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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. The editor is just the view of the contents of the note. Normally it can be thought of as having two modes: view, when there is no edit toolbar present, and edit when there is. However in this case you drag a note from the note list into the editor while it is in view mode. Hopefully when this makes it onto the help pages they will think more carefully about it and provide some clear, unambiguous instructions. Or maybe that is just the "triumph of hope over accumulated experience".
  2. It does seem to be the longest beta in EN history! For me it is pretty much identical to the Windows version but much faster on a less capable machine. I think somebody suggested, in a different thread, that releasing a production version, given all the different flavours of Linux, was not a trivial task. There is some discussion elsewhere about the broken link - conclusiobn was contact support if you are on the beta program.
  3. An alternative question is "Has anybody ever found these suggested tags helpful?" I can't recall a single time when the tag I want to add next is one of the tags suggested..
  4. When I clicked on the blue header it said it couldn't find the page. As far as I know recurring tasks is still in beta.
  5. A few approaches spring to mind. If you want more fine grained organisation of notes then tags are definitely the way to go. You could keep the notebook if you wanted but then have tags associated with the particular type of notes. eg draft, research, my_notes etc If you want to simply exclude pdfs you could do a search like notebook:"Maritime Essay" -contains:filePdf This search could obviously be saved and put into shortcuts if desired. If you just want to draw attention to your notes then you could either add an icon to the title or add a distinctive image. Here's an example where I have done both:
  6. OK, in that situation, I can see why notebooks would work better for you. I do think, though, that breaking the one to one relationship between a note and it's notebook will cause all sorts of unintended problems. Maybe some sort of scripting solution could automatically copy the modified note into the different notebooks. Worth looking at something like IFTTT or Zapier because I know they have various EN processes they can run. Alternatively perhaps something like Autohotkey (windows) could be made to do the same thing.
  7. I really can't see EN wanting to break the one to one relationship between notes and notebooks. If you want a note to have multiple categories then tags is the way that EN allows you to do that.
  8. Brilliant! Great workaround. If you then delete the "thumbnail note" content from the merged note, including the image, you get back to your original note (more or less) but the thumbnail is correct even though you have deleted the image it came from!
  9. I would certainly like to see the ability to properly embed all types of Google docs within a Evernote note. ie be able to view the doc in the note. This would massively extend the capability of a note without compromising the simplicity of the basic note. The current fuctionailty is simply a slightly easier way of adding a link and it is disingenuous for EN to suggest that it is any more than that.
  10. If you are able to define some search criteria (ie rules) that would lead to a selection of notes that you want tagged with a particular tag then you probably don't need to tag them - just save the search! Alternatively use the search and them manually tag the results. The webclipper has an optional autofiling function to add tags which i've never found that helpful, although the criteria are not user defined which i think is what you want.
  11. I'm on Windows 10. Can you get it to work on the web version?
  12. Not in my expereince. There is a bug, described above together with the workaround.
  13. Mine works as expected with either ctrl+V or crl+shift+V. Worth double checking you really have been updated to 10.39? Also works on the web version so you could try there too.
  14. I agree completely. I haven't found a way either. Logically #### should work but it clearly doesn't.
  15. Still seems to work for me on Windows 10, Chrome and EN web. Does it work in a different browser? v 10.39.7 web 309 Editor: v150.2.18380 Service: v1.53.4 Chrome is up to date Version 102.0.5005.115 (Official Build) (64-bit)
  16. Any tagging sytem is a very personal choice based on the users workflow and use case. You've already had some good suggestions. I'll just add one other suggestion. Tags are great for metadata that is not really searchable in any other way. For example I classify notes on one particulat topic based on the type of content. Each is prefixed with a + so I can find all of them together if I need to. So for example +tutorial, +mynotes, +blogpost , +reference, +readinglist etc. I have another set of tags based on their importance ($critical, $pinned etc) and another set based on action .toread, .learnthis etc
  17. It's perhaps worth mentioning that some markdown is supported even though it is not on the official EN list. e.g. [title](https://www.example.com) Given that any future improvements might be incremental to what we have already, are there any particular elements that people would love to see?
  18. I agree that sometimes it gets screwed up. One approach to try is to go back to the original webpage and try clipping using "simplified article" from there. I find the two methods give subtley different results and sometimes one just works better than the other.
  19. Thanks, that isn't documented. So to clarify you can copy shortcuts that are notes (ie not tags, searches etc) from the shortcut list into a new note and create a link in the new note.
  20. For me the trick is simply to click on the note and drag it. Don't click and release because, as you say, it will obviously change the focus to that note. This is also the problem when selecting multiple notes to drag. In this case you will inevitably loose the focus from the taarget note. i've described a workaround here:
  21. I think on balance I agree with @PinkElephant. At the moment clicking on a tag (not the arrow but the actual tag) selects that tag. You can select multiple tags this way using either ctrl + click or shift + click. This allows you to copy those tags into another note - a little known but very useful function. However some modified click (e.g Alt+click) could I suppose be used for the filter by tag option - it is certainly the option I use most.
  22. Happily, I don't think that is possible - at least I get an error message if I try!
  23. Are you on the free plan? Adding templates is only available for paid plans.
  24. Sorry you are right. I don't know ho I missed it.
  25. This post is really clear and certainly helps me to understand where you are coming from. Let's imagine that EN announced tomorrow that they were not going to implement further levels of nested notebooks/stacks/folders but for whatever reason you wanted to stay with EN. Is there anything that could be done to the tag system to make it acceptable to you? For example would the option to automatically add parent tags when adding a child tag to a note help?
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