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Sayre Ambrosio

Evernote Expert
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Everything posted by Sayre Ambrosio

  1. Just checked with a friend that is more familiar with all of this stuff and they informed me that High Sierra and Mojave had issues reporting incorrect disk usage at times. That may very well be what was going on for me before the upgrade. I would check on a machine running Mojave but I don't have one since the upgrade. I do have one running High Sierra though and now I'm showing 1.2 GB for EN on that machine. I'll check back to see what you find out. @PinkElephant. It may turn out that both @JMichaelTX and I were both right in a way with him being correct in the technical knowledge and me being correct in what was reported to me on my screen at the time I checked it (which very well could have been misinformation due to the issues the OS was having).
  2. Just wanted to share that there is a new read-only system with the link. I haven't searched for any articles on why the storage may be different. I don't know what to tell ya on believing me or not. Like I said, I don't know why it did it but it is quite a bit smaller. Nothing has changed in the way I store things in Evernote. I just know that before updating it was a massive amount of storage being used and now it's not. Not a developer, don't know the tech ins and outs of the application or Catalina. Just know that I now have freed space on my Mac. Don't really care what did it, just know that it works for me. Haven't changed anything else with any other apps either so not sure what to tell ya. I have used Optimize Mac Storage ever since it was available so maybe that's doing it. Again, not sure.
  3. Yes I'm sure. In Mojave the file system was different. I couldn't figure out why and noticed it when I downgraded to Mojave after having issues with the beta. It creates a read-only HD when you upgrade and most wouldn't notice it unless they go to downgrade at some point. Here's a link from Apple on the read-only system https://support.apple.com/en-in/HT210650 I had major storage issues before the upgrade due to so many notes and now it's fine. When checking storage before the official upgrade I had somewhere between 50g and 54g taken up by Evernote. Now it's the smaller amount. Where everything is stored I don't know, but I do know that I'm showing the smaller number now.
  4. Are you able to run macOS Catalina on your machine? It doesn't give the cloud only option, but I have noticed it cuts down the size of the database stored on your Mac considerably. Before upgrading to Catalina my EN database was like 50gigs and now it's 149.94 mb. Something to do with the way the file systems are handled in the new operating system.
  5. Only in Safari just to clarify. If you are like many Mac users, you can reluctantly use Chrome until it's fixed.
  6. Spaces has been mulled over for premium in the past but no decision was made as far as I know. I have a business account and use spaces a lot and it’s just me most of the time. Would love it if it came to premium in the future.
  7. Gotta admit I didn't read the original post. I should probably do that more often
  8. You can't change the default but you can change the color just like you would text. Select the link and then pick the color in whatever platform app you're using.
  9. I never really use this feature, but I know what you're talking about. Could be it is related to the clipper not being installed if you are running Safari 13.
  10. As @DTLow said, contacting support is going to be your best bet. Especially since it seems like only some people may be having the same issue you are having.
  11. You're right, it should. I always find it odd when some have problems and others don't. I'm forever curious about it, but don't know enough to dig. Hope fully it sorts itself out soon or you are able to find an answer.
  12. It might be the versions of each you're using. I'm running macOS 10.15 and Safari 13.0.2
  13. Try again and make sure you're not missing this popup permissions message. I missed it the first time after upgrading Safari. After I clicked Allow everything worked like it should.
  14. By "overall" I mean the paid offerings by Microsoft. You are correct in that ON can be used for free. I stopped paying for Office 365 when I realized that they had no immediate intention to bring ALL their apps into feature parity between Windows and Mac. Now, I know that their main goal is to get people to switch or remain on Windows and I totally get that. However, when you are charging the same price for a service for people who use both platforms and then refuse to push out the same things to the Mac platform that's not fair. A big thing with me is the "education" features (but that is a whole different issue I have with how they offer those services to students/teachers). Relevant to this thread though, if you look at ON on Mac it's missing things like video recording, ability to use save to whatever location you want to, things that to some are small potatoes but for those of us dealing with things that those items would help, it seems like a smack in the face. I would have to go look at my sons computer to see what all the differences are between the two. It's actually the reason why I switched from ON oh so many years ago and came over to Evernote. Yes, I have to have workarounds for some of the features that ON offers, but at least I have a more cohesive experience no matter what platform I am on (I'm not referring to mobile apps here since that's different in my mind). I hope that makes sense. As someone with ASD who is raising someone with ASD, it irks me when companies tout that they do one thing and they don't deliver it on all available platforms. Maybe that's why I'm okay waiting for the clipper and using Chrome while I wait (even though I don't like Chrome). I personally have never run into issues with the previous versions of the Safari clipper. The only thing I ever noticed that was different was in regard to my business account. Chrome clipper can see the Spaces and clip to them while the Safari one (in the past) could not.
  15. They do take money and cripple the full feature set for Mac users in general. Take a look at ON FOR Mac and Windows side by side. The Mac version doesn’t have the same features at this time. Many critical ones are missing.
  16. This was fixed in an App Store lease about a month ago I think. It initially was in the beta build of the iOS app and then shortly after was pushed out as a fix. Not sure why you aren't seeing it if you are up to date on your app. I'm running 8.24.370395 and it's there.
  17. You will lose presentation mode on the iPad. That was pulled from the app a couple years ago.
  18. Thank you for updating us. Not many CEO’s would do that personally. I for one appreciate it.
  19. Evernote has been on my radar since 2008 when the open beta/public beta launched. Over the last decade (11 years) they have had their ups and downs, I'll give you that. However, in my opinion Evernote isn't going anywhere. The last thing I see them doing is dropping support for the Mac. With that said, if you are worried about them disappearing, it is a good idea to have a recent backup of your data. That is good practice no matter what you use. Now, I'm not a programmer so I can't comment on how easy it would be to update the clipper. Maybe I'm just less stressed about it because I have the ability to use a different browser (even though I can't stand Chrome).
  20. Working as expected like this one on Mac Catalina beta from Chrome.
  21. Try uninstalling and re-downloading from the app store if you haven't. I deleted it from my iPad Pro when the issues started. When I saw the announcement about the update I re-downloaded and it's been fine. The pencil will skip sometimes in any note taking app if the battery is getting low.
  22. I don't know if there is any correlation between the new reminders/notes app and why they released Safari early, but I do know that in order to use my reminders on my older iMac that I can't upgrade I had to use the beta website for iCloud. Yesterday/day before I'm not sure, I logged in to the normal iCloud site and the reminders functionality was there.
  23. Totally get that. I checked with some people and it was a surprise to them it was released today. Wasn’t supposed to be until October.
  24. While I agree that the notification probably could have gone out earlier from Evernote, Apple did announced that with these updates stuff may break. I may be an outlier when it comes to reading release notes for someone who is not a developer, but the fault of this isn't all on Evernote. It's up to us as well to know what we are installing and any ramifications of that install. EN isn't the only one with no clipper at the moment for Safari. ON hasn't updated theirs as of yet and Notion doesn't even have one for Safari.
  25. I follow what you're saying on something else going on. I'm not a developer but in laymen's terms I kind of meant the same thing you said. Not sure how it's doing it, probably with the partition you mentioned, but whatever is going on I like it. ;)
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