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  1. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Evernote has a new bug-I only read a note, but the note's updated time is changed to the current time. was marked as the answer   
    @vegerote, @sytadx, @Fiercehairdo: there are already multiple threads in existence on this bug. Some recent versions of the Evernote app on some platforms seem to have overcome the issue most of the time, in my experience. If you're still seeing it, report it to support (https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action), and be sure to tell them what version of the app you're using. You won't get much real help from them, but they can at least pass the information along to the developers, so that hopefully it can eventually get fixed.
  2. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Narrow notebook (popout) list possible? was marked as the answer   
    Good suggestion. It's hard to see why the Notes slideout needs all that detail, in contrast to the Tags. My guess is you'll have better luck if you. email feedback@evernote.com, or post this in one of the feedback/feature request forums.
  3. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Why use evernote when other similar products are free? was marked as the answer   
    Just to be clear, these are user-to-user forums, not a way of addressing Evernote directly. To do that: feedback@evernote.com.
    The short answer is that Evernote is not "a notes app." Notes are the basic unit to work with, and they can include attachments, which get OCR'd and thereby become searchable. Notes can be organized using notebooks, tags, or both, and notebooks can be stacked and tags can be arranged in hierarchies. Everything is searchable. Notes have the same appearance across Windows, Android, Mac, Web, etc. They sync automatically, without user intervention, and for most users do so very fast. Notes can be linked, so that tables of contents and other reference notes can be created; backlinks take you back a chain of linked notes. There's a Home page that can serve as a dashboard. Notes can be linked to Google Calendar. Etc., etc. "Note taking" is just the starting point.
    If any service can do what Evernote does for free, they will bleed money for storage and bandwidth until they go belly up, start inserting adds and/or harvesting data, or stop being free. Evernote has chosen to do the latter, except as a bare-bones trial. I believe Evernote should offer a lower price point for a less capable service, though when they tried that before they did not get many takers since the free service was too good. Now it's not, and maybe a lower priced tier will finally make sense.
    Bottom line: if a stock notes app gives you all you need, Evernote is indeed overpowered and overpriced for you.
  4. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Blank titles was marked as the answer   
    Or hit Shift+Tab.
  5. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Formatting Question was marked as the answer   
    Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is a common request/complaint: the only facility for manipulating the placement of images in Evernote is to insert them into a table cell, and manipulate that. In general, Evernote is not really designed for doing publishable layouts. Usually it works best to gather materials and do some drafting in Evernote, then transfer to a real desktop publishing or word processing program for layout and formatting. Hope this helps.
  6. Dave-in-Decatur's post in unauthorized web clipper for chrome keeps appearing after password breach was marked as the answer   
    Actually, I'm not sure there's a problem here. Evernote Web Clipper is a browser extension that lets you save material from Websites directly into Evernote. I've got a lot of them showing up in the apps page (https://www.evernote.com/AuthorizedServices.action) too, which I assume is because I have a lot of browser windows open, and there is a clipper in every one of them. It's a green elephant icon to the right of the address bar at the top (in Bing). It's meant to be there, and I'm not surprised that it comes back when you revoke access. ("For Chrome" is kind of generic, I suspect, since it works in every browser.)
  7. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Older notes are view only in web was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the forums. Please take a look at this thread, and the Evernote blog post linked there. Possibly Evernote's complete transformation of how the Web client synced caused these problems while the transition was happening. Or maybe not. Is the problem still occurring?
  8. Dave-in-Decatur's post in W10 Desktop to web not synching was marked as the answer   
    Take a look at this thread, and the Evernote blog post linked there. Possibly Evernote's complete transformation of how the Web client synced this week caused temporary problems while the transition was happening.
  9. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Difference between the remove format and simplify format function was marked as the answer   
    The topic comes up at the very end of the formatting menu in the desktop app (see the clip below). I just tested on some text that was boldfaced, in red font color, and with green highlight. "Simplify" only took away the red; "Remove" got rid of all formatting (as it should). What exactly "Simplify" does in any given case, though, can probably only be discovered by trial and error. I don't know that there is a description anywhere.

  10. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Desktop 10.65 was marked as the answer   
    Please now use the official thread: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/148617-rolling-out-desktop-1065/.
  11. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Random Encryption of Text was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the forums. All I can say is that this seems completely bizarre; I don't think I've seen anyone report it in the forums previously. You will need to contact Evernote Support, and that will require patience, since they are completely overwhelmed these days it seems. https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action.
  12. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Worried About Losing my Notes was marked as the answer   
    I'll see what I can offer. Evernote has been around for most of this century, so that's a start. I wouldn't consider anything in technology permanent (i.e., definitely here 100 years from now, because who knows?). But the likelihood of Evernote just *poof* disappearing seems near zero. The ownership are well aware that users have important information stored with them, and they like staying in business and making money, so they have no incentive to just drop the whole thing. As for back ups, a number of people in the forums do have plans in place for local backups of their own; you can search the forums and find these discussions. Evernote itself is housed on Google's servers AFAIK (not as a subsidiary of Google, but renting the server space). What they have in the way of redundancy I don't know, but I'm sure there must be some. As for accessing stuff outside of Evernote ... well, no side-access to the Evernote servers (that would be a security threat), but it is possible to export notes to HTML and PDF formats, with some limitations. Some of that gets discussed in the "back ups" thread. Hope this is some help.
  13. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Disappearing Images was marked as the answer   
    Sadly, it is common enough (you'll find some other threads on it in this forum and others). In my experience the attachments do always show up eventually. Sometimes just reloading the note by going back and then tapping it again, or going to another note and returning to the affected one, is enough to "activate" them. They just issued a new update to 10.55.1 which is supposed to fix a backend processing issue, but I don't know if that will help this.
  14. Dave-in-Decatur's post in notes won't load or open was marked as the answer   
    This could be an Internet connection problem, maybe,  but sounds more like a corruption of Evernote in memory, or in your local database.
    Simplest approach would be to restart the computer (which you may already have done).
    If that doesn't work, you can delete and re-download the local database (copy of your notes) by going into Evernote's settings and unchecking "Keep a copy of my notes....." then quitting Evernote (File > Quit, not just the X at the top right of the window), then starting Evernote up again. If your notes become visible again, you can re-establish your local database by going back into settings and checking "Keep a copy of my notes...." The program will rebuild the database as it goes, I believe.
    Worse come to worst, you can uninstall Evernote entirely (people in the forums recommend Revo Uninstaller, which does a more thorough job than Windows) and then reinstall it by downloading from https://www.evernote.com/download. This too will remove and rebuild the local database.
  15. Dave-in-Decatur's post in images in my notes are not loading was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately, it's not uncommon for images not to display promptly in a new note. Hopefully waiting a few minutes, maybe switching to another note and coming back, will give them time to show up.
  16. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Recurring tasks not supported? V10.54 was marked as the answer   
    Not far at all (depending on when Google makes it available to you!):
  17. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Account New login Notification insufficient and approach outdated was marked as the answer   
    Welcome to the forums, @GC2023. As @gazumped says, a support ticket or feedback email (I think it's feedback@evernote.com) is the way to get this idea into the hopper. I like it though. Anytime I log into my bank from an unknown device--including a private browser window on a known computer--I am offered the option to text or email a confirmation code. People do keep sensitive stuff in Evernote (wisely or not), which is why crooks attack it, and a verification code seems helpful.
  18. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Sync problem on Windows was marked as the answer   
  19. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Note content doesn't match what is seen on other devices was marked as the answer   
    It's conceivable that your local Evernote database has become corrupted. Things to try, in order of drastic nature:
    Log out of Evernote and log back in. Restart your computer. Uninstall Evernote (people here recommend Revo Uninstaller as doing a more thorough job than the Windows Uninstaller) and re-install it.
  20. Dave-in-Decatur's post in What is the meaning of this Evernote?? was marked as the answer   
    Update in that thread:
  21. Dave-in-Decatur's post in data loss was marked as the answer   
    Often when it seems that all data have disappeared, the cause is that the user has accidentally created a new, empty account by attempting to sign in using a different email address than the one associated with the existing account. You might try to sign in again, being very careful about the credentials that are used.
  22. Dave-in-Decatur's post in You no longer have access to the ... notebook was marked as the answer   
    The "permissions lost" issue is one of a number that have been reported with v. 10.59:
  23. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Additions to existing notes are not being saved was marked as the answer   
    Hi, and welcome to the forums. Loss of content has been reported pretty widely, unfortunately. Take a look at threads in the General Discussions forum: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/53-evernote-general-discussions/.
  24. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Is an increase in note size limit coming up? was marked as the answer   
    Interesting question! But the forum is basically user-to-user, and none of us would know about Evernote's upcoming development paths. Nor would Evernote be likely to spill those particular beans--they almost never remark on upcoming feature changes (except for the recent introduction of the flashy RTE-enabled sync structure and AI functions), and letting such info out would only encourage competitors to do it first. I don't need anything that big, but I know there are many who would love it. You could always try a support request (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new) to get a definitive non-answer. 🙂
  25. Dave-in-Decatur's post in Sync all notes in local cache was marked as the answer   
    Another possibility is that you're experiencing the widely (universally, really) reported fact that notes now must be converted to the new RTE/sync structure, which usually adds a few seconds to each note's opening time. Please forgive me, but is it necessary to examine multiple notes? Won't a sophisticated search find what you're looking for?
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