  7. I agree with you, I was thinking the same. I prefer to have more space for favorits, ... I cannot understand why the EN Team were wasting so much space there.
  8. Agree. Please add the option to sort by location/notebook. Renaming tags should be possible via the tag-panel. By clicking on tags in the left panel, then right-click on the tag you want to rename. Pressing F2 should work too, but it doesn't.
  9. I agree. Having Tasks inline (with due dates) would be great. In OneNote you can display (open) tasks of a note (or a notebook, or all). I would be great having something like that in EN too.
  10. I agree with you. It is very annoying, that we cannot save PDFs as attachment as standard mode. But...I think, that will come back....
  11. The new note count in the left panel is great and is very helpful to me. Thank you Evernote. (...and please continue this way bringing back the functionality of the legacy version, which many of us love so much. I'am very happy about the short update cycles.)
  12. Oh... indeed, just 300 characters. And it would be nice to be able to add files to quick notes...
  13. I like the small window, which can be opened form everywhere by the shortcut CRTL-ALT-H. That is better than in the legacy version. It helps making my workflow a bit smoother. There are some nice things in version 10.
  14. @Mike P Thank you. I know that I can search via the search-grammar. The thing is: That's another example of what is in EN 10 more complicated to accomplish than in legacy version.
  15. Adding a stack of notebooks as filter It would be great to be able to add a stack of notebooks as filter in the search, or in the filter dialog. I have about 100 notebooks in a stack and want to search only in these 100 notebook.
  16. @Mike P That's what I observed too. You cannot search in trash. Hope EN delivers that feature, because that's very helpful....
  17. @PinkElephant Thank you for your answer. But I was asking for search in trash in the new WIN client. (I don't know, why it was tagged by ios, sorry for confusion)
  18. Does anyone know, how one can search notes in the trash?
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