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Sayre Ambrosio

Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by Sayre Ambrosio

  1. If you are on Mac or Windows you can install the Legacy version. If you are on iOS, there is no way to revert without some knowledge of how to use backups and/or jailbreaking. Not sure about Android as I'm not on that platform, but I'm pretty sure that the new app hasn't been released for Android as of yet. Here is the link with instructions on how to move back to the legacy version: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  2. Had the same issue, opened a ticket and ended up fixing it myself while I'm waiting for an answer from the development team. I had to uninstall both legacy and the new app as well as the clipper. Then I had to go in and manually delete any files, remnants, folders, et cetera that had anything to do with Evernote. I literally searched Evernote in Finder and whatever came up I deleted it. (I did make sure everything had finished syncing before doing so). Restarted the computer and then reinstalled everything. It's working fine now. There had to be something that was corrupted along the lines as the fresh start fixed it. If you aren't wanting to go to that length, I did open a ticket and it was escalated to developers yesterday.
  3. It's working for me. So is ⌘ ' to add tags. Either one will work for editing them.
  4. Just a heads up that this is no longer accurate. The web app now counts as a device and will count against those who are allowed only two.
  5. As @gazumpedstated, have you checked the access on your account in your settings? This will let you know for sure. Always search the forum if you are having an issue. The view only notes is a bug that developers are aware of and are working to fix it. There is a thread with a workaround. You'll find how to navigate a workaround on either the desktop or mobile app.
  6. This feature is coming. Read the release notes when updates come out. They tell you what has been added, fixed, or is coming.
  7. First..... Love your username. Always coffee first for sure. Second..... That is probably the best description I have read so far. I'm one of the ones that relies on it and have had to also run legacy. Which takes up more room when installed than just one instance of course. The sheer amount of points I have accumulated over the years allows me to take my time and try and be patient with the development of the new apps since it's not something I'm paying for at the moment due to those points I have redeemed. With that said, though I am an ECC I have no problem expressing how I feel about the new build. Some things are wonderful and some just suck. As a power user I have build muscle memory with the keyboard shortcuts that are no longer there in v10. Now, some are coming back, but I don't know when other than "they're coming". I'm also an Aspie and have major OCD. I don't do change well at all. It may sound silly but the changes have been debilitating at times. I know it's not Evernote's job to take that into consideration, but I'll admit that I wish they had at least thought about how different groups would be effected. If they had, they could have done what almost every other app developer has done (at least the ones that I use) and introduced a new app (at least in the iOS store as I'm on Apple) and left the other one there and just stated that there would be no further updates. That's what Goodnotes, MoneyWiz, Banktivity, and more have done recently. I still love the app even with its faults and I'm heavily invested, but I would be remiss if I didn't say that they dropped the ball on this one in regard to releasing it so early. It wasn't ready in my opinion.
  8. You're welcome. I made a note to come back and comment when and if it becomes available. May see you in a week or a month but I'll update lol.
  9. If you are on Mac and using the new app, you can't yet. The settings menu and options is still being added to. With the new framework I'm not sure what we will have once it is added, but for now, you are stuck with what is stock. You can run the legacy apps and new apps side-by-side if you need to. I'm doing it and this is one of the reasons. If you want to download the legacy app you can do so here. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  10. Found a temp fix for it if you’re are on mobile and can’t get to a desktop. Add a tag to the view only note and it will become editable. When I tested it, I added the tag let it sync went right back in and remove the tag and it was fine. You can also use this on a note that already has a tag but has gone view only. Just remove it, click done, and then repeat to add. It's tedious but works.
  11. Check the actual video in YouTube. It may be the video. Especially if you are running Big Sur . I couldn’t play them for a week due to a glitch in safari that carried over to wherever I tried to play them.
  12. How did I miss this?! This has been on my top want list for years! Thank you for sharing. I probably wouldn't have caught it for a while.
  13. I'm going to preface this with the OneNote team for Mac is not helpful. The head of their education arm is condescending to say the least. So as you can see I have had personal experience with them and it wasn't pleasant. With that said, THERE IS NO CLIPPER FOR SAFARI on OneNote. When Apple upgraded the process for extensions, Microsoft decided that it wasn't worth their time even though it's been a big feature request from that subset of users. That alone makes it unusable for me. Also the fact that you can't use iCloud to store notebooks. The Mac app is crippled and missing features available on Windows (which I get since it's not windows), but it irks me that they are touting using it in education for ALL students and my son with a learning disability can't use it because he does video notes and you can't capture those in the app on Mac. Yes, he could record and insert a file, but due to issues that hasn't worked out well. Okay, I'm done.
  14. These are not just personal accounts. It's happening in my business account as well. The business account is where I first noticed it this morning. It also didn't start with the update for me. I was updated to the latest version when I checked yesterday and that is the version from iOS App Store that updated like almost a week ago. No problems until this morning. I've been running the legacy and updated app on my Mac side by side this entire time. Also, my iPad is not having this problem but the app is the same version there as on my phone. Something else to note is that the clipper in Safari does not work at all. That started a couple days ago and I have a ticket for it, but haven't heard anything yet other than please attach your logs.
  15. This will work if you have an iPad. I just edited on iPad and now my phone is good on that particular note.
  16. That is insane. I have 10000 notes in my person account and quite a few in my business account. All of which I could need at a random time. I tried the workaround, and it worked for me so I do know it is an option, but I mean seriously? I keep notes to ask my doctor in EN and if this had happened while out I would have been in trouble. This is a new issue. I updated the day the new app came out and while there have been other major issues, this one just started. Downgrading on the iOS app is not doable without some messing around with backups and all that stuff. Not sure if anyone has attempted it and been successful.
  17. This seems to be a new issue. Last night I took notes during the election coverage and could edit and all that stuff. Work up this morning to a frozen app and now everything is read only.
  18. If you're on Mac you may want to try it before you switch completely. OneNote is not the same on the Mac platform as it is on Windows. It is missing key features that I used for years on OneNote on Windows before switching. I have brought this up numerous times to their team and get the "well then buy a Windows machine answer". There's also NO clipper for Safari. They can't be bothered to update it like thousands of users have asked them to do. (It's a hot topic in their forums). You also can't save notebooks wherever you want on Mac, you are stuck with OneDrive.
  19. No need to have an attitude. Annotation settings means when you are annotating the actual item. If you look at the bottom of any screen you are annotating there is a tick box that says something along the lines of include annotation summary or something like that. I believe it's ticked by default. It's not hard to find. However, it's only on the Legacy version at this point, so if you upgrade as of today it won't be there.
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