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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. True. I assume you are using V10 on all devices and not legacy on any devices. Once a thumbnail is created it is remarkably persistent. Therefore, if somehow you do manage to get different thumbnails on different versions, perhaps they will never sync. A long time ago (early versions of V10) I routinely got different thumnails on the web and desktop. However it doesn't seem to happen for me anymore. The web version is the closest there is to a definitive version of the note as it reads directly from the online database which syncs to all your other devices. It would therefore be worth checking the web version. If that is different from the desktop version you could refresh the desktop database and see if that is then the same as the web. To do that do file -> sign out XX and choose "remove my evernote data from this device". You can then sign back in.
  2. Good evidence for this is that if you create a note in the desktop app while offline no thumbnail is created until you go back online.
  3. Perhaps you could try the web version just to make sure there is no major problem with your account and that it is an app problem.
  4. I don't think the request is explained particularly well. I think he is saying that when filtering a subset of notes (e.g. a particular notebook) he only wants to see the tags assigned to those notes. This was indeed a feature of legacy. Perhaps @rtyshykcould clarify. If you use the search box within a notebook for example, it will only come up with tags that are assigned. However only 3 are displayed, so unless you know the starting letter of something it really is not much help.
  5. Interesting workflow. I guess it would be similar to alt+ctrl+V to give you each clip as a separate note, and then merge later. Your way probably gives greater control if you want to annotate each clip but the other way might suit other workflows. Thanks
  6. I assume by labels you mean tags. You can add coloured icons (emojis) to both tags, notebook names and note titles to help draw attention to them. e.g.
  7. Thanks to @gazumpedin another thread I saw this: Append an email to an existing note To add the text of an email to an existing note, put a "+" at the end of your subject line and we'll place the body of the email into the most recent note with that title. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347-Save-emails-into-Evernote
  8. I see your point but I'm really not sure how it would work. I can see it messing up the existing note. For me that is a new note in my default notrebook. I can then copy the contents into another note, merge it with another note, add a link to another note or add a common tag. Works for me.
  9. Sorry, I'm unable to reproduce this behaviour. The only way I can delete a note by pressing the delete key is if the focus is on the note in the note list (ie blue box around the note in the note list). If the focus is on the embedded video (blue box around it) as it should be in your case after clicking it, then for me it deletes the video. By the way, if you don't want the preview, you can choose to have it as a link or "title only"
  10. I agree. While looking at this again I discovered a major, and as far as I know unannounced, change to the tag search logic. If you select a parent tag (this could be by searching) and then use the drop down to select "include subtags" it now searches for all the tags using an OR logic rather than AND. This is incidentally the only way I can think of that would allow you to see the sub tags after searching for a tag, although not in a very helpful way.
  11. If you have pdfs inline in the note you are limited to the functionality within EN's pdf reader. Alternatively, you can double click the grey header or the attachment in attachment view and open it in your default pdf viewer.
  12. In case you are worried you can search for all notes that are shared by typing sharedate:* into the search field. it will find notes that are either in shared notebooks or have been individually shared.
  13. This is the old version, which is probably why <shift>+<tab> doesn't work. It works in V10. You can try the new version on the web if you don't want to download it, although you can run both on the same computer but you need to be careful about syncing.
  14. If you open the enex file in a text editor you can check that the title field is correct. It will look something like: If that is correct then it almost certainly an import rather than export problem. I suppose you could try exporting from legacy to see what happens there.
  15. Are you perhaps using alt+ctrl+V in some other program? alt+ctrl+V is the global (ie works anywhere) shortcut in EN which takes the contents of the clipboard and pastes it into a new note. It can be disabled or changed from the keyboard shortcut menu. (help -> Keyboard shortcuts)
  16. Does the same thing happen on the web version? If not you might just need to refresh the database. Logout (file -> dign out) and choose "Remove my Evernote data from this device". Then log back in. It will take a while for your data to be downloaded but you can continue to use EN while it does.
  17. If you select the task, in the note, by clicking the four dots drag handle at the left of the task you can then use ctrl+C or ctrl+X to copy or move the task to another note.
  18. Find (ctrl+F) is tightly bound together with Find and replace.(Ctrl+H or via the three dots in the find menu). It therefore makes sense to me that it only works when the note is in edit mode. You can quickly flip the note into edit mode, when you already have it highlighted in the note list, by pressing <enter>. I assume you do use ctrl+N, and just disabling it completely (which you can do) isn't going to work. You could disable it completely and use alt+ctrl+N which is the global shortcut for creating a new note in a new window. In my opinion having shortcuts that only work in a certain context should be avoided wherever possible and adding another would be a bad move.
  19. This is a long standing issue. I recently saw a very nice workaround:
  20. I don't fully understand your post, particularly the comment about deleting it and "Research continues to give me this rating". The syntax is: From https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/search_grammar.php So todo:false finds notes that contain at least one checkbox which is not currently checked.
  21. Not my experience. Which operating system? On desktop versions you can <shift><tab> if clicking doesn't work.
  22. I have no idea why EN believes I exported this note on 26 August 2022 (current date 26 July 2022). Looking back at other exports it always gets it wrong! Perhaps they are adding one month instead of 1 hour to account for summer time?
  23. I agree that it would be logical to allow changing the date updated in the same way that you can change the date created. The ability to change the date created was not in earlier versions of V10 so I think it is entirely possible that EN might reintroduce the ability to edit date updated sometime in the future. I now pretty much use date created all the time and use tags to identify notes I am currenlty working on (e.g. $current) There is a hack to change the updated date but you may well decide it is too much effort! You need to export the note as an .enex file and then open it with a text editor and manually change the date. Then import. Which gives the update date before the created date which is obviously nonsense! (note that the times have been adjusted from UTC to British Summer Time and are the same as the original note)
  24. The dates are there in the underlying html but not displayed. That's obviously what EN mean when they give you the option to select attributes to export, but not necessarily what a user expects. I agree with you that I would expect the meta data to be displayed. I suppose it does at least give you the option of looking for the information if you need it.
  25. Interesting. I wasn't able to reproduce this. Were you using any special characters etc in the new title that might explain why we are seeing different behaviour?
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