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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Same here. IMHO, the price increase got the Premium product closer to what it's actually worth, to me at least.
  2. Thanks from me too. If they don't get clipping straightened (back!) out in Android pretty soon, I'll look in to this.
  3. That is interesting, given the current state of Evernote's Android clipping. Nimbus can import .enex. Can it also export it? IOW, could I clip something in Android Nimbus, and then in Windows export it and import into Evernote? Clunky, but I don't think, based on your very helpful report, I see anything in Nimbus that would compel me to leave EN altogether.
  4. Thanks for this explanation. I don't know how Evernote's programming and updating processes work, of course, so this might be a nonstarter, but it seems like doing a parallel development process on CEFv3, with nothing released until the product was fully functional with no features removed, might have been preferable. As I say, uttered out of ignorance.
  5. Thanks, Jeff. That's what I suspected. Which means that my well-developed plain-text user dictionary from my word processor probably won't be able to be merged with the new Evernote user dictionary when it appears, and I'll be adding words one at a time. Sigh.
  6. Interesting. I suspect you're on it. I have the path ...AppData\Local\CEF\User Data\Dictionaries, but there's nothing there (nor anywhere else in ...AppData\Local\CEF\). It would be convenient and useful if the .bdic file were plain-text, so it could be readily merged with existing user dictionaries; but I'll be anything that it is binary and non-editable.
  7. Thanks, @Austin G. I'll wait for your updates. I do have two further questions, if you or anyone can answer them. The first has to do with communication. Was there anything in the release notes about the taking-down of the spelling functions? Leaving users to just randomly discover that on their own is a textbook exercise in alienating customers. Pretty it up in the release notes however you want; give it lipstick and put a bow in its hair; but for heaven's sake tell us what's coming. Secondly, "necessary updates" is rather vague. I'm not disputing whether that's appropriate. But I'd like to hear from other users who (unlike me) have continued to update about what has been fixed or is working better in the newer versions. Assuming that there is some kind of plan to improve rather than degrade the software, how is it manifesting? That's off-topic for this thread, so please respond to my post here:
  8. I don't do Evernote beta testing (can't afford the time), but I find it just astounding that something like this got through beta. I would assume that the testers flagged it, and whoever approves releases just said, "Oh well." Only an assumption; but if anyone knows better, please inform me.
  9. I'm still on v. 6.5.4, and over the last several months have seen a long litany of features reported here as being removed or no longer working properly. I haven't heard one instance of anything being added or changed that significantly improved functionality. Oh wait, there's improved table functioning, no doubt a real improvement for many, at a cost of merely adding pointless huge margins to every note for every user. V. 6.5.4 works great for my purposes, including the dedicated spell-check window (and functioning user dictionary). I am now firmly committed to never updating again, unless there is some compelling improvement (which would include restoration of spell-check and other features). The trashing of Web clipping in Android only adds to my mystification about what on earth they are thinking.
  10. Two posts, both of them marketing spam.

  11. Same for me. The version number of the update is 7.17. The previous was 7.16.1. I tried clipping the same two pages as I referenced in my previous post, with the exact same result--which was completely unsatisfactory and useless for the second one, just as before. Hard to believe they bothered with this!
  12. Note that this only holds true when you're viewing All Notes; when viewing an individual notebook, only the count for that notebook shows.
  13. I absolutely agree with @gesshoom, @MayurH, and @StuartG. This used to work; then it broke completely; and now it sort of works on a few sites, but largely fails. "Website clipping is tricky" is just not an excuse, since it used to work well! I updated to the current version and tried a couple of clips. An article clipped from the Wikipedia app actually came through well The only real problem was with tabular information, which came through without the tabular formatting. OTOH, the screenshots below show a Web page in my browser, and what Evernote clipped from it--only the material at the bottom of the page, and didn't even format that.
  14. Just reporting that I've also been getting the "Clip failed" consistently the last few days. I have not yet updated to the fix, am dreading it slightly, but will do so and report.
  15. Some programs do automatically uppercase new sentences--word processors like Word and Nota Bene, the writing tool Scrivener. My keyboard app on my Android phone will do the same. Windows Evernote's editor remains very basic in this as in other respects.
  16. Hi @maybaum and welcome to the forums! I actually wrote a post more-or-less relevant to this: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/110944-evernote-and-lockscreen-notes-on-a-samsung-note-8/. I worked on it in connection with the lockscreen notes feature of the Note 8. The gist is that lockscreen notes are saved to Samsung Notes, and Samsung Notes will sync only to your Samsung account, but not to Evernote (what, you don't center your life on your Samsung account? ). I came up with 2 kludges to get handwritten notes from Samsung Notes to Evernote: (1) Share the notes from within Samsung Notes by using the Share function to share as PDF, then attach that PDF manually to an Evernote note; (2) better (for me, assuming it's a short note), use the S Pen's Smart Select function to select the Samsung Note's content and share the resulting image to Evernote. In either case, you can't get handwritten text from a Samsung Note into Evernote as text. However, if you created a typed text note, not handwritten, in Samsung Notes you can share it as text only to Evernote, and it appears in the default notebook as a text note. There's another, older (and better, IMHO) app called S Notes that can sync directly to Evernote (it's available in the Play Store). (Good info on Samsung Notes vs. S Notes in a Reddit post here: http://www.reddit.com/r/GalaxyNote8/comments/7100l6/difference_between_s_note_and_samsung_notes_and/; scroll down to zolares' long comment). What exactly syncs from S Note to Evernote is a bit complicated. Apparently, what is actually synced is an attached S Note .spd file and an image of the S Note. On the Android device, there is a separate main-menu top-level category "S Notes"; if you tap on a note there, it opens in S Note, not in Evernote. However, an automatically synced note is also created as a note in the default notebook, available in the Windows app and on the Web as well as the Android device, with the body of the note (even a purely text note) as an image (the attached .spd file is also there). Text in the image does become searchable (it can take a minute), with limitations: it can only be found by searching the notebook or all notes, not by searching within the note; and handwriting does not become searchable at all. But wait, there's more: in S Note, as in Samsung Notes, you can tap Share, choose a format (S Note .spd file, JPG, PNG, PDF, or text only), and then Add to Evernote. This will add a note to the default notebook (in addition to the automatically synced note), in which both text and handwriting are indexed and searchable (in JPG and PDF formats, anyway, and within the limitations Evernote has for those formats). If you choose the text-only option, of course, all the text is searchable, but naturally any handwriting won't come through at all. I hope all that is helpful. What works best for you, of course, will depend on the kinds of notes you're interested in creating and sharing. Two more points: the Android clipboard is available in both Samsung Notes and S Note, unlike Evernote, which can be convenient when typing text notes. And in all the above, note the difference between syncing and sharing. A synced note (possible only in S Note) will be updated in Evernote if you make changes to it. (The reverse cannot be done: you can't edit a note synced from S Note in Evernote, because it's in a proprietary format.) A shared note, OTOH, has only the state of the note at the time it was shared. Any further editing, whether in S Note or Samsung Notes or in Evernote, will not be synced automatically.
  17. I'm afraid it was just random. Don't know if it could be some combination of software, OS, and hardware or what. I am running the latest version of Evernote on an update Samsung Note 8. Wish I could be of some help--this must be monumentally aggravating.
  18. Actually, clipping is working again for me (which doesn't mean that it isn't still broken for many others). I just think that claiming that Evernote does no testing, unless you actually know that for a fact, is not helpful. So, MHO about YHO, and perhaps not very helpful either. I certainly understand the feeling. I've spent much of this morning feeling enraged about a Website that supposedly is looking for writers but seems to have no way of contacting their editors without an existing account.
  19. I only want to comment by asking why you think EN is reading every post. As you know, this is primarily a user-to-user forum; EN employees do look in sometimes, and occasionally respond (as Shane has now done), but there's no promise that they monitor these forums constantly. Would also like your documentation on EN doing unnecessary updates without testing, unless that's just, you know, your opinion. Dave (a recovering ranter myself)
  20. So clearly something serious going on here. I did have a clip fail the other day (but not a lockout), yet today I had it succeed. Both were from the Opera browser on an up-to-date Samsung Note 8 using the most recent Evernote. I hope Evernote responds to the support request quickly.
  21. I don't know what the options are on a Mac, but in Windows when I click the Evernote Web Clipper icon in my browser, it offers (among others), Article, Simplified article, and Full page. If you have those options, do any of them work better than others? Also, does it matter what browser you use?
  22. I totally agree with @arlcrane. I use notebooks as my main organizing tool, and in the last day I may have added or edited notes in 3 or 4 different notebooks. It's not helpful to see my most recent notes in a list; the one I'm currently looking for may be a page down. But if it opened to the notebooks list, the one I want would likely be on the same page. And it's simply much easier to scan 3 or 4 notebook titles looking for what I want than to scan a dozen note titles. In the Android Product Feedback forum, there's a feature request along these lines with 35 votes. Go give it one more! I agree that the widget is very helpful, but this option would be great.
  23. Besides @TheYodiest's good suggestion, the only thing I can think of would be a poor data connection interrupting the clip. Certainly possible, but seems less likely to happen multiple times, unless you're in a location with a problematic connection.
  24. Great idea, Stephen. I've voted it up. But it's such a good idea that it's been suggested before, and can be voted up there:
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