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Everything posted by mczin

  1. Would be great if tags stay in shortcut, if they reach "0". Also it would be great, if the number of notes could be displayed near the shortcut-tag, as in the legacy version. Also it would be great if it would be possible to drag notes to a tag in the shortcut, as it was possible in the legacy version (to assign that tag to that note)
  2. @Mike P Thank you for your answer. It looks like ALT+CRTL+T opens that menu only if the curser is positioned in the title of the note. So, one has to do several steps to open that menu. I Hope that Evernote changes the ahead search at the bottom of note-area (and moves the tags back to the top of the notes).
  3. Adding tags to a note by using the search below a note could be better. Example: Name of the tag is ":waiting". Problem: If you type "wai", the search below the note will not propose the tag ":waiting" But the global search and the search in the tag-area on the other hand will.
  4. desired feature: tags - preview of already assigned tags in a notebook by clicking on filter You are in a notebook and wan't to filter by tags. Now, I have to click on Filter, and got to search, type the tag I want to filter for and press enter. It would be great, when pressing on filter, to get a list of all tags, that are assigned in that notbook. So you can click on that tag, or on several tags, to filter much faster. You also would get an overview of all existing tags in that notebook.
  5. @hanseric I fully agree with you: Saved Searches are buried under Search now: YES Speed is laggy: YES Tags are at the bottom of the page now. Hopefully I don’t start forgetting to tag since the feature is kind of “out of sight, out of mind”: Oh YES My tags are not autocompleting: YES Presentation mode appears to be gone: YES But Darkmode is nice to have....and the new Editor.... I think that in this forum we are just a small handful of users, who complain. I fear that for many users the new Evernote is sufficient, as it is.
  6. I fully agree with you. That's what I was thinking too. The Space is wasted. 1. The same for the searchbar: Put the searchbar in the middle, that way we have more space on the left, and the searchbar is a bit longer. 2. The same for the new note button: I never used that Button. (I would really like to now, what is the idea behind these design decisions... We have now so many extra steps to do, extral klicks, extra eye moves, shortcuts with 3 instead of 2 buttons... . EN is a produktivity tool, everything should designed from this point of view, that you can do the stuff fast and easy. ... )
  7. I save PDFs in Evernote. Sometimes they have a lot of pages. I wish there were a possibility to transfer PDFs to Evernote as default as attachment. Up to now, I need to right-click, to save them as attachment. That's inconvenient.
  8. Color tags are very useful, also color Notebooks. I hope both comes!
  9. It would be great to be able to combine AND and OR. That would complete the powerful search function. For example: (tag:monday OR tag:tuesday) AND tag:priority1
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